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Roport 0. Sicoting with the Special Branch, Fouang. 22°4°% Today at 10 0.2. Brother and Sistor Alvin oud Joao Tan aud I (Foo Choo Kang) not with the Special Broncl: at tho Penang Police londyuartors. Vo wore the ones spetislly roquested by the polico to cco thon, ‘Tho following ir thc full roport of whot transpired, ‘he polico explained their ronson for calling this ncoting vith us, ‘Thoy caid that carlior this month thoy had to quoll o mascivo doronstration that had boon nounted by the Hindu Sangan at the Chettior Tomple at Waterfall Road in Penang. This wos meant to shoc. the authorities into taking actioi: agcinst cortain Chrinticn sects vho havo boon rwaning dow tho Iiindy roli;don ond causine fonily breakups. ‘The police cold thet their invostigations revecled that Johovah's Witnooces 1s one of the tvo orgenisations pointed out by the Hindu Sangen, the other being the Assembly of Cod. Hindu Sanran mde a compilation of mt gathered fron verious sources, thet ier eqneernea Zor our safety as 0.5. pointed out that the nus are quite fanatical. ite citec voned in India cone years aro ‘the Hindus tore dow ite place, ou whet heppone tthe polico stopp wu fire-uclidny corcnony and tho noxt rod God the police station and donanced an y dared to confront th i ithorities in that thon f : if sono = Cobricl raya 23 oxmmples 2 Ronquo The police are rat .elled vas suppose lead to unrest if caxnot afford to police told us that wpaboo: found preachtii¢ houso~toshouso. ‘aich oncs could be arrested and deported. ‘he clain ms mado thet our [blo is different ani thet wo use Jehovah Cod. I assuvo: tho: that our Bible is no difvoront fron othors. ic era's Pryor fron the iuthorized Version and thon shoved in the lew Vorld Trenalation, ‘They agreed that ours ie casicr I thon: showed then the Lane Jehovah in Ps. 8:18, Thoy wanted to have sono informtion about our or; anization end teaching and ed to provice then, of the Special & F verned us thet while wo cro reodo.: of vorshil] one's roli;fon, ue mst be care rot tc overctop cortain boundarios. ‘hoy cre as follower Ge yronching setivity mot not cause any reeicl disharmony, any reli ious CLohernony anc any fontly Gichornony in the commntty, i thet tho police would como d Left on any volt; fous group Lf thoy havo onouch co: ato vith the cuthorities by not wing otla2 2 down. Causing Gisunity, or foolings of cnnity, hatred or ill-will, or projudicing ote. the maintenm:ce of harmony, or unity, on rounds of roli; ion. 1) Whoever by vords, cithor spoken or written or by signs, or by ticible reprecontations, or by any act, activity or conduct, or by organizing ywonoting or arrancing, or acsicting in organizin , promoting or arranging, ayy activity, or otherwise in ony othor nemner - a) cxuses or attonpts to causo, or is holy to

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