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Change is inevitable! Yet our choices matter too!

Each day is a chance to cherish. Even as young as we are we can do something for the basic foundation
of what is ahead of us!

First thing, believing that you do great things and with that everything will follow.

I grew up NOT on a descent family. Eating food what is served on the table, being contented of what I
have and working hard for the things I really want to achieve. But do you think I regretted them all?

No! On the other way around, it taught me life lessons which made me shape the girl to a fine lady
standing here in front of you today!

Telling myself every single day that You can do it self; It is just a big impact within me.

Studying hard, going to college are building blocks of attaining the dreams we all want to achieve in life!

Yes! You heard it right! Let's continue to work hand-in-hand to shape the world, which is our own selves
to a better individual in the near future. It is our choice if we want!

Believing what Henley said “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. Let us be Invictus:
undefeated by all the hardships we encountered. And above all, trust everything to our Almighty Father,
because with Him nothing is impossible! Are you willing to take the challenge? Because me? I WILL.

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