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Paper Analysis: Contentious Event During Contemporary Period

The post-colonial period in the Philippines was the period after the country gained independence
from the United States in 1946. It was a time of great change and transition, marked by political, social,
and economic developments.

One of the most significant events during this era was the Marcos regime. The administration of
Ferdinand Marcos during the post-colonial period in the Philippines was marked by both achievements
and controversies. Marcos served as the President of the Philippines from 1965 to 1986, making him the
longest-serving President in the country's history.

During this period, President Ferdinand Marcos implemented various policies and programs to
modernize the country's economy and infrastructure. One of Marcos' main achievements during his early
years in office was his implementation of various economic and social reforms. He launched the "Green
Revolution" program to boost agricultural productivity and introduced the "New Society" program, which
aimed to modernize the country's infrastructure and industry. The government also implemented land
reform measures and expanded access to education and healthcare.

Now the honest discussion starts with the idea of the Authoritarian rulings during the Marcos
regime. On the 22nd of September, 1972. The late President Ferdinand Marcos issued Proclamation 1081,
imposing a state of martial law all over the country. As placed, martial law was implemented, according
to Marcos, for the safety and protection of civilians affected by numerous political activists and
reformists. Given that President Ferdinand Marcos was a lawyer, he thought of creating a frontal
reasoning or facade as to why he indeed implemented Martial Law. President Ferdinand Marcos spoke
proudly of his goal of placing the Philippines under a Constitutional Authoritarianism. The concept of
Constitutional Authoritarianism is purely put in a very refined and suave way by elitists and people who
mainly benefit from it. The idea in question is simply authorizing the people in power to further their
reach and implementation, directly affecting lower-class people while expecting people to submit and
follow their rulings blindly. It is evident that the concept of Constitutional Authoritarianism negates the
idea of the Philippines being a democratic country. And as per the citizens, it takes away their freedom of
thought and action. President Ferdinand Marcos, as a powerful man himself, gave him control over the
country to draw in the military forces with each and every aspect of his Authoritarian Rulings. The
innocent and wholesome facade of Constitutional Authoritarianism turned into Extra-Judicial Killings,
Salvages, and Incarcerations. With that, military forces took it as a chance to impose their own power and
incarnate their force under the regime.

It turns out, Marcos' main intention was to put the people's minds at ease through Constitutional
Authoritarianism with the ongoing rebellion, reform movements, and “aggressive” activists all over the
country. But as later revealed, he used it for his own interests and desires. Martial Law enabled him to
prolong his term and impose fear on people who act against him. Not only his implementation of Martial
law has been a torture to human rights but it brought chaos to men in power. With the military having
control, they started using it for their own interests, not to protect people from harm but to directly cause
harm to them. It was an abuse of power on the military's side. Marcos was vocal about making the
military forces part of the rulings since they are tasked to protect and further the security from the
rebellions. Looking back to it now, it was both effective and ineffective. Effective for some time in
preventing rebellious cases from arising further, but when the abuses became out of control. It became
impossible to cover up everything. It became impossible for Marcos to still hide behind his facade of
"Constitutional Authoritarianism." It resulted to chaos and uncontrollable situations that even his
entrusted military forces created a faction, whether they became Marcos Loyalists or RAM rebels.

In the fourteen years of terror, it was evident that Marcos and the military forces had projected
and personified the regime's violent capacities. To an extent where people up to this day still carry the
legacy of violence and trauma Martial Law has brought upon the Philippines.

In a Global Context, Martial Law and Authoritarianism has led to different impacts and outcomes
in different places. Examples would be South Korea putting former presidents in prison and Argentina
creating a truth commission that produced the stance Nunca Mas or "Never Again." Different countries
dealt differently. Some countries seek to fight for the justice they deserve. Others are still continuously
stuck within the cycle of fear, repeating the same mistakes. And as for the Philippines? It has tried and
constantly tries to forget all the abuse and trauma the Marcos regime has planted.

Throughout the time of Martial Law, both men and women carried fear within them. Their own
country should be their refuge, a safe place. But even in their own homes, they don't feel safe. Countless
reports on people arrested, detained, tortured. Some of them unsettlingly disappeared, and horribly,
thousands were killed. Human rights at that time were close to non-existence. Filipinos are treated as
objects, and their lives aren't valued enough. Pulling a trigger was as easy as switching on televisions. The
power the military forces held at that time was beyond believable. Almost 50 years have passed, but the
remains and remnants of the past still linger within us, especially among the people who were there.
These people of the past are instruments of the society we’re living in today. And we owe them to study
and understand how this Philippine history has had an impact on us.

In conclusion, this specific Philippine history has scarred us. In return, creating this informed and
awakened generation. After the Marcos Regime, we simply cannot consider ourselves as people living
inside the country. But as Filipinos who embrace the painful past and face the recovering future. The
Marcos Regime has a fair share of both positive gains and injustices. Through all these, the life and
country we live in today are part of the effects and impacts the Marcos regime has continued to influence
through the government and nation we live in today.

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