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Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy parallel to the active stripe of

degraded buried heterostructure distributed feedback laser devices

S. N. G. Chu and S. Nakahara

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 62, 817 (1993); doi: 10.1063/1.108588

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Cross-sectional transmisslon electron microscopy parallel to the active
stripe of degraded buried heterostructure distributed feedback
laser devices
S. N. G. Chu and S. Nakahara
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974
(Received 20 July 1992; accepted for publication 14 December 1992)
We demonstrate for the first time that cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy can be
applied parallel to the active stripe of a distributed feedback buried heterostructure laser diode
to identify the cause for degradation during reliability qualification. A dominant defect
mechanism is found to be the generation of dislocation loops at or near the grating/
waveguide-layer interface which subsequently propagate up through the multilayer structure.
The vertical segments of the loops tend to be trapped onto the { 111) planes to form a V-shaped
configuration as revealed in the (011) cross section. A dislocation reaction mechanism is
proposed to explain the observed dislocation configuration. Furthermore, complicated
dislocation loops are grown out of the segments of dislocation threading through the active
region forming (100) dark line defects revealed by the electroluminescence. The defect growth
mechanism is believed to be a condensation of point defects induced by the nonradiative
recombination assisted point defect migration process similar to that previously observed in
degraded channeled substrate buried heterostructure lasers. The nucleation of dislocations at or
near the grating/waveguide layer interface is consistent with a high interfacial strain observed in
the degraded devices.

Distributed-feedback buried heterostructure (DFB) [Oi 1] orientation, it is necessary to examine the (Oi 1) cross
lasers are the commonly used single mode laser devices for section parallel to the active stripe in order to reveal the
advanced optical fiber communication systems operating in detailed defect structure associated with the grating inter-
the 1.3-1.55 pm wavelength regime for high-bite rate and face. In this letter, we demonstrate the first successful
long-haul transmission.’ These lasers employ a grown-in (Oil) XTEM study of the defect structure in degraded
grating separated from the lasing stripe by a thin wave- DFB lasers.
guide layer to provide a distributed feedback of the optical The base structure of the DFB lasers were prepared by
field for single mode operation. A typical structure of the vapor phase epitaxy on ( 100) InP substrates with chemi-
DFB-laser chip is shown in Fig. 1 along with the three cally etched gratings. Mesas of 1 ,um wide were etched and
types of sections marked with the dash lines for transmis- current blocking layers grown around the mesas to form a
sion electron microscopy (TEM) studies. The size of the buried heterostructure. The wafers were then processed
chip is 500X250 ,um and the buried active stripe in these into laser diodes. Devices which passed the performance
devices is only around 1 ,um wide X 250 pm long X 0.1 pm test were subjected to an accelerated purging test for reli-
thick. At this moment, TEM is the only technique which ability qualification. A standard purging condition is
can reveal the detailed crystalline defects developed in the 100 “C at 200 mA for 24 h. The changes in threshold cur-
degraded devices. Previously, we have identified the defect rent, peak power, slope, efficiency, etc. after purging were
mechanisms associated with device degradation during ac- measured and compared with a specification. A small
celerated aging of channeled substrate buried heterostruo
ture (CSBH) lasers2’3 and edge emitting light-emitting-
diodes.’ The success of these studies lies critically in the
skill of TEM sample preparation. Two types of the TEM
samples, (100) plan(top)-view of the active stripe and
(011) cross-sectional view perpendicular to the length of
the active stripe as outlined in Fig. 1, can now be routinely
prepared from the laser devices. For non-DFB lasers, these
two orientations are adequate for revealing the essential
defect structure inside the active stripe. It is no doubt that PLAN-VIEW
the (Oil) cross section parallel to the active stripe provides
a better view for studying the defect evolution across the (oi 1) CROSSSECTIO OSS SECTION

entire multilayer structure, however, due to the narrow

width of the active stripe, preparation of a cross-sectional
TEM( XTEM) sample in this orientation containing, the FIG. 1. Schematic diagram showing a multilayer DFB-laser structure.
The dashed lines indicate three types of TEM samples: (a) (100) plan-
active stripe is very difficult and has never been demon- vie_w, (b) (011) cross-section perpendicular to the active stripe, and (c)
strated. For DFB lasers,sincethe grating is parallel to the (011) cross section parallel to the active stripe.

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817 Appl. Phys. Lett. 62 (8), 22 February 1993 0003-6951/93/080817-03$06.00 @I 1993 American lnstitute of Physics 817 On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 14:22:56
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FIG. 2 Schematic diagram showing initial step of preparation of XTEM

sample parallel to the active stripe of a laser chip.
FIG. 4. XTEM micrograph of a different region showing a fully devel-
oped dislocation structure initiated from the same interfacial region (g
amount of the devices which failed the purging test were = [400] and z=[Olll_). The Burge_rsvectors associated with the disloca-
studied by XTEM to identify the cause for degradation. A tions are b,= 1/2[101], bz=1/2[110], and b3= 1/2[011].
cross-sectional sample parallel to the active stripe was pre-
pared in the following way. Devices debonded from the stripe,’ indicating that crystalline defects are indeed gener-
header were first etched to remove the contact metals. The ated during accelerated purging test. The corresponding
laser chip was then epoxy bonded .onto an InP bar. sur- defect structures revealed by TEM in a (Oil) cross section
rounded by two dummy InP pieces of the same thickness. parallel to the active stripe are shown in Figs. 3-5. In
The position of the active stripe was marked by the dummy contrast to the commonly observed ( 100) dislocation loops
pieces on each side of the chip as shown in Fig. 2. A second generated from the stripe mesa sidewall interface in non-
InP bar cleaved from a polished substrate was epoxy DFB lasers, Figure 3 (a) shows a 1/2[iOl] dislocation loop
bonded onto the top surface of the chip to make a sand- generated at the gratindwaveguide interfacial region and
wich structure. The details of the chemical thinning pro- propagated up halfway in to the active region. The micro-
cess using a grid masking technique have been previously graph was taken using a [;iOO] reflection. The strong inter-
described.5 The critical step in this case is to catch the 1 facial strain contrast totally obscures the sinusodial image
pm wide active stripe with the help of dummy markers in of the gratings as indicated by the hollow arrows. The
the first polish step to smooth the sandwich structure. All sample is then tilted along the axis parallel to the active
the polish steps were done manually and monitored repeat- stripe under a [220] reflection to reveal the interface in Fig.
edly under a Nomarski optical microscope. After the active 3(b). 4s expected, the dislocation is originated from an
stripe is reached, the sample is then turned over for a sec- interfacial defect lying in the grating/waveguide layer in-
ond polish thinning and finishes with a grid-masking etch- terface. A detailed study of the contrast indicates small
ing. TEM study was performed using a Philips EM 420 interfacial loops possibly formed by precipitation of point
electron microscope operated at 120 kV. defects. An additional result will be shown in Fig. 5. A
To ensure that defects were generated during purging fully developed dislocation structure is shown in Figs. 4
test, laser chips debonded from the carriers were backside and 5. Three dislocations, bl, b, and b3, are originated
polished and examined by electroluminescence imaging be- from the same interfacial region and propagate up through
fore preparing into TEM samples. A typical purge-fail de-
vice shows dark-line defect formation inside’ the active

FlG. 3. XTEM micrographs of a (Oil ) cross-section parallel to the active

stripe showing (a) 1/2[iOl] dislocation loop generated at the grating/
waveguide layer interface and propagating halfway into the active layer
(g=[%] and .r=[Oll]), the hollow arrows marked the positions of the
grating troughs, and (b), a tilted view of the same dislocation revealing FIG. 5. A tilted view of the same disIocation structure shown in Fig. 4
the interfacial defect that the dislocation originated from (g= [220] and revealing
-- the dar-k spots in the grating/waveguide interfacial region (g
2=[001]). =[202] and 2=[121].

818 Appi. Phys. Let, Vol. 62, No. 8, 22 February 1993 S. N. G. Chu and S. Nakahara 818
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the entire multilayer structure. The Burgers vectors asso-. facial dislocation loops with Burgers vectors of l/2( 1 IO)
ciated with each dislocation are determined to be 1/2[1Oi], types consistent with the threading dislocations generated
1/2[1iO] and 1/2[0]1], respectively. Since these disloca- from the interfacial defects. Examination of the as-grown
tions are nucleated locally in a highly strained region of the epitaxial structure before device processing showed neither
interface, it is reasonable to assume that their initial con- threading dislocations nor interfacial defects at the same
figurations should be similar to the single loop observed in interface. Therefore, they must be generated during the
Fig. 3. They subsequently propagate up by a mixed climb accelerated purging test by condensation of point defects at
and slip process and react with each other to form a con- the interface. The strong inter-facial strain contrast indi-
figuration as seen in Fig. 4. A possible dislocation mecha- cates a significant change in lattice constant resulted from
nism can therefore be proposed as follows. Two adjacent a localized change in composition.
dislocation_ loops with Burgers vectors b, = 1/2[ lOi] and In summary, we reported for the first time a TEM
b3= 1/2[011], respectively, are generated in the same re- cross-section study of degraded DFB-laser devices parallel
gion of the interface and propagate up during the purging to the 1 pm wide active stripe. A dominant defect mecha-
test. One of the vertical segments of each loop adjacent to nism has been identified in DFB-laser degradation during
each other react to form the middle dislocation b, shown in an accelerated purging test. In comparing to the non-DFB
Fig. 4 via a reaction 1/2[1Oi] + 1/2[Oil]= 1/2[110]. Since lasers, where the active stripe sidewall interfaces are poten-
l/2(011) dislocations in InP tend to dissociate on {ill} tial nucleation sites for dislocations during purging tests,
planes, all three vertical segments of the combined loops the presence of a strained grating/waveguide layer inter-
are eventually trapped on the {ill} planes during their face in DFB-lasers, provides an additional site for disloca-
propagation, which is believed to be a low energy config- tion generation.
uration. The complicated loops attached laterally to the The authors would like to thank W. D. Johnston, Jr.,
segments of the dislocations threading through the active V. D. Mattera, L. A. Heimbrook, and W. C. Brodsky for
region are due to dislocation climb caused by the nonradi- their support and encouragement in this work, and L. C.
ative recombination assisted dislocation climb process nor- Feldman and T. Boone for the use of TEM.
mally observed in degraded devices.4968 These complicated
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side the active region will be presented elsewhere. To fur- (1988).
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