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Ai is taking over the world, and it's absolutely insane what you can do with it.

From super creative AI

videos to AI-rapped that sounds real, making a perfect clone of your voice, and even AI animations. Let
me show you guys the top 10 most unbelievable tools that you can use right now. One of the first AI
tools that you've got to try out is online, and you just got to search for lexica. Art. Lexica is an AI art
generator, which can make pretty much anything you can think of, and is a lot like Midjourney or Stable
Diffusion, but much easier to use. All you have to do is tap on Generate, then get started. Once you've
signed in with your Google account, you can type in any description or prompt that you'd like your
artwork to be. I wanted to see a tiny alligator swimming in a teacup. You can change the dimensions of
your canvas, then click Generate. In just a few seconds, three completely original and never before seen
art pieces get created from your description. But another mind-blowing thing about Lexica is you can
actually type in famous people like Elon Musk playing basketball, and it does a really good job at getting
the artwork to look just like them.

But as you can see, it does sometimes struggle a bit with fingers and limbs. But generally, all AI art
models seem to have this issue. Because Lexica is online, you can also use it on your desktop. But
another thing you can do is upload an image as a reference for the AI and then generate an artwork
similar to the reference image. You can use this guidance scale to tell it how much influence you want
from your description. Basically, as you can see here, the higher the number, the more creative the AI
will get and follow your description. Also, make sure to stick around because later on, I'll show you how
to take this out and create an entire video. But just wait till you hear what's next. Imagine you can take
your voice and make an AI clone of it. Believe it or not, that was actually my clone's voice. Now this is so
wild. How you do this is on a website called dscript. Com. All you do is scroll right to the bottom and
then tap on this download link. It'll start downloading the Descript application. Once you've got it open,
tap on Voices, then right over here, Create a new voice.

Then what you have to do is record a 10-minute clip of nothing else but just your voice, and it's really
important that you sound like yourself. Once you're done with your 10-minute voice clip, you're going to
drag and drop it into dscript. Then what it'll do is transcribe the entire voice clip, which you can amend if
you want, and finally submit the training data. What I really like about this AI is that it specifically asks
you if the voice you're cloning is yours. Then after around 24 hours when the AI is done cloning your
voice, all you do now is write down anything you want in the text box, wait for Descript AI to turn that
text into your voice. I just can't believe how real this sounds. But as with everything, just be careful with
this type of AI. But honestly, this can be used for so many other things, and we're already using this in
the studio. Now let me show you how to make AI music. Now the next AI tool is called mubert. Com,
which I've actually spoken about before, but you can now generate your own AI music track. The first
way to do that is by clicking on this little plus icon and choosing from different genres or moods.
You can mix them up and choose different ones to create your own track. But what's even cooler is you
can actually enter a prompt instead, like Drake, or Rapping, or Rap, hip hop, R&B, all that jazz, and in a
couple of seconds, it'll generate your own unique track that has never been heard. Now that we've got a
funky instrumental, wouldn't it be so cool if somehow AI could make rap vocals? Okay, so to create
some AI rap, I found this crazy website called uberduck. Ai. All you do is tap on Get Started, then sign in
using your Gmail account. After that, you can go to this section called Text-to-speech. Then right over
here is where you can type in your lyrics. For example, I asked ChatGPT to make some funny lyrics about
Winnie the Pooh. Then in the dropdown, you can choose from a bunch of different voices. But believe it
or not, you can choose from well-known rappers like Drake. Of course, this is all just for fun, and you
can't use this commercially. But finally, once all that is done, hit synthesize and listen to this.

Then, of course, I had to try Snoop.

We're a gang in the hizzel. Work in the hood. Finally, man, honeydew, Drizel.

This is unbelievable, and what really surprised me was how good Eminem sounds.

What? Eminem and pool of legendary band. We both think we bands with color matching hands.

I mean, with AI music, AI rap, and AI vocals, if you wanted to, you could start an AI radio station. Insane.
Now I've shown you how you can make AI art from text, but it gets even.

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