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 Mental and physical health

 Mentally and physically healthy people

 The project is beneficial for BOTH, senior citizens and children.

 I have recently created a project with some excellent solutions / brilliant new ideas.

 My ideas are based on my observations / experience …

 ….is not enough for them

 This programme does not meet their needs.

 The aim of this project is …

 I have been observing this situation for 6 months / since I came back from Germany.

 People WERE ….

 They __________ their ___________ them _____________ themselves ______________

They are worried about their children that is why they take the kids everywhere with them. The kids cannot do

anything themselves. / They built the house (by) themselves.

 I am convinced, that ….

 I am sure / certain …

 I am considering …

 I am worried about …

 I doubt that …

 I am right …

 You are wrong …

 I am curious …

 It is not right to say …

 NEIGHBOUR ………………………………. NEIGHBOURHOOD ………………………………


 HARD …………………………………… HARDLY ………………………………………………

 I have met a lot of elderly people who have many fascinating interests

 20 minutes is the maximum they can walk for.

 Performance / Play / Spectacle

 The illness stopped progressing …

 Due to/ Because of …

 Last Sunday there was a fascinating event in our local park.


 Cycling paths / lanes

 Styrofoam

 To engage men in the project / in participating in the project

 To knit

 To crochet

 Teach practical skills

 Commute to school/work by bike

 Parents approve of ….
 Parents disapprove of …

 VOIVODESHIP / PROVINCE - województwo



 TOWN/CITY COUNCIL – rada miasta

 COMMUNITY – gmina

 TOWN HALL – ratusz


 DISTRICT HEAD – Starosta

 MAYOR - Burmistrz

 RURAL – wiejski , np. rural area, rural community, rural district (teren wiejski)

 URBAN – miejski, np. urban life, urban landscape, urban area, urban planning, urban population

 Long-term observations

 Be admitted to a hospital

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