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Biology 30: Module 1: Lesson 2 1 Assignment


This Module 1: Lesson 2 Assignment is worth 18 marks. The value of each assignment and each question is
stated in the left margin.

Review how to draw labelled diagrams (last page of this assignment).

In eText, read pages 385-403. Focus on:

- grey matter - thalamus - occipital lobes

- white matter - hypothalamus - temporal lobes
- meninges - cerebrum - parietal lobes
- cerebellum - blood-brain barrier - frontal lobes
- medulla oblongata - cerebrospinal fluid - Broca’s area
- pons - cerebral cortex - Wernicke’s
- midbrain - corpus callosum area
Biology 30: Module 1: Lesson 2 2 Assignment

Use the following to answer the next question.

The proportions of the areas of the brain differ in different mammals, but the basic locations of the
functional areas are similar. Below find a lateral view of the sheep brain.

Watch sheep brain dissection. Hold Ctrl + Click link

1. Complete the table to record the functions of the brain which are visible when looking at the whole
brain. (2 marks)

Cerebrum Structure Major Functions

frontal lobe The frontal lobe is used for speaking planning and abstract
temporal lobe Temporal lobe is responsible for sound and comprehension
parietal lobe The parietal lobe processes your sense of touch and your body
occipital lobe The occipital lobe receives information that is related to your

2. Make a table to record the functions of the structures and structures in a cross section of the brain.
(4.5 marks)

Brain Structure Major Functions

spinal cord The spinal cord is responsible for walking and it also used like a pathway of
cerebellum The cerebellum is responsible for your balance and your voluntary movements
medulla oblongata The medulla oblongata is essential to regulate your respiratory systems, it also
plays a role by passing messages with the brain and spinal cord
pons It works as a connection between the cerebellum and the cerebrum it relays
different information like hearing, taste and many more.
midbrain The midbrain is very important because it regulates hearing, vision, alertness,
sleep, motor control and temperature control.
Biology 30: Module 1: Lesson 2 3 Assignment
thalamus The thalamus is responsible for the regulation of alertness and consciousness
and regulates the flow of information from both the nervous system and the
sensory system
hypothalamus The hypothalamus is there to regulate the body’s inner environment.
pituitary gland Ironically the pituitary gland is a very small organ that plays a big role. It’s
basically the king and it tells other glands to release their hormones. If it didn’t
work it would affect our mood, skin, vision and more.
corpus callosum Basically is the meeting point between the left hemisphere and the right

3. Describe the three main tissues that support and protect the central nervous system (CNS). (1.5
The central nervous system has three meninges named the dura mater, the arachnoid mater, and the pia mater.
The pia mater is a thin layer that is very close to the brain it forms a very tight membrane around the brain and
spinal cord it contains the cerebrospinal fluid. The arachnoid mater is like a cobweb that stretch between the
arachnoid and pia mater, it helps to keep the brain in place. The third and final layer is the dura mater and it is in
between the skull and the arachnoid mater, it attaches the brain to the skull from it being jostled around.

Use the following information to answer the next question.

The letters on the diagram indicate possible areas of brain damage.

4. In the table below, list the possible areas of brain damage (A to G) and describe the functional
problems that might result from damage in each area. (7 marks)

Label Structure Functional Problems

A Cerebral cortex The cerebral cortex is very important because it plays a role in
all brain functions so if you damage it can cause sensory and
emotional difficulties.
B Thalamus If you damage the Thalamus there is a possibility of movement
disorder and there is a risk of coma.
C Cerebellum You won’t be able to judge the distance and when to stop.
D Medulla oblongata If you damage your medulla oblongata then it can lead to
respiratory failures and loss of sensation.
E Corpus callosum It can lead to mental disorders and you won’t really have
control of your movement
F Hypothalamus If you damage your hypothalamus it can no longer control your
Biology 30: Module 1: Lesson 2 4 Assignment
G Pons You could lose all muscle functions.

5. Explain how MRI and PET scans can be used to improve our understanding of human brain function.
(2 marks)

The MRI is cool and it shows how your brain is structured and it can detect multiple conditions of a brain. Say for
example you were playing basketball, while you were going in for a layup you took off weird and landed weird
and hit your head. The MRI can help us when inconveniences like that happen and we have a better
understanding of the structure. Now a PET scan is somewhat different instead of looking at the structure of the
brain it looks at its functions. A PET scan can detect something internal say like cancer and whatnot. MRI and
PET can help our understanding of the human brain because as humans evolve constantly we can see how their
changing in their brain with these devices.

6. The area of the brain that controls the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
is labelled (1 mark) Please choose one.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Biology 30: Module 1: Lesson 2 5 Assignment

Once you have completed all of the questions, submit your work to dropbox A2.
Biology 30: Module 1: Lesson 2 6 Assignment

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