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How to Change a Verb to a Noun

Method 1:

Adding Suffixes
Add "-ance" or "-ence" to verbs. A wide variety of verbs can be changed to nouns with the addition of
the suffixes "-ance" or "-ence." For example, the verb "appear" can become "appearance." The verb
"resist" can become "resistance."[1]

Add "-ment" to verbs. Other verbs require the suffix "-ment" to be converted to nouns. For
example, "appoint,", "assign," and "enjoy" can become "appointment," "assignment", and

Add "-tion" or "-sion.". The suffixes "-tion" and "-sion" are found at the end of many nouns. A
wide variety of verbs turn into nouns with these suffixes. For example, "inform", "decide", and
"describe" can become "information," "decision," and "description."[3]

Method 2:
Adjusting the Sentence

Locate the verb.

Add an appropriate determiner before the word.
Rewrite the sentence.

For example, look at the sentence, "The film impacted the students." The verb
here is "impacted."
 If you're changing "impacted" to a noun, you would need the determiner "an" or
the determiner “the.”
 For example, "The film impacted the students," can be changed to, "The film had
an impact on the students."

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