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y is for yak

Yaks are hairy animals

with long horns. They live
on cold mountains.

Yaks belong
to the cow
is for
yak milk ...
wild yaks

farm yaks

because yaks are kept as farm

animals. There is also a type
of yak that is a wild yak.
y is for yum!

Chomp! Chomp!
Yaks love to graze. They
mainly eat grasses and herbs.

Yum! Yum!
is for yarn

A yak’s
long, thick
hair keeps
it warm.

because a farm yak’s hair

can be made into yarn.
Yarn is thread that’s used
for clothes and blankets.
y is for years

Yaks can live up to 25 years.

and for young yaks

Young yaks are called calves.

is for
yak attack!
Yaks are mostly friendly...


but they will fight to

keep their calves safe.
tough hardworking

Let’s say yippee

and yay for...
even their yucky
give us food and yarn poop is useful!

the mighty yak!

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