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The effects of a mobile pre-learning system with surface learning approach on

academic achievement and mobile learning attitude

Ulas Yabanova & Ozden Demirkan

When we discuss about the Academic Achievement, the mobile aspect of this system allows students
to learn at their own pace and convenience. They can access learning materials anytime and anywhere, which
can be particularly beneficial for students who may face barriers to attending physical classrooms regularly.
The flexibility offered by mobile learning can help students engage with the content more effectively, leading
to increased academic achievement. However, it is important to note that surface learning alone may not
foster deep understanding and critical thinking skills. While it can be a valuable tool for initial knowledge
acquisition, it should be complemented by other learning approaches to promote higher-order thinking.
In terms of the Mobile Learning Attitude, the convenience and accessibility of mobile learning can make
the learning experience more enjoyable and personalized. Students can explore content in interactive ways,
access multimedia resources, and engage in collaborative activities through mobile devices. These aspects can
contribute to a more favorable attitude towards mobile learning. However, it is essential to ensure that
students receive proper guidance and support to navigate the mobile pre-learning system effectively.
Adequate training and clear instructions on how to use the system can help students overcome any potential
challenges or technological barriers. Additionally, addressing concerns related to distractions or misuse of
mobile devices can also play a role in shaping students' attitudes towards mobile learning.
The main purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the mobile pre-learning system developed
according to the surface learning approach on academic achievement and mobile learning attitudes.
Materials/methods – The research was conducted with 135 university students and a 12-week pretest–
posttest unequaled control group quasi-experimental research method. Prepared in line with the content of an
Instructional Technologies course, 12 educational videos varying from 3 to 6 minutes, and designed according
to the surface learning approach, were issued to the experimental group’s students via the mobile pre-learning
system 1 day prior to the relevant lesson, and the data obtained were then analyzed.

As a result of the research, it was determined that the mobile pre-learning system developed according to
the surface learning approach had a significant effect on the participant students’ academic achievement and mobile
learning attitudes. The Result in Academic Achievement Improved retention, the mobile pre-learning system can
help students review and reinforce their understanding of the subject matter, leading to improved retention of
information. It also increased access to learning materials. Mobile learning allows students to access
educational resources anytime and anywhere, enabling them to engage with the content more frequently and
consistently. Enhanced understanding of basic concepts by surface learning approach focuses on basic
comprehension and memorization, which can contribute to better understanding of fundamental concepts.
As the result in Mobile Learning Attitude, it increased motivation in the convenience and interactive
nature of mobile learning can boost students' motivation and engagement with the learning process. With
positive perception of mobile devices as educational tools. Using mobile devices for learning purposes can help
students develop a more favorable attitude towards mobile learning, recognizing the value of technology in
education. Improved self-directed learning skills: Mobile pre-learning systems require students to take
initiative and responsibility for their own learning, fostering self-directed learning skills and a sense of
ownership over their education.

May 2021 Educational Process International Journal 10(2) DOI:10.22521/edupij.2021.102.3
The Effectiveness of Internet and Mobile Applications in English Language Learning for
Sciences’ Students in a University in the United Arab Emirates

Omnia Ibrahim Mohamed
RAK Medical and Health Sciences University,
Ras Al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
Faculty of Languages and Translation,
Sadat Academy for Management Sciences,
Cairo, Egypt

Let's discuss the effectiveness of internet and mobile applications in English language learning for
Health Sciences students in a UAE university. This study investigates the impact of internet and mobile
applications on enhancing students’ language skills. It examines the students’ opinion regarding English online
learning using the different internet or mobile applications. The participants were approximately 80 students
from RAK Medical and Health Sciences University located in Ras Al Khaimah in The United Arab Emirates. A
closed-ended questionnaire was used to collect data from the participants. Accessibility and Convenience,
Internet and mobile applications provide students with easy access to language learning resources anytime
and anywhere. Having Interactive Learning Experience Many language learning applications offer interactive
features such as multimedia content, gamification elements, and real-time feedback. In Personalized Learning
the Internet and mobile applications often employ adaptive learning technologies that tailor the learning
experience to individual students' needs. The Language Immersion are some language learning apps offer
immersive language experiences through audio and video content. Students can listen to native speakers,
watch videos with subtitles, and practice pronunciation through voice recognition technology. In
Supplementing to Classroom Instruction, the internet and mobile applications can serve as valuable
supplements to traditional classroom instruction. With Self-paced Learning and Flexibility, Language learning
apps offer self-paced learning, allowing students to progress at their own speed. Continuous Learning and
Progress Tracking Internet and mobile applications enable students to engage in continuous learning and track
their progress over time. And having Cultural Awareness, Language learning apps often include cultural
components, exposing students to the culture, customs, and traditions of English-speaking countries. This
cultural awareness is essential for Health Sciences students in the UAE who may interact with patients from
diverse cultural backgrounds. Understanding cultural nuances through language learning can improve
communication and empathy in healthcare settings.

The results revealed that internet applications have a positive impact on learning English as a foreign
language. Students’ attitudes towards using internet applications for learning English scored very high in
certain areas, while the impact was lower in some other areas that is related to speaking, listening or to group
discussions. Based on these results, the researcher suggests that internet applications can be activated at all
stages of English language learning and teaching. In the study of hypothesizes that health sciences students
who utilize internet and mobile applications for English language learning will demonstrate greater
improvements in language proficiency compared to those who rely solely on traditional classroom instruction.
The results will be analyzed using statistical methods and qualitative analysis of interview data. Possible factors
influencing the effectiveness of internet and mobile applications, such as students' attitudes, motivation, and
usage patterns, will be explored.

Agung,A, Surtikanti,M. &Quinones,C. (2020) , Students’ Perception of Online Learning during COVID-19
Pandemic: A Case Study on the English Students of STKIP Pamane Talino. Soshum: Jurnal Sosial dan
Humaniora, 10 (2), 225-235.

Akaslan, D., & Law, E.L. (2010). Measuring teachers’ readiness for E-learning in higher education
institutions associated with the subject of electricity in Turkey. Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering
Education Conference (EDUCON) – Learning Environments and Ecosystems in Engineering Education, Amman,
481–490. DOI: 10.1109/EDUCON.2011.5773180

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