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Internet Programming


Web Essentials:

1.Explain Client server model?

2.Explain HTTP Request Message and HTTP Response Message?


1. Explain HTML Attribute? Explain different HTML Styling?

2. Explain HTML5 Control elements? Explain <audio> and <video> elements with
example in HTML5.

3. Semantic elements in HTML5? List of semantic elements with example?


1.What is selector? Explain ID selector and class selector ?

What is different between class selector and ID selector?

2.Explain with example Inline, embedded and external CSS.

3.Explain with code text shadow property in CSS?

4.Explain Backgrounds Images Property in CSS?

5.Explain Text Property in CSS?

6.Explain Colors and properties in Css?

Chapter 2 :

1.Explain Java Script? Write short note internal and external java script with example.

2.Explain Varible & Data types in java Scripts.

3.Explain Control statement in java scripts.

4.Explain user defined function in JavaScript with suitable example.

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