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Tom Sir (6769 1718)

2023 學而思盃備考練習五

姓名﹕____________ 日期﹕____________

1) 求以下算式的值:

Find the result of the expression below:

12 + 22 + 32 + + 182 + 192 + 202

2) 求以下算式的值:

Find the result of the expression below:

52 + 62 + 72 + + 282 + 292 + 302

3) 求以下算式的值:

Find the result of the expression below:

32 + 62 + 92 + + 542 + 572 + 602

4) 求以下算式的值:

Find the result of the expression below:

153 + 303 + 453 + + 1203 + 1353 + 1503

1) 甲乙兩車分別從 C、D 兩地同時出發,相向而行,甲乙兩車速度之比為
5 : 7 。當乙車到達 C 地時,甲車距離地 D 還有 100 公里,求 A、B 兩地間的距
Two cars A and B start from C and D at the same time facing each other,
travelling in opposite directions, and the ratio of the speeds of A and B is
5 : 7 . When car B arrives at place C, car A is still 100km away from the
place D, find the distance between C and D.

2) 小積和小奇分別同時從甲城和乙城出發,相向而行。小積的速度是小奇的
,兩人相遇時,小奇已比小積多走了 200 米,問甲城和乙城相距多少米?
Tom and Jerry are travelling in the opposite direction at the same time from
City A and City B facing each others. Tom’s speed is of Jerry. When
they meet, Jerry has travelled 200 metres more than Tom. How many metres
are the cities A and B apart?
3) 凡凡從家步行去學校,如果每分鐘走 80 米,將比預定時間早到 5 分鐘;如
果每分鐘走 60 米,則比預定時間遲到 15 分鐘,那麼凡凡家距離學校有多遠?

Van walks from his home to school. If he walks 80 metres per minute, he
will arrive 5 minutes before the scheduled time; if he walks 60 metres per
minute, he will arrive 15 minutes later than the scheduled time, so how far
is Van's home from his school?

4) 小倫周六去登山,上山時速度為 3 千米/小時,到達山頂後不休息,馬上沿
原路下山,下山的速度為 5 千米/時。若上山下山一共用時 1.6 小時,這段山路

Tom went hiking on Saturday. He went up the mountain at a speed of 3

km/h. When he reached the top, he descended the mountain without resting
and went down at a speed of 5 km/h. If the total time taken to go up and
down the mountain was 1.6 hours, how many kilometres is the length of the
P6 考試時間﹕10 月 1 日 08:30-10:00

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