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Today people have lack of free time. Most of them are busy at work.
Housewives do the work about the house and look after their children. Children and
students have much to do at school or university. So, as people have little free time
they hardly think about the way they live. They don’t walk much, but they use cars.
They don’t have time to cook and eat fast food. Unfortunately, it is really popular
nowadays. Fast food is rich in fats and harmful to our liver and kidneys.
People stop meeting each other. They prefer using the internet to
communicate. But it is not good.
To work and study well people must have good health. They must keep fit and
be cheerful. There is some advice on how to have your lifestyle healthy.
As for eating, you should have more fresh fruit and vegetables. Cereals are also
useful. Drink more fresh water and juices and drink less coffee and fizzy drinks.
Grilled food is healthier than fried food.
Do sports! It is important to exercise your body. Go jogging, join a sport club
or a gym. Don’t use the lift, climb the stairs. Walk more and breathe fresh air.
Give up bad habits. Smoking leads to lung cancer. Drinking alcohol causes
heart diseases. Don’t play computer games much.
It is good to meet your friends. Lively social life is good for all people.

Answer the following questions:

1. Do people have much free time these days?

2. Why do people have lack of time?
3. What do housewives do?
4. What do students do?
5. Why don’t people walk much?
6. Why is fast food so popular today?
7. Why is fast food harmful to our liver and kidneys?
8. What must people have to work and study well?
9. Must they keep fit?
10. Why is it important to exercise your body?
11. How often do you go to the gym or do exercises?
12. Do you go jogging? What about your friends?
13. What house do you live in? Do you use the lift?
14. Why is it good to climb the stairs?
15. What bad habits do you have? What about your friends?
16. What diseases are caused by smoking and drinking alcohol?
17. Why is it harmful to play computer games much?
18. Do you like meeting people? Why?

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