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International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391 Online ISSN 2198-0810 Print ISSN 2288-6206


Trends and Perspectives of Sustainable Product Design for Open

Architecture Products: Facing the Circular Economy Model
Jaime A. Mesa1,3 · Iván Esparragoza2 · Heriberto Maury1

Received: 7 December 2017 / Revised: 25 April 2018 / Accepted: 30 April 2018 / Published online: 28 February 2019
© Korean Society for Precision Engineering 2019

The purpose of this paper is to perform the analysis of literature review regarding the design of open architecture products
(OAP) and their potential benefits within the circular economy (CE) model. The analysis involved studying more than 80
research articles during the last two decades in engineering journals. The articles were gathered through a bibliometric
analysis using the most relevant keywords concerning product design, sustainability, OAP, and CE. Main trends, challenges
and future scopes of research opportunities and development were identified. The study provides a framework to designers
and researchers involved in the design of OAP to enhance their sustainability performance for a CE model, which integrates
lifecycle considerations (reuse, remanufacturing, repair, and recycle), resource optimization, and emissions reduction. The
findings include the need for design methods focused on the design of OAP to guarantee an effective circularity of resources
during the whole lifecycle of products and the need of integrating manufacturing processes and material analysis to design
products capable of adapting to the CE model.

Keywords Sustainable design · Open architecture products · Circular economy · Research opportunities · Trends

Abbreviations 1 Introduction
AD Axiomatic Design
DFS Design for sustainability Design for sustainability (DFS) is considered nowadays as a
OAP Open architecture products remarkable topic in the product development processes for
CE Circular economy both design and manufacturing companies. The increasing
LCA Life cycle assessment of legal, market and financial pressures on manufacturing
DFMA Design for manufacturing and assembly industries to develop sustainable products pushes towards
QFD Quality function deployment the mandatory consideration of sustainability requirements
EOL End of life and the use of tools and strategies aimed to reduce environ-
mental, economic and social impacts from the product devel-
opment process [1–3]. As a result, it is common to find many
approaches focused on diminishing adverse effects of prod-
uct development in the end of life (EOL) phases of product
lifecycle including design for recycling, design for remanu-
facturing, and design for reuse among others. Authors like
* Jaime A. Mesa Kulatunga et al. [4]. and Harper and Thurston [5] establish that approximately 80% of sustainability impacts from the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad del product are decided in the product design and development
Norte, Km 5 Vía Puerto Colombia, Barranquilla 081007, stages, where future implications related to emissions, mate-
Colombia rial and energy consumption can be predicted. Therefore, the
Department of Engineering, PennState relevance of design is critical since once a product has been
University-Brandywine, 25 Yearsley Mill Road, Media, developed and manufactured its sustainability attributes are
PA 19063, USA largely fixed [6]. Several methods have been developed to
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty enhance the sustainability performance of products during
of Engineering, Universidad Tecnológica de Bolivar, Km 1 the design phase. These include quality function deployment
Vía Turbaco, Cartagenade Indias 131001, Colombia

378 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391

(QFD) [7, 8]; life cycle assessment (LCA) [9–11]; tools to (a) facilitate the interaction and supply chains among EOL
based on computed aided design (CAD) [12, 13], and phases, and manufacturing and use, (b) extend the useful life
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) [14–16], of products, and (c) improve the use of resources through
axiomatic design (AD) [17], decision support methods [18] the adaptability of products to requirements dependent on
among others. These works have remarkable significance changes in the market. Therefore, this work aims to pro-
during conceptual and primary design stages due to their vide a framework based on an analysis of literature review
contribution to the selection of materials, the reduction of for future trends and research opportunities regarding both
complexity in assembly/disassembly task for dismantling, sustainable product design and current product tendencies
recycling, reuse, and remanufacturing. framed in open architecture and CE strategies. For this pur-
According to the methods mentioned previously, it is pos- pose, a systematic and particular literature review based on
sible to identify two main approaches to consider sustain- bibliometric analysis is developed to identify the methods
ability into the lifecycle of any product: the reactive and the related to the product development process considering
preventive approaches. While the reactive approach focused attributes of both OAP and the CE models.
on minimizing adverse impacts in the EOL phases associ- This article is structured in six sections. Section 2 pre-
ated with the minimization of waste and emissions gener- sents the motivation of this research and the concerns asso-
ated in the recycling, reuse and remanufacturing [19]; the ciated with the consideration of the manufacturing system
preventive approach aims to consider sustainability impacts and the CE model into the development of products. A lit-
from early design phases. Despite the plenty of works and erature overview is included in Sect. 3. The methodology
methods related to design and final disposal phases, the employed to identify, classify and analyse the related works
vast majority of them are established and validated without is described in Sect. 4. Section 5 summarizes findings and
considering the manufacturing paradigm that defines the results from the implementation of the methodology. Finally,
architecture of products, the volume per product variant, conclusions are described in Sect. 6.
and the product variety. The most important manufacturing
paradigms identified are mass production, mass customiza-
tion and mass individualization. Mass production is related
to a high volume of unified architecture products, while 2 Motivation
mass customization is associated with the use of modules to
reconfigure partially products. Lastly, mass individualiza- The analysis of existing literature reveals the opportunities
tion is characterized by the use of modules in reconfigurable to advance in the studies of several critical aspects of DFS
systems to enables adaptation capability respect to particu- in product design for open architecture platforms. Most of
lar customer requirements to achieve highly personalized the review articles related to DFS are focused on classify-
products [20]. ing existing contributions based on the type of approach,
Nowadays, the development of products and devices is the lifecycle stages, the design phase associated, and other
dominated by a mass customization and individualization issues related to distribution of works by region, year, jour-
models, which are characterized by a manufacturing strategy nals, authors, and institutions. Several works are oriented
based on shorter useful lifetimes and a rapid replacement of to compare approaches using advantages and limitation
old product versions to increase product sales and economic analysis, while other works include particular criteria such
profits [21]. According to Koren et al. [20], the mass cus- as actors involved in the lifecycle and barriers among others.
tomization model is being replaced by a new emerging man- Table 1 summarizes the analysis of the most relevant review
ufacturing paradigm denominated mass individualization, works in the last decade concerning sustainable product
which involves the particular customer requirements from design. Such works were identified from a literature search
the design stage to create highly personalized and upgrada- using the following keywords: review, sustainability, DFS,
ble products, also denominated open architecture products method, and eco-design.
(OAP). The OAP paradigm requires then a robust product From the analysis of reviewed papers included in Table 1,
platform to generate personalized product families and prod- the following research opportunities on sustainable product
uct variants to satisfy each set of requirements from the cus- design were identified:
tomer. From the perspective of sustainability, this manufac-
turing paradigm is not desired in a sustainable development • The integration of socio-economic issues with environ-
due to the increase in population and the resource depletion mental aspects. The environment is the most relevant
expected during its implementation. dimension studied according to the results and discussion
One of the most feasible solutions to the sustainability of review papers analysed regarding sustainable design.
issues involved in the mass individualization is the circular Several works [23, 25, 28] consider the economic dimen-
economy (CE) [22]. This model entails important strategies sion and just a few the social dimension.

Table 1  Analysis of reviewed works related to DFS in products
Author Type of work Aim-motivation Criteria analysed
Type Life Design phase Distr. Distr. Another specific criterion
of tool/ cycle per per
method stage year region

(Ramani et al.) [23] Review of Eco-design tools To provide an overview and X X – – – DFX tool classification
decision support as an impor-
tant strategy
(Bovea and Pérez-Belis) [24] Review and classification of To provide to the designer a X X X – – Method basis
tools guide to selecting the best
eco-design tool
(Arnette et al.) [25] Review of DFS techniques To provide an overview of DFX X X – – – Primary design considerations
tools for sustainable product Potential performance outcomes
(Buchert et al.) [26] Analysis and Categorization of To provide a framework which X – X – – Dimension of sustainability, Type
tools for Sustainable Design combines the advantages of of processed data, User of the
different methods method, layer of abstraction
(Brones and Monteiro de Car- Synthesis of theoretical contri- Integration of more effective X – – X X Journals systemic levels
valho) [27] butions in Eco-design Eco-design tools
(Pigosso et al.) [28] Review of existing Ecodesign To identify trends and research X – – X X Paper per author
tools and methods opportunities in the next Papers per institution
decade Evolution of eco-design tools
Most used keywords
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391

(Ceschin and Gaziulusoy) [29] Evolution of DFS tools and To provide a framework of X – – – – Main Limitations
methods evolutionary works Future research directions
(Rossi, et al.) [30] New literature review of the Understanding the main obsta- X – – X – Barriers
principal eco-design tools and cles that limit their actual weakness
methods implementation in industrial Possible improvements
companies strategies
(Schöggl, et al.) [31] Summarizing of checklist tools To provide a quantitative X X – – – Analysis of actors involved
for sustainable product devel- assessment of environmental, Sustainability dimension
opment economic and social aspects Advantage
during early design phases disadvantage

380 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391

• The development of multiple lifecycles and CE strat- motivate to address efforts in consideration of OAP and
egies is highlighted as potential trends [23, 28, 30]. CE in the DFS approaches.
Optimization of products during lifecycle interactions
in manufacturing, use, and final disposal are remarked
as important issues to enhance the sustainability per- 3 Overview
formance of products and industrial companies.
• Practical case study applications of DFX tools concern- This section aims to define and illustrate the main attributes
ing sustainability. The vast majority of approaches has of the product manufacturing paradigms and to describe the
not been validated in the industrial field, despite most implications of CE concerning sustainable product design
of the works are validated through particular case stud- and its impact during the product lifecycle. The product
ies. Most remarkable research opportunities concerning manufacturing paradigms defined by Koren et al. [20] are
sustainability in product design are listed also after the detailed and compared below taking into account the most
analysis of the literature considered in Table 1. These relevant features concerning product design.
opportunities are associated with the design of OAP,
product families, and the improvement of the product 3.1 Product Design Paradigms
• Approaches and trends highlighted in the review arti- It is possible to identify three main product-manufacturing
cles analysed are focused on the study of secluded paradigms, which have established the relationships between
works and do not consider the product families and design, manufacturing, selling tasks, and the customer and
product portfolios models, which are currently manufacturer roles into the product development process.
employed as critical strategies in the optimization of These are mass production, mass customization, and mass
design and manufacturing resources in the industry. individualization. As mentioned before, mass production is
• Authors exposed a common concern about the need associated with the massive manufacturing of products with
of research efforts in support of product design for the unified or fixed architecture. Mass customization employs
CE model. Works analysed in the reviewed articles are modular product architecture characterized by modules
oriented to seclude approaches such as design for recy- designed and manufactured to generate different optional
cling, design for reuse, and design for remanufacturing. product choices to the customer. Finally, mass individualiza-
However, it does not exist a decision-making approach tion involves the use of product platforms with a large vari-
to provide a selection hierarchy to define which one is ety of product variants resulting from the use of modules
more suitable depending on the needs of the case study. designed with compatible interfaces. In this last model, the
• It is possible to identify an absence of research efforts customer can select the modules even from the design stage
regarding the design of OAP. Despite the organization and generate personalized product variants. Table 2 shows a
and rigor in the review and analysis of the literature, comparative summary of the main features of product manu-
existing works do not take into account the type of facturing paradigms according to the definition of Koren
manufacturing paradigms (mass, flexible or reconfig- et al. [20], including several examples of products to each
urable), and the existing challenges regarding OAP and paradigm.
CE. These concepts have been mentioned since early According to Table 2, product design paradigms are
2000s [20]; however, the methods and tools do not con- widely differentiated by the type of architecture, the manu-
sider them formally in the design process. facturing system, and the historical moment depending on
the evolution of manufacturing technologies. Additionally,
Analysis from review articles regarding DFS provides the roles of manufacturer and customers have also been
relevant information about interesting criteria related changing the product design paradigm. Mass production
to the type of work, geographical distribution, journals, and mass customization do not consider any participation
design phases, and authors among others. Nevertheless, of customer in the product development stages beyond the
several emergent topics related to the type of manufactur- overall customer requirements. In contrast, the mass indi-
ing paradigms, product architecture, and feasibility to face vidualization model includes the customer requirements
CE are not formally considered in the works analysed. participation at an individual level from early design
Nowadays, this situation requires holistic approaches stages to achieve highly personalized products. It is even
capable of integrating all lifecycle stages of products, possible to reconfigure the product functional architecture
involved actors (material producers, manufacturers, cus- in further stages such as use/operation, maintenance, and
tomers, and final disposers), and the conditions to establish upgrading. Cost-effectiveness of manufacturing paradigms
a CE model. Trends and research opportunities identified is also very different. The mass production is based on
economy of scale that is subject to the production volume.

International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391 381

Table 2  Comparison of product manufacturing paradigms Adapted from Koren et al. [20]
Feature Mass production Mass customization Mass individualization

Product architecture Unified or fixed Modular Modular Open-Platform

Product built Identical product Product built with one option Customer designed
Time line 1913–1980 1980–2010 2010–Nowadays
Manufacturing System Dedicated manufacturing line Flexible manufacturing systems Reconfigurable manufac-
turing systems
Milestone CNC technology raise Globalization matures –
Examples of product Nut, manufactured in millions of Portfolio of cars. Personalized PC
units. Portfolio of TV. Personalized surfing table
Components manufactured using
Profit based on Economy of scale Covering several market segments Exclusivity of products

In this case, the fixed configuration product is manufac- 3.2 Circular Economy‑CE

tured in large batches, and the profit depends directly on
the number of units sold. Mass customization takes advan- The CE concept can be defined as a model in which the
tage of the modularity and sharing of constructive compo- flow of energy, materials, and resources are related in loops
nents to reduce the manufacturing cost and aims to cover to minimize emissions during the whole lifecycle of prod-
several market segments through differentiation of prod- ucts and services. Unlike the traditional or linear economy
ucts in the number of functions and capabilities from a models that have not loops among the lifecycle, the design
modular product platform. Finally, mass individualization for sustainability is closely linked to circular product
achieves profitability through the added value of person- design. This is due to the common aim of increasing posi-
alized products. The customer can pay for a personalized tive impacts, and reducing negative impacts derived from
product due to the perception and feeling of exclusivity. any product development process such as adverse outputs
Regarding the differences of manufacturing paradigms (e.g., emissions and waste released to the environment in
from the lifecycle stages, it is possible to highlight the the air and landfills). Figure 2 shows a graphical compari-
level of participation of both manufacturer and customer. son between linear and CE models. Recycling, reuse and
Figure 1 describes the differences between tasks for remanufacturing are highlighted as feasible tasks to reduce
design, manufacturing, and use for each manufacturing adverse impacts during the lifecycle of products. According
paradigm. to the information existing in the literature, five main strate-
gies can be identified concerning CE:

Fig. 1  Comparison of strategi- Mass Mass Mass Individualization

cal tasks in different product Production Customization (OAP)
manufacturing paradigms
Design of the set of modules
Design of single Design of product variants –
Design Phase product product families
capable of generating product
families and product variants

Manufacturing Manufacturing and assembly of Manufacturing and assembly of a

Manufacturing and
and assembly of product variants and product particular set of modules to
Assembly Phase single product families generate individualized products

Customer acquires a customized Customer acquires a highly

Customer acquires
product from the options offered. personalized product. The
a product with a
Use Phase fixed functional
The functional configuration is Functional configuration allows
adjusted but fixed to the customer to reconfigure the product
needs operational performance

EOL Manufacturer
not considered by
traditional approaches Involved Actors Customer
Manufacturer and Customer

382 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391

Fig. 2  Comparison between

Linear and CE model Material

Material Recycle

Re-Manuf. Manufacturing
EOL Manufacturing



(a) Linear Economy (b) Circular Economy

• Design for circular supplies: focused on the thinking of 3.3 Relationships Identified

generating similar cycles to biological process in which
the resources are obtained and returned to their natu- After the overview of product manufacturing paradigms and
ral cycle without harming the environment [32]. This CE, it is possible to identify several relationships between
strategy also involves the generation of internal supply OAP and CE strategies. The attributes of OAP regarding
chains between stages of the product lifecycle, which modularity, reconfiguration, and product family are highly
extend the useful time of products and components. related to the strategies of the CE. Therefore, some attrib-
• Design for resource conservation: oriented to develop utes of OAP provide feasible solutions to the needs involved
products using the minimum possible resources from a in the implementation of a CE model. Consequently, the
preventative approach [33]. This goal can be achieved synergy of both concepts is a robust approach to improve
through an optimized selection of materials and a the sustainability of products considering the current trends
robust design process to provide suitable geometries in the manufacturing paradigm of mass individualization.
and manufacturing materials. Figure 3 shows the identified relationships among OAP and
• Design for long life use of products: aimed to extend CE attributes according to the literature review of this paper.
the utilization of a product during its use phase through In this subsection, the relationships identified between
activities such as reuse, repair, easy maintenance and OAP and CE are described in detail, each relationship is
upgrading [34]. This strategy involves a robust product grouped according to Fig. 3.
design oriented to manufacturing, assembly and dis-
assembly; and the modularization and standardization
of components and interfaces, which entails an easier 3.3.1 Modularity: EOL, Lifecycle Thinking
removal or reassembly [35].
• Design for multiple cycles: focused on the use and cir- Modularity entails substantial benefits to the CE from the
culation of material and resources in multiple cycles perspective of EOL through the simplification of assembly/
[33, 34]. This strategy involves the remanufacturing, disassembly task to facilitate the separation and removal of
reuse and product sharing. The multiple useful cycles components. Regarding upgrading, the modularity allows
allow taking advantage of the full useful time expected upgrading the number of functionalities and operational
from the design phase, and components can be helpful ranges of the product centring the modularization on par-
for their partial or complete failure. ticular functional component responsible for functions and
• Design for systems change: associated with the whole operational levels. Additionally, in the whole lifecycle, the
spectrum of value creation for both biological and tech- modularization provides easier maintenance, repair, and
nical cycles; this includes the development of inno- exchange of components through the standardization of
vative solutions to adapt product features to market interfaces. Modularity is highly associated with the prod-
changes [36]. uct architecture, which is considered as a crucial factor that

International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391 383

Fig. 3  OAP and CE Relation-


Open Useful Life

Extension and Circular
Architecture Reconfiguration
closing material Economy
Products flow

Product Family

connects product design to the decision making during any Analysis of Existing
lifecycle stage [36]. Review Articles

3.3.2 Reconfiguration: Useful Life Extension and Closing

Material Flow, Lifecycle Thinking Identification and clustering of
Review Parameters
The reconfiguration of products consists of the change of
constructive and functional components to adjust to new
operational requirements, such change of configuration can General Search
be considered an upgrading to achieve a new product variant. (Literature Search Engines)
The concept is associated with the optimization of resources
and the comprising of product family functionalities into a
single product; therefore, the useful life of the product can be
Detailed Filtering
diminished due to the intensity of use required. The recon-
figuration also entails an enhanced lifecycle management of
products and constructive components due to the existing
modularization among them. Related Works

3.3.3 Product Family Approach: Useful Life Extension Fig. 4  Methodological Approach employed
and Closing Material Flow

The design of a product family provides the implementation CE. Figure 4 shows the three-step proposed methodological
of modules sharing among each product variant when the approach. The first step consists of identification and clus-
customer requires to increase the operational range of the tering of review parameters according to the most relevant
product or to add new functionalities to the product. The search keywords selected from the literature review analysed
standardization and commonality among products facilitate in Sect. 2. The second step consists of searching the litera-
the extension of the useful life of products through the reuse ture using specialized databases from publishers including
of modules; this scenario is possible when the product fam- Science Direct, Springer and Verlag, Taylor and Francis,
ily is designed to operate as a modular product platform to Inderscience, SAGE, Emerald Insight, Wiley and Google
the user. Scholar. Once the search is done, articles are identified from
each cluster of keywords established using a detailed filter-
ing consisting of a comprehensive reading of abstracts in
4 Methodology step 3. The output of step 3 includes the most relevant works
concerning open architecture products and CE.
Methodology consist of three main steps which are proposed The literature search was developed taking into account
to recognize and select the most relevant papers concern- combinations of sets of most representative keywords
ing OAP products and CE strategies. The methodology associated with both sustainable product design and
aims to separate non-related from related works regarding eco-design in OAP and CE concepts. Keywords are cat-
the relationships established previously between OAP and egorized into two groups: primary keywords, related to

384 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391

sustainable product design and eco-design; and second- and organized information gathering, the most representa-
ary keywords, concerning open architecture and CE con- tive words found in the literature are separated in four
cepts. Primary keywords were selected from Pigosso et al. groups of keywords (Set of primary keywords), meanwhile
[23], which includes an extensive bibliometric analysis keywords associated with OAP and CE are included in
of 350 papers regarding sustainability and eco-design a second set of words (set of secondary keywords). The
until 2016. The most representative words identified in combination of each set of primary and secondary key-
this field are: “Eco-design,” “Life Cycle Assessment,” words are considered as search clusters. Figure 5 shows
“Design for Environment,” “Sustainability” and “Prod- the flow of information developed in this research using
uct Design.” The four secondary keywords selected are: the reviewing parameters, the sets of keywords and the
“reconfigurable,” “open architecture products,” “circular generated clusters. Different colours are implemented to
economy” and “product family.” To generate a systematic discern each cluster.

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Primary keywords Primary keywords Primary keywords Primary keywords
Ecodesign Life Cycle Assessment Design for environment Sustainability
Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design

Secondary Keywords
Open Architecture Products
Circular Economy
Product Family
Search Cluster 1
Search Cluster 2
Search Cluster 3
Search Cluster 4
Literature Search Engines
Science Direct, Springer & Verlag,
Taylor & Francis, Inderscience, SAGE,
Wiley, Emerald Insight
Google Scholar

Articles identified Articles identified Articles identified Articles identified

for further analysis for further analysis for further analysis for further analysis
n=41 n=25 n=22 n=18

Total Articles

Number Included after

reading Abstract

Fig. 5  Literature search flow

International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391 385

5 Findings and Results It is important to clarify that the works studied are com-
prised by methods oriented to improve sustainability from
After the revision of the relevant works regarding OAP and the design stage. According to authors analysed in Table 4,
CE, six main improvement fields related to the enhancement the relevance of EOL stage concerning adverse impacts
of sustainability of products during its lifecycle. Table 3 in sustainability is very high; however, it is necessary to
shows each improvement field with a brief description of include with the same importance impacts on sustainability
each one and also an identification number for further analy- derived from manufacturing and the use/operation stages.
sis. Table 4 summarizes a brief definition and aims of rel- Therefore, it is necessary from a holistic view to designing
evant works obtained from the literature review using the not only for EOL but also for all further stages to provide a
bibliometric approach. The concepts and tools employed in robust minimization of waste and adverse emissions.
each work are described as well.
Most relevant topics regarding sustainability, OAP and 5.2 Applicability of OAP and CE
CE attributes are analysed in this section taking into account
the selected works obtained from the bibliometric analysis. Despite the fact that works identified integrate several con-
Three significant topics are listed: the approach concerning cepts of both OAP and CE, it is necessary to measure the
the important categories for sustainable product develop- applicability of each design approach regarding all the attrib-
ment, the applicability of methodologies on open architec- utes required for OAP in a CE. In this work applicability is
ture products, and the absence of research in key concepts defined as the degree of consideration of main topics regard-
for the integration of OAP and CE. ing both Open Architecture and Circular Economy. There-
fore, a qualitative valuation scale is proposed and applied to
the most relevant works; Low, Medium and High levels are
5.1 Important Categories established to differentiate the works analysed. A matching
of attributes of OAP and CE previously examined is devel-
The EOL stage is the most common focus of study in rel- oped to generate the hierarchy of High, Medium and Low
evant works obtained from the literature review. Thus, recy- applicability proposed. In this way, works with four or more
cling, reuse and remanufacturing are widely studied by many Open Architecture and Circular Economy topics denote a
authors not only in CE models but also in OAP. However, high applicability (H). On the other hand, works with three
the positive impact of these activities is low compared with topics denote medium applicability (M). Finally, works with
the potential impact obtained from the product design phase, less than three topics denote low applicability (L).
in which the lifecycle impacts of materials, manufacturing Table 5 describes the applicability levels obtained for the
processes, parts and components can be improved drasti- most representative work associated with methodological
cally. In the second place, the resource efficiency related to approaches. The lack of works on reconfigurable design ori-
consumption of raw material, energy and consumables is ented to OAP is observed. This provides research opportu-
considered in less proportion by the works analysed. Exten- nities concerning to the facilitation of changing functional
sion of operational life also represent an important propor- configuration of products during its use.
tion of analysed works. Few works include the multiple life- From the perspective of the CE conception, the following
cycle generations, the reduction of emissions and the use research issues are identified: (a) the absence of considera-
of low-impact materials. Figure 6 shows the distribution of tion of upgrading as a critical strategy to reduce the needs
important categories consideration among analysed works. of different product variants to comprise a wider functional

Table 3  Important categories for sustainability in a CE model Adapted from Schöggl et al. [26]
Improvement field Description Identifier

Resource efficiency Reduction of raw material, energy consumption, and resources involved during product lifecycle 1
Use of low impact materials The inclusion of low impact manufacturing materials considered. This is related to low carbon 2
footprint and less-hazardous materials
Optimization of the EOL phase Consideration of strategies to enhance reuse, remanufacturing and recycling of products and com- 3
Upgrading of products to Use upgrading (removal and addition) of components to extend operational product life. Compo- 4
extend operational life nents are designed to be removed in short useful periods
Reduction of emissions Reduction of solid, liquid and gas emissions generated during any lifecycle stage 5
Multiple lifecycles Design components and products to achieve several lifecycles through the implementation of reuse 6
and remanufacturing strategies

386 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391

Table 4  Characterization of authors in Sustainable Product Design in OAP

Author Method/approach Aim

Vanegas et al. [37] eDiM–ease of disassembly metric Method for measuring and facilitating disassembly to
improve reuse, recycling and remanufacturing
Paterson et al. [38] End of life decision tool for remanufacturing A tool for supporting the making decision concerning EOL
Kim and Moon [39] Sustainable platform identification To identify the sustainable platform for a product family
Favi et al. [40] Design for EOL approach To help designers in the evaluation and subsequent
improvement in product EOL performance
Yu et al. [41] QFD and Modularity for EOL of product family To develop a design method for eco-issues and product
family issues
Wang et al. [42] AHP-based eco-design model To help designers to decide for evaluating eco-design
Sakundarini et al. [43] Modular design method To optimize EOL strategies by using an excel-based
Pialot et al. [44] Eco-innovative method based on upgradability To explore upgradability possibilities and to specify and
assess upgradable systems
Osorio et al. [45] Product design approach based on DFX guidelines To gather the main product design requirements for devel-
oping sustainable mass-customized products
Chou [46] ARIZ-based life cycle engineering model for eco-design To restructure a set of new product models through modu-
of products lar analysis, to develop an effective assessment method,
and to search for improvement opportunities
Mascle [47] Methodology for product rebirth To enables product design according to objectives defined
by its end of life (EOL)
Zwolinski et al. [48] Design Method for re-manufacturable products To propose an approach for integrating remanufacturing
constraints throughout the design process
Gu et al. [49] Method and guidelines for adaptable design To provide a framework concerning adaptable design and
its benefits
Kimura et al. [50] Product Modularization Strategy To design based on product functionality, commonality and
lifecycle similarity
Koga and Aoyama [51] Method for design of modular products based on its To design the optimal modular structure considering
lifecycle life-cycle calculation based on the sales of the line-up
products in the product family
Umeda et al. [21] Function behaviour state modelling To define candidates of modification of the function
structure and configuration of a upgradable platform for
modular products
Yang et al. [52]. Method to design eco-product families through modular- To provide a systematic method to develop an eco-product
ity family is proposed to improve the reusability and recycla-
bility of waste products
Wang and Tseng [53] Method to manage product end-of-life strategies through To help designers apply modular design methodologies
modular design based on the measurement of product modular architec-
ture from an end-of-life perspective
Martinez and Xue [54] Method to model adaptable products from modular To propose an overall evaluation index for adaptable
design products considering weighting factors from the whole
product utilization span
Amaya et al. [55] Life cycle analysis To help the environmental assessment of product service
systems using LCA during early design phases
Mestre and Cooper [56] Multiple loops life cycle design Establishes different circular economy approaches to
generate guiding strategies to improve sustainable design

range, and indeed to reduce the material and energy con- lifecycle (through reuse, recycling or re-manufacture). (c)
sumption incurred from the product development of addi- Finally, lack of research efforts against the programmed
tional product variants. (b) The lifecycle thinking related to obsolescence to optimize the selection of materials and the
the holistic consideration of further lifecycle stages from the durability of components associated with the useful life
design phase and the alternatives of reintegration to another expected in case of reuse and remanufacture.

International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391 387

The next topic in coverage is the product family concept

that is addressed by almost half of the works examined. This
topic is also very close to the idea of modularity. Product
families are designed to create alternatives for different mar-
ket segments varying the functional attributes or levels of a
basic product. Finally, reconfiguration and circular economy
concepts are studied only by a quarter of the works studied.
Therefore, the design for generating different functional con-
figurations from the same product and the formal considera-
tion of circular paths among product life phases provide new
study fields for future research efforts.

5.4 Future Trends Expected

Fig. 6  Important categories distribution in identified works Future trends are divided into two categories: the first one
related to the CE as a general model to design, manufacture
and dispose of products, and the second one associated with
5.3 Weakness‑Degree of Uncovered Topics
the trends in OAP facing the CE model. Future trends and
associated issues are listed below:
From all the works analysed, it is possible to affirm that
none of them integrates the attributes of open architecture
and CE concepts completely. Such absence of integration 5.4.1 Future Trends Regarding CE
is measured and described in this subsection to provide a
wide perspective of future research opportunities to improve • To integrate more manufacturing companies in the imple-
the sustainability of more complex products integrating mentation of product lifecycle strategies to achieve a
OAP, product family, modularity, reconfiguration, and CE. robust CE [31].
Figure 7 presents the percentage of coverage of the topics • To promote the eco-design for the development of re-
aforementioned. It is observed that modularity is the concept manufactured products [42].
with more coverage in the literature reviewed. The use of • To consider the economic perspective in the design of
platform-based products and common modules to generate new products for achieving competitiveness [47].
product variants is a topic highly studied to achieve more
market segments, and customers in a cost-effective manner. Issues identified

Table 5  Characterization of authors in Sustainable Product Design in OAP

(Sakundarini, et al., 2015)43

(Mestre & Cooper, 2017)56

(Koga & Aoyama, 2008)45

(Martinez & Xue, 2017)54

(Zwolinski, et al., 2006)48

(Wang & Tseng, 2011)53

(Paterson, et al., 2017)38
(Vanegas, et al., 2017)36

(Kimura, et al., 2001)50

(Kim & Moon, 2017)39

(Umeda, et al., 2005)21

(Amaya, et al., 2014)55

(Osorio, et al., 2014)45
(Wang, et al., 2015)42

(Pialot, et al., 2015)44

(Yang, et al., 2014)52

(Favi, et al., 2017)40

(Gu, et al., 2004)49

(Yu, et al., 2015)41

Main Topic
(Mascle, 2013)47
(Chou, 2014)46


Product Families



Life Cycle Thinking


Useful life Extension

and closing material

Applicability M H L H H M L L M M L L M L L M H H H H M

388 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391

• Product families are designed from customer require-

ments. However, once the product family is designed it
is hard to upgrade and to adapt the product functionalities
according to new incoming customer requirements.
• Sustainability is often applied to single products with-
out considering the manufacturing paradigm involved in
reconfiguration, customizable and personalized products.

5.5 Socio‑Economical Challenges

This subsection includes the most representative challenges

facing the implementation of an integrated model of OAP
and CE. Such challenges can be interpreted as ideal supposi-
tions about what is necessary from the perspective of social
and economic activities concerning to the design, manufac-
turing, use and final disposal of products. Five main chal-
lenges concerning society and economy are identified and
described below:

• Education for CE: it is necessary and critical to include

sustainability and lifecycle thinking in the low, mid and
high school programs to ensure that the future world’s
citizens will be able to understand the importance of
reducing the adverse impacts on sustainability. The phi-
Fig. 7  Lacks/weakness of critical concepts regarding OAP and CE losophy of sustainable development needs to be imple-
mented from early ages at home to ensure a massive
implementation in the daily human tasks and all eco-
• Lack of integration among industrial companies in the nomic activities of future generations.
sharing of supply chains from manufacturing to use, use • Consumer behaviour: this is closely linked to the first
to EOL, and EOL to remanufacturing. challenge and is related to the change of mind about
• Products are not commonly designed to be re-integrated the consumption habits and the generation of waste and
to another lifecycle. emissions from daily and industrial activities. A better
• Sustainable products can be expensive due to the exter- awareness is required to identify and prioritize the core
nalities (e.g., cost of transportation, management, re- human needs and the actual consequences of the acquisi-
manufacturing) contemplated when the product is fol- tion of products and their disposal once the useful life is
lowed during its whole lifecycle. over.
• Sustainability as added value: sustainability needs to be
5.4.2 Future Trends Regarding OAP identified as a high added value by all actors involved
in the productive chain. Products, services, and goods
• To increase efforts in the EOL of modular products and remarked as “sustainable” pushed towards a widely
the decision-making strategies involved in it [52]. spread of sustainability culture into organizations and
• To integrate sustainability into the product development companies providing competitiveness and prestigious
of complex product families according to variable cus- based on indicators, enhanced processes and policies
tomer needs [33]. addressed to generate more sustainable results. This topic
• To study and analyse the trade-off between sustainability can also be addressed from the establishment of national
and mass customization and individualization products policies and laws to enforce the sustainable development
[39]. into companies and the society.
• Integrated Market System: the implementation of the
Issues identified CE demands the connection among different companies
and industrial sectors to share non-desirable emissions
• Modularity is mainly considered from the design to and to generate supply chains to establish newly added
enhance functional attributes during the manufacturing value products or consumables for another process. For
and use of products. instance, the waste or residual raw material of a particu-

International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2019) 6:377–391 389

lar manufacturing processing can be employed as raw OAP and CE were identified and remarked, such rela-
material for another company. tionships offer future research opportunities for the
improvement of the sustainability performance of prod-
6 Conclusions (b) Consolidate relationships among companies to create
supply chains based on the waste and emissions gener-
The main result of this study is the identification of trends ated during the lifecycle of the product as opportunity
and perspectives of sustainable product design approaches of adding value and close different lifecycles.
considering OAP and CE. Previous works available in the (c) Integrate social and economic strategies to guarantee a
literature were comprehensively analysed to identify the successful implementation of design methods focused
advances in state of the art regarding sustainability respect to on CE. The existing challenges regarding social and
the current manufacturing paradigm. A bibliometric analysis economic fields are strongly related to cultural and edu-
was developed to reduce the whole number of papers with cational aspects that depend on the national education
some relevance concerning sustainability, OAP, and CE. policy.
More than 100 works were revised and filtered to achieve a
selected group of articles. As a result of the literature review
an analysis, research opportunities were identified and cate- Acknowledgements This work was supported by COLCIENCIAS
through the Ph.D. National Scholarship Program No 617-2. Contract
gorized as well as a summary of fundamental strategies con- UN-OJ-2014-24072.
sidered by authors to enhance sustainability was developed,
highlighting the lack of research considering the attributes Compliance with ethical standards
related to OAP and CE. In addition, several future trends
expected were identified from the perspective of review Conflict of interest On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author
papers analysed. In this work, several relevant gaps were states that there is not conflict of interest.
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49. Gu, P., Hashemian, M., & Nee, A. (2004). Adaptable design. CIRP reconfiguration, additive manufacturing, eco-design and engineering
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50. Kimura, F., Kato, S., Hata, T., & Masuda, T. (2001). Product
modularization for parts reuse in inverse manufacturing. CIRP Iván Esparragoza Professor of
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tainable life-cycle of product family considering future market Commonwealth Engineering at
changes. In Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Design Penn State Brandywine, PA,
Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Informa- USA. Received his B.S. in
tion in Engineering Conference, New York, USA. Mechanical Engineering from
52. Yang, Q., Yu, S., & Jian, D. (2014). A modular method of devel- Universidad del Norte, Barran-
oping an eco-product family considering reusability and recycla- quilla, Colombia. And his M.Sc.
bility of customer products. Journal of Cleaner Production, 64, and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engi-
254–265. neering from Florida Interna-
53. Wang, W., & Tseng, M. M. (2011). Design for sustainable manu- tional University, Miami, FL.
facturing: Applying modular design methodology to manage prod- His research interests include
uct end-of-life strategy. International Journal of Product Lifecycle sustainability, global engineering
Management, 5(2/3/4), 164–182. design, and education.
54. Martinez, M., & Xue, D. (2017). A modular design approach for
modeling and optimiation of adaptable products considering the Heriberto Maury Professor of
whole product utilization spans. Journal of Mechanical Engineer- Mechanical Engineering at Uni-
ing Science, 232(7), 1146–1164. pp. 1–19. versidad del Norte, Barranquilla
55. Amaya, J., Lelah, A., & Zwolinski, P. (2014). Design for intensi- Colombia. Received his B.S in
fied use in product–service systems using lifecycle analysis. Jour- Mechanical Engineering from
nal of Engineering Design, 25(7–9), 280–302. Universidad del Norte and his
56. Mestre, A., & Cooper, T. (2017). Circular product design. A mul- Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering
tiple loops life cycle design approach for the circular economy. from Universidad Politécnica de
The Design Journal, 20(sup1), S1620–S1635. Cataluña, Spain. Dr. Maury’s
research is focused on the areas
Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to of product design, concurrent
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. engineering, material handling
systems, sustainability, recon-
figuration, and modular design.
Jaime A. Mesa Associate Profes-
sor at Universidad Tecnológica
de Bolivar, Cartagena, Colom-
bia. Received his B.S in Mechan-
ical Engineering from Universi-
dad Pontificia Bolivariana,
Montería, Colombia and his
MSc. and Ph.D. in Mechanical
Engineering from Universidad
del Norte, Barranquilla, Colom-
bia. His research interests
include sustainable design,
design methods, circular econ-
omy, modular design and


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