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ADP 邮件更新说明

由于信号不好,导致 ADP 无法通过 INTERNET 更新时,请选择邮件更新,一般

10 分钟能完成更新。步骤如下:
1,双击圆柱型的 ADP 更新图标(在 ADP 激活的钥匙图标旁边),进入如下更新

2,在下面窗口中点击 Send email to request update, 然后点击下一步

3,在弹出窗口中点击需要更新的 ADP,然后点击下一步
4,在弹出窗口中有两个选项,Send the email now 和 Store the request in
a file to send later or to sent form another PC,选择后者,下一步在
弹出窗口中把 UpdateWizEmail.txt 文件存到 U 盘。

5,发邮件给,邮件标题写 UKHOBLUR,正文空

白,附件上传 U 盘的 UpdateWizEmail.txt 文件,如果有邮件签名,则删掉

6,大概 2 分钟,UKHO 会回复邮件到发件邮箱,标题为,Response to update

request 正文为:
Admiralty Digital Publications update file 1 of 1.
In ADP you can import update files directly from your email program.
To import this update, double-click on the attachment to start the Data
Updating Wizard.
If more than one email has been sent, double-click the updates one at a
time. You can import the update files from one request in any order, but
you should import all the update files from one request before importing a
different request.
If you are unable to double-click on the attachment, save the file(s) to a
folder and import using the 'Update from file' option in the Data Updating
Status of updates:
ADRS6 Area 6: Update provided.
ADLL Area 6: Update provided.
ATT Area 6: Update provided.
ADRS2 Area 2: Update provided.
ADRS1345 Area 2: Update provided.
附件为:updates.1.buf,附件大小可以有几 M。
7,把 updates.1.buf 文件存到桌面,然后到下面界面,点击 Apply updates
you’ve already download or received via email,ftp or the weekly
update DVD,再点 Next,进行更新。

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