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Homework 11.

1. As a passenger in an aircraft which is about to water land, when should you inflate your
Must be inflate outside
2. In what unit can you find the passenger chemical oxygen generator?
Passenger service iunit

3. What is the minimum strength a typical escape rope must have?

182 kg

4. How should be storage environment for slides?

Slides must be stored deflated in their original containers wit transit pins fitted, and lightly
dusted with French chalk.

5. What type of harness does pilot seats have?

Crew seat harners have five point harness with the fifth strap between the pilot’s legs. The two
shoulder harnesses pass up over rollersat the top of rhe seat seat to inertial reel assemblies
either near the head restrain or at the bottom of the seat back

6. At what period of time, safety belts should be checked/replaced?

Before each flight

7. What is the purpose of the Seat Electronic Unit?

Fitted electronic equipment can be found equipments fitted to passenger seats.

8. Where are Passenger Service Units (PSUs) located?

Are usually situated in the celing above each row of seats

9. What cargo category are military ammo put in?

Dangerous Goods

10. How is bulk cargo secured?

Bulk cargo is handled in the old fashioned way by using manual labour: tie-down.

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