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Distro watch: Ubuntu

1) You will need to research on one if the Linux distribution, I will provide the name shortly.
2) What is the speciality of the Linux distribution? (1 mark)
3) When was it first released? Who is the author/parent company? (1 mark)
4) Which distribution/pricing license does it follow? Can you use it in production environment?
(1 mark)
5) What are the limitations of this Linux distro? (1 mark)
6) Compare this distro to Kali Linux? Which one would you rather choose and why? (1 mark)

Choosing between Ubuntu and Kali Linux is a frequent conundrum for people looking for a Linux
distribution that fits their unique requirements. It is critical to carefully analyze one's requirements
before making a decision because both distributions cater to various use cases and offer distinctive
Ubuntu is a general-purpose Linux distribution appropriate for a variety of applications and is
renowned for its user-friendly design and adaptability. It offers a sleek desktop interface, making
it usable by users of all skill levels, from novices to seasoned experts. It is a great option for daily
computing, software development, and server installations thanks to its sizable software
repositories and reliable LTS releases.
Kali Linux, on the other hand, is tailored for security experts, responsible hackers, and hobbyists.
It has a complete set of security tools pre-installed, making it a strong platform for digital forensics,
ethical hacking, and penetration testing. Because of its rolling release strategy, which guarantees
ongoing updating with the most recent security tools, it is a priceless tool for learning and honing
security testing techniques.

Feature Ubuntu Kali Linux

Speciality User-friendly, polished desktop Specialized for penetration testing,
environment, general-purpose OS ethical hacking, and digital forensics
First Released October 20, 2004, February 5, 2006
Author/Parent Mark Shuttleworth / Canonical Ltd Offensive Security
Distribution License GNU General Public License (GPL) Custom License
Usability in Suitable for production environments, Primarily used for security testing,
Production offers LTS releases with long-term not recommended for production
support servers
Resource Intensive Can be resource-intensive, especially Generally lightweight and
with graphical desktop environments optimized for security tasks
Release Cycle Regular releases every six months Rolling release model, continuous
Purpose General computing, software Penetration testing, ethical hacking,
development, web browsing, servers, digital forensics
Software Packages Extensive range of packages available Pre-installed with a wide array of
in repositories security tools.
Specialized repository for security
Privacy Concerns Some concerns with data collection in No significant privacy concerns
Unity (default desktop environment) related to data collection
Limitations ● Can be resource-intensive, ● Generally lightweight but
especially with certain resource usage can increase
desktop environments. when running multiple
● Regular release cycle with security tools.
frequent updates ● Rolling release model with
● Some proprietary or niche continuous updates,
software may not be readily potentially leading to more
available in repositories. frequent changes.
● LTS versions may not always ● Focus on security tools, may
have the latest hardware lack software compatibility
support. for general-purpose
● For users transitioning from computing.
other operating systems, ● Hardware support optimized
Linux may have a learning for security tasks, may not
curve. cater to cutting-edge
● Limited compatibility with hardware.
certain proprietary gaming ● Specialized tools and
software or games. terminal-based workflows in
Kali may require familiarity
with command-line usage.
● Focus on security and
testing, not optimized for
gaming compatibility.
User skill level Beginner and advanced Recommended for users with
experience in cybersecurity.
Documentation Wide availability of documents and Good availability, focused on
tutorials security and pentesting
Base distribution Debian Debian
Community support Large community, with several Active community, most focused on
communication tools, like: security and related subjects.
● Ubuntu Discourse ● Kali Linux Website and Blog
● Ubuntu Forums ● Kali Linux Forums
● Ask Ubuntu ● Discord channel
● IRC channel
● Ubuntu LoCo (Local ● Tweeter feed
community team). ● Bug tracker

● Better for General Purpose Computing, Software Development, Web Browsing, and Office
Productivity: Ubuntu is a fantastic choice for general purpose computing, software
development, web browsing, and office productivity. It makes it possible for users of all
skill levels, even beginners, by providing a professional and user-friendly desktop
● Greater Software Variety: Ubuntu's software repositories offer a wide range of software
packages covering a range of tools and applications, making it simple to find and install
the software you need.
● Dependability and Long-Term Support: Ubuntu LTS releases provide trustworthy and
stable solutions for production settings with long-term support (typically five years). It is
suitable for businesses and other organizations looking for a reliable operating system as a
● Versatility: A variety of desktop environments are offered by Ubuntu, allowing users to
choose the one that best satisfies their requirements and interests.
Kali Linux
● Cybersecurity-specific: Kali Linux was created especially for digital forensics, ethical
hacking, and penetration testing. It is a fantastic option for cybersecurity experts, ethical
hackers, and security aficionados because it comes pre-installed with a wide variety of
security tools.
● Security-Focused: Kali Linux offers a suite of specialist tools that are not typically found
in general-purpose distributions like Ubuntu and is tailored for security activities.
● Rolling Release methodology: Kali Linux provides ongoing updates using the most recent
security tools according to a rolling release methodology. This guarantees that users have
access to the most recent security tools and methods.
● Learning Platform: Kali Linux provides practical experience with security testing tools and
procedures, making it a useful instructional tool for people interested in learning about
cybersecurity and ethical hacking.

Ubuntu is a preferable option due to its user-friendliness, stability, and vast software support if
you're searching for a general-purpose operating system for daily computing needs, software
development, or server deployments.
Kali Linux, on the other hand, is a superior choice if your focus is on cybersecurity, penetration
testing, and ethical hacking because it comes with specialist security tools and offers a platform
for studying security testing methods.
The user's specific requirements and intended use case will determine whether Kali Linux or
Ubuntu is best. Its user-friendliness, dependability, and flexibility set Ubuntu apart as the ideal
distribution for server installs, general computer needs, and software development. Its large
software repository and possibilities for ongoing support increase its attractiveness for a variety of
Kali Linux, on the other hand, excels as a specialized distribution designed specifically for the
requirements of cybersecurity experts and ethical hackers. It is an essential option for everyone
interested in cybersecurity and security testing because to its emphasis on security tools and
practical experience with penetration testing.
The decision ultimately comes down to whether you require a general-purpose Linux distribution
with a polished desktop environment (Ubuntu) or a security-focused version with a large selection
of security tools pre-installed (Kali Linux). Understanding your unique goals and use cases can
help you choose the best distribution because both have advantages and disadvantages.

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