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La esencia del liderazgo en 5 minutos by Simon Sinek

Sasha Caprice Bresciani Llerena

In the video, Simon Sinek gave the analogy between being a leader and being a father. It
highlights that just as parents want to provide opportunities and education to their children so
they can achieve more than their parents did, great leaders have the same goal for their teams.
Two exemplary leaders are mentioned: Charlie Kim, CEO of Next Jump, and Bob Chapman, CEO
of Barry-Wehmiller.

The first example is Charlie Kim, CEO of Next Jump, a technology company in New York. Charlie
implemented a lifetime employment policy where employees can’t be fired for performance
issues. Instead, they are offered support and training, this is compared to how parents support
their children when they struggle in school. On the other hand, Bob Chapman runs a factory
called Barry-Wehmiller in the Midwest of the USA. During the 2008 recession, the company
lost 30% of its orders, and the option of layoffs to save money was considered. However, Bob
refused and proposed a furlough program where all employees would take 4 weeks of unpaid
leave. Bob's approach was that everyone should suffer a little instead of some suffering a lot.
This measure helped save money and boosted employee morale.

He also emphasizes that leadership is not just about having authority but caring for and
supporting the people around you. It mentions a story about a military officer who let his men
eat first, even when there was not enough food for himself. It emphasizes that leaders are
those who take risks and make sacrifices to protect and benefit their team. In doing so, they
generate loyalty and commitment from their people.

In summary, the video explores the importance of being a leader who provides opportunities,
support, and protection to their team, just as a good parent would with their children. It
emphasizes that true leaders care about the people around them and are willing to sacrifice for
the well-being and success of the team.

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