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The excessive use of disposable plastic is a reality that we all must face. Although it
is true that the local government has implemented new laws to regulate its use,
these regulations are not being respected and continue to affect the environment. It
is vital that we all understand the serious consequences this practice has for our
community and the planet as a whole.

Disposable plastic is one of the biggest culprits of environmental pollution. Every day
tons of this material are generated that will take hundreds of years to degrade
completely. Much of this waste ends up in landfills or, worse, in our oceans. Recent
studies indicate that by 2050, if urgent action is not taken, there will be more plastic
than fish in the sea. Besides according to the ONU states that “the plastic represent
85 per cent of the total garbage”. This alarming statistic shows the magnitude of the
problem and the need for immediate action.

The consequences of the excessive use of disposable plastics not only affect our
aquatic ecosystems, but also threaten terrestrial flora and fauna. Many animals
mistake plastics for food and, upon ingesting them, suffer serious damage and even

In addition, the production process of disposable plastic requires large amounts of

energy and natural resources, such as oil. The extraction of this non-renewable
resource has a serious impact on local ecosystems and contributes to climate
change. As if that were not enough, the plastic production process also releases
greenhouse gasses, which intensify global warming and climate change.

It is time to become aware and act responsibly. The law launched by our local
government is a first step, but we must go further. We need to reject the use of
disposable plastics and opt for more sustainable alternatives, such as biodegradable
or reusable materials. We can start by reducing our personal consumption, carrying
our own cloth bags, reusable containers and using refillable water bottles. The
magnitude of the consequences of excessive use of disposable plastics is alarming.
It is everyone's responsibility to take concrete measures to stop this problem and
protect our home, planet Earth. Let's remember that every action counts and that
together we can make a difference.

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