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CPS 1001 Week 2

Personal Reflection Plan

by Thazni Kassim

1. How often do I reflect?

Whenever I think it's not good to do or it's not appropriate for me to do ,I
think about it very deeply.I would like to spend time for prayers and say
thanks for such an amazing day with lot of lessons as well as happiness
given to me which make get calm and patience for handling any thoughts.
As a cybersecurity student I just refer to all the latest trends and I found its
interesting to do so because its a changing field and everyday new trends of
attacks and threats are emerging.
I feel like both these make me to happy and will help me for the personal as
well as career growth.

2. Where do I reflect best?

As an Individual I prefer to reflect on my room and I feel like sitting in

silence. Other way I choose to talk to someone who is very close to me and
who is one who will not judge me.

3. When do I prefer to reflect?

Everyday ,at the end of the day and also after some happy or sad what ever
the big things happen in my life.

4.What am I doing when reflecting?

What I did is quite simple but work better sit quite think about the reason
why I am doing this and think about what I want to be in future how can I
reach there,visualize me living my future makes me feels better.

5 .What tools do I use to reflect? (Example: writing in a journal, using an

app etc.).

Medication is the best thing work for me and sometimes taking notes of what
i did and tear it all makes me feel good.

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