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Immunity Boosters: the ONLY Solution to COVID-19

The world is in panic due this pandemic and all the governments are baffled about the next course of
action. Regulatory authorities are imposing “lock-downs” as possible counter measures however amidst
these lock-downs, economies are collapsing. People are ordered to observe “social distancing” and
chances are that if this continues, the “social animals” may either become psychopaths or may come out
on the streets. All the efforts are geared towards development of an anti-corona vaccine however very
less thoughts are given to finding out the root causes of quick invasion of this pandemic and then finding
out ways to render this virus or any future virus harmless. A quick vaccine is an ideal scenario but a safe
vaccine may take years to come then we are left with the only solution which is to increase our
defensive strength, with the help of suitable immunity boosters. This article discusses the root cause of
the problem with a simple analogy, explains in simple words how this virus invaded human body,
explains why awaiting corona vaccine is not the only solution and then finally discusses some effective
and tested Immunity Boosters.

Understanding the Problem:

As mentioned above all the thought process is focused to developing a vaccine and how to instill this
vaccine against this virus. However, nobody has thought what might be the root-cause of quick spread
of this pandemic. There is only one root-cause which is our “diminished immunity”. Wouldn’t that be
more effective to strengthen our defense system, to craft a long-term response, rather than positioning
a superficial and temporary response. Our prime inherent defense against the invaders is our immune
system and how to strengthen and reinforce our defense is the focus of this article.

Covid-19 versus mankind is a war with an invisible but not invincible enemy. We can protect ourselves
temporarily with masks or social distancing but how long we can stay behind these masks and how long
we can socially cut-off from each other. So, the only solution is to be able to fight against the opposite
army or more specifically strengthen our defense system or immune system.

How Corona Virus attacks…

COVID-19 virus uses tiny spikes to attach to our cells as a “key” to open the cell door and let themselves
in, where they can get what they need to reproduce. Our bodies fight that invasion. Fever and other
symptoms are a result of that battle. The solution therefore is to find the right “army” or properly equip
our immune system to stop those keys from opening those doors.

Our immune system is the network of cells comprising two line of defenses. First line of defense is the
“innate” immune cells which identify the enemy and trigger a response to get rid of them. Second line of
defense is the “adaptive” immune cells which are special cells that respond to ‘mop up’ the remainder
of the organisms left after the innate immune response. The adaptive immune system also keeps a
database or a “immune memory,” which helps to fight, if the same virus or germs ever attacks again.

One of the reasons of losing fight against Corona is that this virus is not yet registered in our immune
system. No one has been exposed and therefore no one has developed immunity, leaving most of us
susceptible. However, if our immune system could be given some support or buffer time to identify the
virus signature, develop antibodies as well as register the virus signature for suitable long-term
response, the immunity boosters can play a pivotal role for that.
Corona Vaccine:

Despite encouraging reports from initial clinical trials, the best-case scenario for a Corona vaccination
delivered to market is probably 18 months to 2 years. That may sound like too long, given the
seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it’s quicker than the 5 to 10 years as for many vaccines.
Scientists hope to achieve this quickness by using new quick methods, to speed up development cycle.

It should be remembered that rolling out a vaccine quickly might entail bypassing critical testing and this
may carry unforeseen side effects. For example, the campaign to vaccinate against the 1976 version of
swine flu turned out to leave hundreds of people with a rare nerve disorder. Meanwhile, a vaccine used
in some countries in Europe against the H1N1 swine flu left some with sleep disorder, narcolepsy.

Thus, even when the vaccine is developed, it may not be safe immediately because it is well known that
many companies might have bypassed critical steps or phases for vaccine development. So, people have
to wait until the development of a safe and fully tested vaccine. Meanwhile, the only solution is to resort
to “Immunity boosters”.

Immunity boosters

Following are the immunity boosters which are good against all the chronic diseases and specially virally
infected diseases:

a. Black seed oil:

Nigella sativa or Black Seed herb is a flowering herb native to the Middle East and southwest Asia.
Black Seed contains over 100 valuable components and is a significant source of fatty acids, proteins,
carbohydrates and other vitamins and minerals. Today it is used as a good source of energy, to
detoxify and rejuvenate the body, aid in digestion, boost the body’s natural immune system and
ease cough and colds, to name just a few. Scientists have tested the black seed oil and its derivative
“thyomoquinone” as an anti-inflammatory agent. What scientists have discovered is that the Black
Seed oil possessed antioxidant activity which vitally reinforces the immune system. The antioxidants
in the oil helped to slow the cartilage degeneration. The inhibitory effect suggested to the
researchers that other compounds in the oil might be responsible for the enhanced anti-
inflammatory reactions in cells. While there is still more to be studied on the benefits of black seed,
it seems as though it can be helpful for a wide variety of ailments.

More importantly though, as with most nutritional and healthy substances, black seed should be
incorporated into our everyday health so that its healing properties can help build the body's
immune system over time, supplying it with the optimum resources it needs to help prevent and
fight illness. With all the benefits of Black Seed, incorporating it into your daily routine is easy. To
make a warm healthy tea mix black seed (crushed) and pure honey with warm water. This tea can
also help when you have a cough and cold and to help ease intestinal gas.

b. Propolis oil:

Recent scientific research has strongly suggested propolis as one of the most promising
immunomodulation agents due to its specific mechanism. Immunomodulation means are
medications used to help regulate or normalize the immune system. Propolis is so valuable that
complete range of benefits has not been researched as of yet.
Propolis is produced by honeybees which collect glue materials actively from different parts of
plants. The chemical composition of propolis is quite complicated and consists of more than 600
constituents, such as polyphenols (flavonoids, phenolic acids, and their esters), terpenoids, steroids,
and amino acids. However, studies attribute the biological and pharmacological properties of
propolis to its high content of flavonoids. Propolis has a number of beneficial substances known as
flavonoids and polyphenols, which have strong antioxidant and anti-cancer activities while also
having antibacterial and antifungal properties. Basically, it soothes while killing germs, a one-two
punch that quickly and effectively knocks out anything attacking your system. Propolis can be taken
topically or used topically.

The immunity boosters are therefore a good and long-term solution to not only this pandemic but for
well-being of our generations therefore research focus should be directed to incorporating these
boosters in our normal life to achieve health and longevity.

The writer is an graduate engineer, Masters in management and PhD scholar in engineering,
additionally is involved in herbal medicines research to chronic allergies and diseases. He also works as
consultant for new products and concepts development.
Contact: 0092-343-6190207

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