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EDUC 202

From your given temperament, how did you overcome the downside of it? (Classroom Situation), Give theory/ies of
learning/personality related to it, justify its connection.

Growing up, I believe that I am timid, shy, and introvert. When I am at school, I really do not talk too much, because I
am afraid to get bullied. I do not want to get so much attention that is why I am always quiet. When I entered college,
I started to be more sociable, to make new friends but still in my core I am Melancholic-Phlegmatic. Having this kind
of temperament has its positive and negative characteristics. One of the negative sides of this temperament is
Overthinking and worrying, when there will be an event that is big and challenging, I tend to overthink and worry to
much, dwelling on negative thoughts and leading to self-doubt. To overcome this, I develop mindfulness and
relaxation by listening to self-help videos, listening to Pastor Ed Lapiz with his self-encouraging videos in Youtube.
Meditation, deep breathing exercise and doing journal can be helpful. One of the downsides of this temperament is
tendency to isolate since I am having to express my emotions, I am better to be alone leading to the feeling of
loneliness. To overcome this social awkwardness, I joined a singing contest when I was in college, my goal is not to
win but to enjoy the journey and make new friends with other contestants. Until now I am still joining different
activities occasionally since my job is demanding. Another negative sides of it are avoidance of conflict, I avoid
confrontations and conflicts to keep my inner peace. I thought before this is an advantage but now it results to
unresolved issues and strained relationship. To cope up with this, we need to address the issues and come up with a
solution for both parties involved.
The learning theory that is related to this temperament is Cognitive-Behavioral Theory. This theory is aligned with
how the person process information, think, and behave in response to their thoughts and experiences. Why is this
theory related to this temperament? One reason is a Melancholic- Phlegmatic is an overthinker and worry to much,
this theory recognizes the importance of thoughts and how they can shape one’s emotions and behaviors. In this
temperament focuses on self-reflection and analyzing thoughts that is align with cognitive part of the theory. If you
have this kind of temperament, you will also have trouble in expressing your emotions, the Cognitive-Behavioral
Theory gives strategies for knowing and managing emotions, including techniques to lessen the anxiety and stress.
Person with this temperament may benefit from this theory approaches in managing specific challenges associated
with their temperaments.

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