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Multichoice midwifery

1. What is the recommended position for a mother during the first stage of labor?
a) Supine
b) Left lateral
c) Standing
d) Prone
2. Which hormone is primarily responsible for uterine contractions during labor?
a) Estrogen
b) Progesterone
c) Oxytocin
d) Prolactin
3. True or False: Delayed cord clamping is beneficial because it allows more blood to transfer from
the placenta to the newborn.
4. Which of the following is a common sign of preeclampsia?
a) High fever
b) Severe abdominal pain
c) Elevated blood pressure
d) Rapid weight loss
5. What is the Apgar score used to assess in newborns?
a) Maternal health
b) Neurological development
c) Respiratory and cardiovascular function
d) Muscle tone
6. True or False: The latent phase of labor is characterized by rapid cervical dilation and strong
7. Which stage of labor involves the delivery of the baby?
a) First stage
b) Second stage
c) Third stage
d) Fourth stage
8. What is the recommended position for a woman to adopt when breastfeeding to promote
proper latch and milk flow?
a) Upright
b) Prone
c) Supine
d) Semi-reclined
9. True or False: Engorgement is a common breastfeeding issue and occurs when there is an
insufficient milk supply.
10. What is the primary purpose of a perineal massage during labor?
a) To relieve back pain
b) To reduce the risk of perineal tearing
c) To stimulate contractions
d) To speed up labor
11. Which of the following is a non-pharmacological method for pain relief during labor?
a) Epidural anesthesia
b) Nitrous oxide
c) Acupressure
d) Intravenous pain medication
12. True or False: Postpartum depression is a rare condition and doesn't require medical attention.
13. What is the normal range for a newborn's heart rate immediately after birth?
a) 60-100 beats per minute
b) 120-160 beats per minute
c) 180-220 beats per minute
d) 40-80 beats per minute
14. Which vitamin is essential for preventing neural tube defects and is often recommended during
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B12
c) Vitamin C
d) Folic acid
15. True or False: Cesarean sections are typically recommended as the first-choice delivery method
for all pregnancies.
16. What is the primary purpose of the placenta in pregnancy?
a) To provide nourishment to the mother
b) To protect the fetus from infections
c) To facilitate gas exchange and nutrient transfer to the fetus
d) To produce hormones to stimulate labor
17. What is the term for a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus, typically in the fallopian tube?
a) Ectopic pregnancy
b) Molar pregnancy
c) Twins
d) Uterine pregnancy
18. True or False: Breastfeeding can act as a form of contraception and prevent pregnancy.
19. Which stage of labor involves the delivery of the placenta?
a) First stage
b) Second stage
c) Third stage
d) Fourth stage
20. What is the recommended duration for exclusive breastfeeding to provide optimal health
benefits for the newborn?
a) 1 month
b) 3 months
c) 6 months
d) 12 months
21. Which of the following is the primary responsibility of a midwife when caring for a woman in the
antepartum period? a) Administering pain relief b) Conducting genetic testing c) Monitoring
fetal heart rate d) Assisting with postpartum care
22. True or False: The Bishop Score is used to assess a woman's readiness for induction of labor
based on cervical dilation, effacement, station, consistency, and position.
23. During the postpartum period, what is the recommended timeframe for the initiation of skin-to-
skin contact between the mother and newborn after a vaginal delivery? a) Within 1 hour b)
Within 24 hours c) Within 48 hours d) Within 72 hours
24. Which stage of labor is characterized by rapid cervical dilation and effacement, typically from 3
to 10 centimeters? a) Latent phase b) Active phase c) Transition phase d) Second stage
25. What is the primary function of the midwife during the third stage of labor? a) Monitoring
contractions b) Facilitating fetal delivery c) Preventing postpartum hemorrhage d) Assessing the
newborn's Apgar score
26. True or False: The use of vacuum extraction during delivery is associated with a lower risk of
maternal and neonatal complications compared to forceps delivery.
27. Which of the following is a potential risk factor for postpartum depression? a) Advanced
maternal age b) Multiparity c) Homebirth d) Male newborn
28. What is the role of a midwife in providing culturally competent care to a diverse population of
pregnant women? a) Encourage patients to adapt to mainstream culture b) Respect and
incorporate the patient's cultural beliefs and practices into care c) Avoid discussing cultural
topics to prevent misunderstandings d) Standardize care regardless of cultural differences
29. True or False: The acronym "HELLP" is used to describe a condition characterized by Hemolysis,
Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelets, which can occur during pregnancy and is a variant of
30. Which of the following is a primary indication for the use of continuous electronic fetal
monitoring (EFM) during labor? a) Low-risk pregnancy b) Early labor c) Post-term pregnancy d)
High-risk pregnancy with complications
31. What is the primary goal of the "Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative" (BFHI) established by the
World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF? a) Promote breastfeeding and ensure maternity
facilities are supportive of breastfeeding b) Encourage formula feeding to ensure infant nutrition
c) Minimize the duration of skin-to-skin contact d) Promote early introduction of solid foods
32. True or False: Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a bacterium commonly screened for during
pregnancy, and if positive, antibiotics are administered during labor to prevent neonatal
33. Which of the following is a non-pharmacological method for pain management during labor? a)
Epidural anesthesia b) TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) c) Spinal block d)
Intramuscular opioids
34. What is the recommended frequency for prenatal visits during a low-risk pregnancy? a) Every
week b) Every two weeks c) Every month d) Every trimester
35. True or False: Midwives are typically responsible for performing cesarean sections (C-sections)
when complications arise during labor.
36. What is the term for the cessation of uterine contractions and cervical dilation during labor,
often requiring medical intervention to stimulate progress? a) Labor plateau b) Uterine arrest c)
Fetal bradycardia d) Prolonged second stage
37. Which maternal position is often recommended during the second stage of labor to optimize
fetal descent? a) Lithotomy position b) Supine position c) Upright position d) Semi-prone
38. True or False: Midwives are licensed healthcare professionals who can independently diagnose
and treat medical conditions in pregnant women.
39. What is the role of midwives in educating expectant mothers about birth plan options, including
home births, birthing centers, and hospital births? a) Discourage home births as unsafe b)
Promote hospital births exclusively c) Provide information about all options and respect the
mother's choice d) Encourage birthing center births only
40. Which of the following is an essential skill for midwives to perform during neonatal resuscitation
immediately after birth? a) Administering antenatal vitamins b) Assessing maternal vital signs c)
Initiating breastfeeding d) Clearing the newborn's airway and providing positive pressure
41. True or False: A midwife should encourage a woman to push continuously during the second
stage of labor to expedite delivery.

42. What is the primary purpose of Leopold's maneuvers during prenatal care?
a) Assess fetal lung development
b) Determine fetal gender
c) Estimate fetal weight and position
d) Monitor fetal heart rate

43. Which of the following is a potential complication of prolonged second-stage labor?

a) Early fetal descent
b) Precipitous birth
c) Postpartum hemorrhage
d) Fetal distress

44. True or False: Midwives are responsible for prescribing medications during pregnancy and labor
without consulting with obstetricians or other healthcare providers.

45. What is the main goal of antenatal education for expectant mothers and their partners?
a) Ensure a home birth
b) Promote cesarean section as the preferred method of delivery
c) Increase understanding of the birthing process and provide coping strategies
d) Discourage breastfeeding

46. Which of the following maternal conditions may require the use of prophylactic antibiotics
during labor?
a) Gestational diabetes
b) Preeclampsia
c) Group B Streptococcus (GBS) colonization
d) Hypothyroidism

47. True or False: Episiotomy is routinely performed during childbirth to prevent perineal tearing
and expedite delivery.

48. What is the term for a condition characterized by high blood pressure, proteinuria, and edema
that can occur during pregnancy and poses a risk to both the mother and the fetus?
a) Gestational diabetes
b) Preeclampsia
c) Hyperemesis gravidarum
d) Placenta previa

49. Which stage of labor involves the complete delivery of the placenta and its membranes?
a) First stage
b) Second stage
c) Third stage
d) Fourth stage
50. True or False: Midwives can independently diagnose and treat all medical conditions in pregnant
women and newborns without the involvement of other healthcare professionals.
51. Which of the following is a key role of a midwife during the immediate postpartum period?

a) Administering vaccines to the newborn

b) Monitoring maternal vital signs

c) Initiating skin-to-skin contact between mother and newborn

d) Administering postpartum pain relief medications

53. True or False: Midwives are solely responsible for managing all aspects of prenatal care and
childbirth without collaboration with obstetricians or other healthcare providers.

52. What is the primary purpose of the "Golden Hour" after birth?
a) Performing neonatal resuscitation
b) Conducting a newborn hearing test
c) Promoting bonding between the mother and newborn
d) Administering newborn vaccinations
53. Which of the following is a potential complication during a home birth that midwives should be
prepared to manage?

Availability of advanced medical equipment

Limited access to pain relief options

High healthcare costs

Shorter labor duration

54. True or False: Midwives do not play a role in advocating for and supporting women's
reproductive rights and choices during childbirth.

55. What is the primary function of the midwife during the second stage of labor?

Monitoring fetal heart rate

Administering epidural anesthesia

Facilitating the birth of the baby

Conducting genetic testing

56. Which of the following is a common non-pharmacological method for managing pain during

Intravenous opioids

Cesarean section

Breathing techniques

Spinal anesthesia

57. True or False: Midwives can legally perform surgical procedures such as cesarean sections
without the involvement of surgeons.

58. What is the recommended duration of exclusive breastfeeding according to the World Health
Organization (WHO)?

1 month

3 months
6 months

12 months

59. Which fetal position is considered the most favorable for vaginal birth, as it aligns the baby's
head with the mother's pelvis?

Occiput anterior

Occiput posterior

Occiput transverse

Occiput lateral

61. Which medical condition during pregnancy is characterized by elevated blood sugar levels
and may require insulin therapy for management?
a) Preeclampsia
b) Gestational diabetes
c) Hyperemesis gravidarum
d) Placenta previa

60. True or False: The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is generally safe and
recommended for pain relief during pregnancy.

Which condition is characterized by severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, often leading
to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances?
a) Gestational diabetes
b) Placenta previa
c) Hyperemesis gravidarum
d) Preeclampsia

62. Which medication is commonly used to induce uterine contractions for labor induction or

a) Ibuprofen
b) Oxytocin
c) Acetaminophen
d) Magnesium sulfate

63. True or False: Tocolytic medications are used to slow or stop contractions in cases of preterm
labor to allow time for other interventions.

64. Which condition is characterized by high blood pressure, swelling, and proteinuria during
pregnancy and can lead to severe complications if not managed?
a) Gestational diabetes
b) Placenta previa
c) Preeclampsia
d) Hyperemesis gravidarum

65. What is the primary function of progesterone supplementation during pregnancy?

a) To stimulate uterine contractions
b) To prevent preterm labor
c) To induce vomiting and alleviate morning sickness
d) To lower maternal blood pressure

66. True or False: Midwives can independently prescribe and administer a wide range of
medications to pregnant women without consulting with physicians.

67. Which drug class is typically prescribed to treat postpartum hemorrhage by promoting
uterine contractions?
a) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
b) Tocolytics
c) Uterine relaxants
d) Oxytocics

68. What is the recommended method of pain relief during labor for a woman with a known
history of opioid addiction?
a) Intravenous opioids
b) Epidural anesthesia
c) Non-pharmacological methods
d) Avoiding pain relief altogether

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