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Name: Eng Muy Kong

Class A2.6

The Rain Came Cont

After a while, it rained heavily. They got into shelter and they sat near each other. Osinda told her
to get some rest. When the rain stopped, they had to go to find food to survive. Oganda is still worried
about everything even though she is still alive. She turned her face and glanced at Osinda who was her
lover. She marvels at him for secretly worrying and saving her life. While she was contemplating,
Osinda was coaxing Oganda by telling her to sleep and told her that she will be safe with him. Oganda
smiles and tries to escape Osinda's eyes because she heard her heart pounding as she looked at him. At
this moment, she had known one thing that Osinda was the right person for her because he kept her as a
treasure except for other people, even her parents. After this moment, Oganda and Osinda start a new
life together.

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