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Rules for Online Classes

For Students:
1. Be ready at least 15 minutes before the class begins and check if your gadgets and connection work well.
Plugin your computer and make sure it’s charged ahead of time. Glitches in the technology mean you could
miss some vital part of your teacher’s lecture.
2. Make sure the camera is stable and that your audio or microphone works.
3. Use headphones if you have them so that unnecessary noise can be avoided.
4. Set up space, make sure it’s quiet and uninterrupted. If you have family members politely ask them not to
disturb you during the session.
5. Be punctual, log in on time to save yourself from being locked out.
6. Always log in by using your user name and ID.
7. Activate your camera so that your teacher and friends can see you as well.
8. You must have your relevant textbooks, notepads/notebooks, stationeries, etc with you to note important
points of the lesson.
9. Be attentive: Pay attention to your teacher while he/she is explaining and to your friend while he/she is
10. Participate actively: practice your English skills by sharing your thoughts during a discussion.
11. Wear appropriate clothes like you always do when you attend the physical classroom. Dressing up nicely
will make you feel appreciated, energized, and confident.
12. Make sure you talk slowly so everyone can listen to you.
13. Mute yourself while the teacher is explaining.
14. Use certain icons to briefly deliver your thoughts when you are in the mute mode, like thumbs up, wave,
15. Raise your hand and answer when your teacher calls your name.
16. Keep other devices off during class time.
17. Only post comments that are school or lesson related.
18. Attendance is compulsory and taken before every class.
19. Submit your assignments on time.
20. Stay on task, ask topic related specific questions, not irrelevant ones.
21. Do your best to use correct spelling and grammar in the chat box when asked to give input or in case of
22. Do remember that whatever you put online will stay online forever, so keep it appropriate.
23. If you are logging in from a mobile, you must activate DO NOT DISTURB option so that your lesson
doesn’t get interrupted by unwanted calls.
24. Stay disciplined and courteous otherwise, you can be removed from your class.
25. Be respectful.

1. Don’t interrupt when the teacher is speaking, wait for your turn.
2. Don’t laugh at others or make fun of your classmates.
3. Don’t unmute yourself unless your teacher asks you to do so.
4. Don’t pass negative comments or use inappropriate language.
5. Don’t draw on the screen.
6. Don’t eat or drink near your computer.
7. Don’t use emojis or slangs.
8. Don’t distract or be off task.

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