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Ability Requirements: STR 13, DEX 12, CON 15

Prime Requisites: STR
A strength greater than 15 gives them+10% to earned experience.
Hit Dice d10
Alignment Restrictions: None
Races Allowed: Any
Saving Throws: As a fighter
Starting Money: As Fighter
Experience: As Barbarian
Equipment: A gladiator starts with two weapons of choice, a suit of leather armor,
hide, Studded Leather, or padded armor. They are not limited to the armor they can
Armor Allowed: Any.
Money A Free Gladiator starts with 1d10x10 Gold, A slave begins with what he has
stolen or found 1d3x10
Weapons: Any
Description: A Gladiator started his career as a slave, through prowess in the
arenas, they have won their freedom. Some have escaped. You will roll a d100 at the
start of the game, to see if you are free or an escaped slave. A roll of 01-40 you
are free. 41-00 you are an escaped slave.
Proficiencies: They are proficient in ALL Weapons and ARMOR. They can use any
weapon they come across, with no penalties. They can even use make shift weapons
with no penalties. Gladiators begin the game with the following proficiencies at no
cost. Blind Fighting, Armor Optimization, Close Quarter Fighting, and
Unarmared Combat He receives a 4 point modifier (plus or minus – his choice) to any
such rolls.
Specialization: A Gladiator can specialize in any weapon they choose, they can have
multiple specializations, as long as they have the slots in proficiencies to do it.
Initiative: Gladiators receive a -2 bonus to initiative. They are quicker to react
in combat, than others.
Thief Skills: Because of a life of slavery, Gladiators begin the game with three
thief skills of their choice. These many never be changed. They begin the game with
15% in each skill, these are modified for race and DEX as a thief. Each level,
these increase by 5%.
Two Weapon Fighting: At 3rd level, a Gladiator gains the Rangers two weapon
Fighting with no penalties.
Resolute: At 6th level, the Gladiator can function at negative hit points. He does
not go unconscious till he reaches negative 11,and dies at -20.
Followers At 12th level, the Gladiator will attract followers, because of their
reputation. They are as the FIGHTERS followers, but will all be Gladiators. .
Gladiators my face duels with other Gladiators. This is a matter of honor, and if
they back out these challenges, they may be hunted down by the challenger.
A gladiator may have to prove their freedom, this is done by showing a paper that
states they are free (in a certain area). These papers are generally valid in all
areas, but some do not honor it.
Gladiators have brands that are recognized by arenas, owners, and other Gladiators.
They are always on the left side of neck. All brands are known by most of the

NOTE Armor Optimization is a Proficiency in my game.. You can add that to the

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