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University of Babylon MA Programme 2018-2019

College of Education for First Semester

Human Sciences ………….. Attempt
Department of English Time: Three hours

Final Examination in Phonetics and Phonology

Notes: Answer ALL questions (14 Ms each).

Q1// Draw a clear and elaborate distinction between phonetics and phonology.

Q2// Elision is said to be a “phonetically based phonological process”. Justify this

statement supporting your answer with some examples.

Q3// What is assimilation? How is it defined both phonetically and phonologically?

What are its types? Explain with sufficient examples.

Q4// Precisely and concisely, explain each of the following terms:

a) phoneme
b) distribution
c) contrast

Q5// Define the syllable phonetically and phonologically them show how its boundaries
are identified.

Good Luck!

Examiner Asst. Prof. Dr. Salih Mahdi Addai

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sahib Mubarak Head of the Department

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