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At 21, My Life Has Begun


At the tender age of 21, I find myself standing on the precipice of a brand-new chapter in my life.
Looking back on my journey, I can't help but marvel at the countless blessings I've been fortunate
enough to experience. With a father who exudes responsibility and support, alongside a mother whose
love knows no bounds, my upbringing was nothing short of extraordinary. As part of a tight-knit brood of
four siblings, I must confess that our closeness didn't quite reach dramatic levels. In those days when we
all resided under one roof in the province, we simply coexisted peacefully, devoid of any sibling theatrics.
However, as the years rolled by and each of us embarked on our individual paths, a shift occurred—I
discovered a newfound openness with my older brother, despite the physical distance that separated us,
surpassing the connection I shared with my sister, my current housemate.

Growing up in the province unleashed a unique charm that's hard to forget. It was an era
untouched by the clutches of gadgets and social media addiction, allowing us children to wholeheartedly
immerse ourselves in the joy of "larong pinoy," those Filipino games that brought complete delight.
Among my treasured memories, I distinctly recall my skills in Chinese garter and slipper games, in which I
excelled effortlessly. As I embarked on my academic journey, success has been with me until the day of
my high school graduation. Those precious years shined with golden moments, as I marveled at a lot of
first-time encounters. I must admit, there were occasions when my adventurous spirit led me to cut a
few classes, even though I was deemed an achiever. The consequences arrived in the form of a stern
reprimand from our homeroom teacher—a hard-earned lesson etched in my memory. However, amidst
the occasional mistakes, I recall the warmth that flooded my heart when my first crush danced before
me, presenting a delicate rose during our Grade 5 Christmas Party. Then, during High school, it
introduced me to a new level of hardship, both academically and in my interpersonal relationships. I
tasted failure for the first time, failing in a subject for a quarter, and even experienced the painful loss of
a friendship. Within the folds of my family, complexities arose, which have affected my academic
performance. To make matters more challenging, my heart was bruised with heartbreak—an encounter
that still leaves a lingering imprint on my soul. In the last few years of high school, I willingly made
numerous sacrifices, sacrificing personal freedoms to shoulder the burden of a house help role to help
my parents in their struggles. Presently, I find myself juggling the responsibilities of a customer service
representative while pursuing my college degree. My motivations are clear—I yearn for independence,
especially when it comes to financial matters, and I wish to prepare myself for the painful realities that
await right after graduation.

A lot of reflections on my past yield valuable life lessons. They have cultivated within me a deep
appreciation for the freedom I now possess—a freedom that empowers me to make sound decisions and
emerge as a fortified, resilient individual. Even at the tender age of 21, I firmly believe that the story of
my life has only begun to unfold and I am anticipating the next chapters that would unwrap in my life.

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