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New Transformations peoples.

Most of the giants of Etharis were eliminated over

the centuries, but their magical influences, both beneficial
The following new transformations use the same rules as and cursed, still linger in pockets around Etharis. Many of
those detailed in Grim Hollow: The Campaign Guide. the giant clans of old strode the lands of Etharis.
Transformations are magical or eldritch changes that The frost giants were most prevalent in their frozen
transform a creature (including characters) into some- ice castles. The fire giants often warred with them,
thing different. The mental and physical alterations to the rising from their magma-filled, subterranean volcanic
creature come with potential benefits, but also terrible side strongholds. Even the stone, cloud, and storm giants
effects that can make survival more difficult, especially when found refuge in the lands of Valika. Of course, no place
common folk see the monster that the creature is becoming. was safe from the ravages of the brutish hill giants, and
These benefits and drawbacks are represented in the rules their ogre, troll, and ettin servants.
by boons and flaws. These are listed under the transforma- This history meant giants exceled at surviving, most
tion features for each transformation. famously through their extraordinary size and the capacity
for violence that size allows. Giants were a clannish people
who respect physical strength, and some postulate that
Giant the native people of Valika still have giant blood coursing
Guards brace the large wooden door against the hulk- through their veins.
ing creature on the other side. As the door explodes into Those who transform into giants may do so because of
splinters, the guards scatter across the room, pushing one that giant heritage. Others may come across some latent
another down or in the giant’s way to ensure their own giant magic trapped beneath the ice or in long-forgotten
safety. The giant makes short work of the smallfolk, throw- giant strongholds. Those transforming into giants might
ing their bodies around like ragdolls before making her find acceptance with the limited number of giants who
way deeper into the keep for its food stores. still call Etharis home, but only after proving themselves
As the brown bear rushed towards him, the giant worthy of respect by way of personal might or incredible
lowered himself into a squat and prepared for the impact. bravery and wit.
At the moment they met, the giant let out a belly laugh,
putting the bear into a headlock and wrestling it to the Becoming a Giant
ground. The two twist around on the ground for several Few mortals have ever transformed into giants or, more
minutes before the bear gives up and sits in the dirt beside accurately, few mortals have survived the experience.
the giant. “Good boy,” the giant said before throwing a Those who were able to transform had some ancient
large fish to the ground. ancestry that included giants, completed one of a handful
Giants are relics of a harsher time in the world, long of arcane procedures, earned the blessing of a giant high
before the gods tamed Etharis to allow for the rise of smaller priest, stumbled upon some ancient eldritch giant magic,

This preview document contains un-playtested material and is subject to change.

or a combination of these. Becoming a giant isn’t just Transformation Boon
about growing in size—it also relies on tapping into the Growth Spurt
primordial prowess of the giants that allowed them to
Your body swells as muscles grow and bones elongate, a
survive against the wilds when the world was new.
painful transformation that ends in a towering stature.
Growing in strength as a giant often means setting
If your size is smaller than Large, it is now Large. In
aside planning and reason for instinct and action. Most
addition, your maximum hit points increase by 5 and
giants don’t sit around a table plotting the downfall of
increase by 5 again each time you gain a new Giant
their enemies; instead, they take the most direct route to
transformation level.
their foes and pummel them into submission with their
bare hands. Those who show loyalty to their clan, exhibit
Transformation Flaw
formidable physical strength, and display decisiveness in
war and other contests grow in titanic power. Big Appetite
As your body has grown, so has your appetite. While you
once subsisted on a few pounds of food a day, you now
Transformation Features must eat one livestock animal a day to feel nourished. You
A Giant has the following transformation features: must eat at least 2 gp, or about 200 lbs., of food each day.
You cannot gain the benefits of a long rest on a day where
Prerequisites you have not eaten enough food.
Ability Scores: Strength 13
Roleplay: Complete an arcane ritual, consume a giant’s Alternative Transformation Flaw
heart stuffed with alchemical compounds and mashed
caterpillars, earn the favor of a giant tribe and undergo a
Heavy Soul
ceremony performed by one of their high priests to bestow Your gigantic size extends to your soul as well, making
the gifts of their titanic ancestors upon you, or accidentally it heavy and burdensome to call back from the beyond.
stumble upon ancient giant magic. When a creature attempts to return you to life using
Some of your abilities require your target to make a revivify, raise dead, or a similar spell or effect, it must
saving throw to resist their effects. The saving throw DC is provide material components worth twice as much as the
calculated as follows: spell specifies.

Transformation Save DC = Transformation Level 2

8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier
At the 2nd level of transformation, you can pick one of the
Level Milestones following Transformation Boons. In addition, you also gain
The following are examples of possible level milestones for this level’s Transformation Flaw.
the giant:
• Defeating a creature larger than you Transformation Boon
• Intimidating a group of creatures smaller than you into Foe Thrower
running away or obeying you When you are grappling a creature, you can use your bonus
• Overcome a challenge with an extraordinary feat of action to hurl the creature up to 10 feet. If the creature is
strength or excessive violence smaller than you, this distance is increased by 10 feet for
• Eating a creature the same size as you or larger each size category it is smaller than you. For example, if you
• Leading a tribe of giants into battle against another are Large and the target is Medium, you hurl it up to 20 feet.
tribe of giants If the creature lands in an unoccupied space, it must
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. If the
creature lands in a space occupied by another creature or
Transformation Level 1 would pass through a space occupied by another creature
Starting at the 1st level of transformation, you gain as part of being thrown, the thrown creature immediately
the following Transformation Boons and this level’s falls prone and the other creature must succeed on a Dex-
Transformation Flaw (or the Alternative Flaw). terity saving throw or take 2d6 + your Strength modifier
damage and be knocked prone. Increase the damage by
Transformation Boon 1d6 for each transformation level above 2.
Giant Form
Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution
Transformation Boon
score increases by 1. An ability score cannot be increased Giant’s Strength
beyond 16 in this way. Your Strength score increases by 2, to a maximum of 22.
You become a Giant in addition to any other creature In addition, when you raise your Strength score using
types you are. Spells and abilities that affect giants of a an Ability Score Increase feature, you can increase it to a
specific CR have no effect on you. maximum of 22.

This preview document contains un-playtested material and is subject to change.

Transformation Boon Transformation Flaw
Titanic Resolve Boot Quaker
When you take damage from a weapon attack, you can No matter what your intentions truly are, you can’t help
use your reaction to shrug off the worst of the harm. but provoke feelings of fear in smaller creatures. You have
When you do, you gain temporary hit points equal to the disadvantage on Charisma ability checks made against
damage taken from the triggering attack. While you have creatures smaller than you, unless you are attempting to
any temporary hit points granted by this boon, you have intimidate or frighten.
resistance to piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage.
You can use this boon a number of times equal to your Transformation Level 4
Strength modifier (minimum once), regaining all expended
uses upon completing a long rest. At the 4th level of transformation, you can pick one of the
following Transformation Boons. In addition, you also gain
Transformation Flaw this level’s Transformation Flaw.
Transformation Boon
Your steps sound like falling trees and no matter how
careful you are, you almost always leave destructive signs of Enormous Size
your passing. Creatures have advantage on ability checks You go through another excruciating transformation of
made to notice you and follow your trail. flesh and bone that concludes with you nearly doubling in
size again. If your size is less than Huge, it is now Huge,
and your reach increases by 5 feet. In addition, your
Transformation Level 3 maximum hit points increase by 20.
At the 3rd level of transformation, you can pick one of the
following Transformation Boons. In addition, you also gain Transformation Boon
this level’s Transformation Flaw. Greater Giant’s Strength
Prerequisite: Giant’s Strength
Transformation Boon
Ferocious Slam Your Strength score increases by 2, to a maximum of 24.
In addition, when you raise your Strength score using an
Your hands sprout jagged growths, visibly pushing through
Ability Score Increase feature, you can increase it to a
the skin of your knuckles. You can use your fists to make
maximum of 24.
melee weapon attacks as a bonus action. When you
hit with your fists, the strike deals 2d6 + your Strength Transformation Boon
modifier piercing damage instead of the bludgeoning
damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Swallow Whole
Once per turn, when you deal damage with your You can use an action to attempt to ingest a creature
fists, you can immediately expend and roll a Hit Die to within 5 feet that is smaller than you that you have grap-
magically regain hit points equal to the result of the roll + pled. When you do, the creature must make a Strength
the damage you dealt with your fists. saving throw.
On a failed saving throw, you swallow the creature
Transformation Boon whole. A swallowed creature is incapacitated and takes 13
Mountainous Physique (2d12) acid damage at the start of each of its turns, and it
has full cover from all creatures. At the end of a swallowed
You leverage your towering physique for greater feats of
creature’s turn, it can make a Strength saving throw. On
athleticism. Your base walking speed increases by 10 feet.
a success, you vomit the creature up into an unoccupied
In addition, you count as one size larger than you are for
space of its choice within 10 feet of you.
the purposes of determining what size creatures you can
You can only have one creature swallowed at a time.
shove or grapple, your carrying capacity, and the weight
You can vomit up a creature you have swallowed into an
you can push, drag, or lift.
unoccupied space of your choice within 10 feet as a bonus
Transformation Boon action on your turn.
Titanic Wrath Transformation Flaw
When you hit a creature or object with a melee weapon The Bigger You Are
attack, you can channel the wrath of the titans to wreak
Your prodigious size leaves you vulnerable to creatures
havoc on your foes. When you do, that attack, and all
whose size make them nearly beneath your notice.
melee weapon attacks you make until the start of your next
Creatures who are at least two size categories smaller than
turn, deal an additional 1d12 damage.
you (Small if you are Large, for example) score critical hits
You can use this a number of times equal to your
on a roll of 19 or 20 on attack rolls against you.
Strength modifier (minimum once), regaining all expended
uses upon completing a long rest.

This preview document contains un-playtested material and is subject to change.

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