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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Quiz 1- ORAL
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and understand each statement and write the letter of your answer on your paper.
1. Which doesn’t belong to the group?
a. Sender c. Receiver
b. Model d. Feedback

2. Communication can be expressed through the following except:

a. time c. written or spoken words
b. actions d. both written and spoken words

3. In the communication process, the sender performs the following EXCEPT:

a. decoding ideas c. generating ideas
b. encoding ideas d. sending the message

4. Which of the following elements of communication refers to the process of converting the idea into words or
actions by the speaker?
a. Receiver c. Encoding
b. Channel d. Decoding

5. Which of the following cannot be considered nature of communication?

a. Communication is a process.
b. Communication only occurs between two people.
c. Communication can be expressed in words, in actions, or both words and actions at the same time.
d. Communication occurs between the speaker and the receiver.

6. Which order best explains the process of communication?

A. The receiver gets the message.
B. The speaker transmits or sends out a message.
C. The speaker generates an idea.
D. The receiver decodes or interprets the message based on the context.
E. The speaker encodes an idea or converts the idea into words or actions.
F. The receiver sends or provide feedback.


7. The following are forms of non- verbal communication except

a. Reciting in a class c. Frowning
b. Hugging a friend d. Clapping

8. Which of the following is not a channel?

a. Phone call c. E- mail
b. Letter d. Environment

9. It is the sender of the message.

a. barrier c. receiver
b. originator d. sender

10. It is an indication that communication really takes place.

a. when the message enters the channel
b. when the message leaves the channel
c. when the receiver understands the message
d. when the sender transmits the message

11. It is the hindrance of the communication.

a. receiver c. sender
b. noise d. message

12. Which model shows a one-way communication where the source of information does not know whether the
message is understood or not?
a. interactive c. linear
b. transactional d. a and b

13. Which of the following is an example of a one-way communication?

a. a church leader giving a homily to a crowd of people
b. a teacher encouraging students to give their thoughts on a relevant issue
c. classmates talking about how to accomplish their assignments
d. all the above

14. Which element is NOT found in Shannon-Weaver model?

a. barrier c. channel
b. feedback d. receiver

15. Which communication model is dynamic where the process does not stop after one has given a feedback and
continues to progress as topics and persons involved may change overtime, too?
a. interactive c. linear
b. transactional d. A and C

II. MATCHING TYPE. Match the sentences in column A with the functions of communication in column B.

1. “Take your medicine before you go to bed.”
2. “I like you so much.” a. Regulation/Control
3. “You’re on the right track. Keep up the good
work.” b. Social Interaction
4. “Would you like to go to church with me?”
5. “Finish your work before you go.”
6. “I’m so happy to have you in my life.” c. Motivation
7. “My dream is to finish my Senior High School
despite this pandemic”. d. Emotional Expression
8. “Come on! You can do it!”
9. “Wash the dishes now, or else I won’t allow
you to go to the party later.”
10. "It's been a while since we talked."

III. ENUMERATION. Enumerate the following.

A. 8 Elements of Communication Process

B. 4 Functions of Communication
C. 3 Samples of Linear Communication

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