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I. Description

To be announced

II. Target Date/Implementation

7th week of 1st Semester A.Y. 2023-2024

III. Participants

 The participants will be selected upon registration via form provided by the
PSME-PRMSU SU officers
 2nd years to 3rd years will be the priority of this project
 Anyone from the specified year levels is free to join but the main priority are the
ones struggling with their academics on the subjects which will be identified or
given by the organization advisers
 Lecturers will be appointed/selected by the organization advisers which will
solely based on their performance on a particular subjects that they have already

IV. Materials Needed

 Google Drive
 Form for Registration (Agreement letter that students who will be joining shall
finish the program and agreed to be further evaluated once it is finished)
 PSME-PRMSU SU; Social Media Accs
 Room for assessment\

V. Budgetary Requirements

 To be announced

VI. Execution

 After the registration is done, the organizers and their advisers will set and
conduct an orientation for the participants.
 Lecturers shall provide learning materials and seek for their advisers approval
before sharing it to the learners for their copy.
 Lecturers will be recording their lectures about the handouts distributed to the
learners and shall be placed in the PSME-PRMSU SU Google Drive
 Lecturers will share the google drive link for every lectures/topics one at a time
as they progress to new lessons
 The assessment will be held at selb annex
 The assessment will be held week before exam week.

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