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Course Name: Quantitative Research Computer Skills

Course Code: QR-CS201

BS (Information of Medical Technology) Semester 1 (Batch 1)
Total Questions:1 Total marks:10
Dead line:1st August 2023

Name: Hadia Nabi Bakhsh Roll No: 13/2022/57

Course: Quantitative Research Instructor: Sir Safdar Ali

Computer Skills
Course Code: QR-CS201 Date: 30th July 2023

 20 formulas (excluding the 5 basic) of excel with definition of just 1/2

lines with example.


1) The LEN formula

The LEN formula in Excel returns the number of characters in a given cell. For
example, if cell A1 contains the text "Hadia Nabi Bakhsh", the formula
"=LEN(A1)" would return "17", as there are 17 characters in the text "Hadia
Nabi bakhsh" including the spaces.

2)The LEFT formula

The LEFT function in Excel is a type of text function in Excel that gives the
number of characters from the start of the string, from left to right, for example,
if we use this function as =LEFT (“A1”,5) this will give us ‘Hadia’ as a result.

3) The RIGHT formula

The Excel RIGHT function extracts a given number of characters from the right
side of a supplied text string. For example, =RIGHT("A1",6) returns "Bakhsh".

4) The MID formula

When we type, =MID(A2,7,4) returns “Nabi”. It will bring the substring from 7
characters and 4 letters from the 7th position. It is used to extract a substring
from the middle of the text string.

5) The LOWER formula

It is the text that we wish to convert to lowercase and will not change the
characters in the text that are not letters like, =LOWER(A1).

6) The UPPER formula

The UPPER formula in Excel is a simple function that takes a text or a string of
characters and converts all the letters to uppercase. In other words, it makes all
the letters in the text appear as capital letters.

7) The PROPER formula

PROPER first lowercases any uppercase letters, then capitalizes first letter in
each word in the provided text.

8) The FACT formula

The FACT formula in Excel is a function that helps you calculate the fa ctorial
of a given number.

9) The POWER formula

The POWER formula in Excel is a function that allows you to raise a number to
a specific power. In simple words, to perform exponentiation, multiplying base
number by itself a certain number of times.
=POWER (base, exponent)

10) The SQRT formula

The SQRT formula in Excel is a function that helps you find the square root of a
given number.

11) The TODAY formula

The TODAY formula in Excel is a function that provides the current date based
on your computer's system clock.

12) The NOW formula

The NOW formula in Excel is a function that provides the current date and time
as a result.

13) The DATE formula

The DATE formula in Excel is a function that allows you to create a date value
based on individual year, month, and day components for example your

14)The HOUR formula

The HOUR formula in Excel is used to extract the hour component from a given
time value thus it returns the hour as an integer value from 0 to 23.

15) The IF formula

The "IF" function in Excel is a logical function that allows you to test a
condition and return different values based on whether the condition is true or
=IF (logical test, [value if true], [ value if false])

16) The COUNTIF formula

The COUNTIF function in Excel is used to count the number of cells within a
specified range that meet a given criteria thus allowing you to count cells based
on a single condition.
=COUNTIF (range, criteria)

17) The COUNTBLANK formula

COUNTBLANK formula in Excel is used to count the number of empty cells
within a selected range.

18) The CONCATENATE formula

The CONCATENATE formula in Excel is used to join or combine text from
different cells into one cell. It allows you to merge the contents of multiple cells
into a single cell.

19) The EDATE formula

The EDATE formula in Excel is a simple function that allows you to add or
subtract a specified number of months to a given date. "EDATE" stands for
"End of Month Date." It helps you calculate a new date that is a certain number
of months before or after a starting date and convert the final number to a date.
=EDATE (start date, months).

20) The LOOKUP formula

The LOOKUP formula in Excel is a simple way to find a value in a table based
on a specific search key. It allows you to look up a value either horizontally or
vertically within a range of cells.
=LOOKUP (search key, lookup range, result range)

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