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Name : Lia Aftanty

Number of Student : 21202241042

1. I bought the cutest baby clothes to take to Jacey’s baby shower.

Problem: Here are we can find "baby shower" which the problem includes culture
specific concepts

2. The guests were invited to the bar to sip some cocktails.

Problem : Here are we can find "sip" which the problem includes difference positional

3. I love skiing in deep powder.

Problem: Here are we can find "deep powder" which the problem includes presupposed

4. It was so cold last night that it created a lot of hoar frost.

Problem: Here are we can find "hoar frost" which the problem includes figurative

5. She is one of the few lecturers in this department who has tenure.

Problem: Here are we can find "deep powder" which the problem includes proportional

6. We all watched in amazement as he juggled with three flaming torches.

Problem: Here are we can find "flaming torches" which the problem includes presupposed

7. She has a half brother from her mother’s second marriage.

Problem: Here are we can find "a half brother" which the problem includes collocational

8. The man was accused of producing bootleg alcohol.

Problem: Here are we can find "bootleg" which the problem includes presupposed meaning
9. In US, kids usually do trick-or-treating on October 31.

Problem: Here are we can find "trick-or-treating" which the problem includes cultural
specific concepts

10. Did you go to the Summer Ball last year?

Problem: Here are we can find "Summer Ball" which the problem includes cultural specific

11. Jamu ini berkhasiat mengatasi masuk angin dan perut kembung.

Problem: Here are we can find "masuk angin dan perut kembung." which the problem
includes the target language lack of superordinate

12. Para tetangga bekerja bakti tanpa pamrih memperbaiki rumah salah seorang warga.

Problem: Here are we can find "bekerja bakti" which the problem includes the source-
language concept is semantically complex

13. Pemerintah setempat mengusir para penghuni liar di bantaran sungai.

Problem: Here are we can find "penghuni liar " which the problem includes the source-
language concept is semantically complex

14. Jokowi terkenal dengan kegiatan blusukan.

Problems: Here are we can find "blusukan" which the problem includes the source-
language concept is semantically complex

15. Banyak orang asing menyukai masakan khas Indonesia seperti rendang dan opor.

Problem:Here are we can find "rendang dan opor." which the problem includes the arget
language lack of superordinate
16. Anak itu menjadi tukang ojek payung demi sesuap nasi.

Problem: Here are we can find "tukang ojek payung" which the problem includes the
source and target language make distinct meaning and the complexity of the source language

17. Wanita mengenakan kain jarik dan kemben.

Problem: Here are we can find "jarik dan kemben" which the problem includes the target
language lack of subordinate

18. Istrinya sedang mengidam, ingin makan rujak cingur.

Problems: Here are we can find "mengidam" and rujak cingur" which the problem includes
the source and target make distinct meaning and the target language lacks superordinate

19. Perempuan renta itu sudah menjadi kuli gendong selama 30 tahun.

Problems: Here are we can find "kuli gendong" which the problem includes the sourre-
language ennerpt is semantically complex and the sorce and target make distinct meaning

20. Kita mengunjungi teman atau saudara untuk bersilaturahmi.

Problems: Here are we can find "bersilaturahmi" which the problem includes cultural
specific concepts and the source-language concept is semantically complex

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