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Name: Charlie Tome

Course: BSBA

Working from home

The first challenge was how to finish the work in time. For the first two weeks of
working from home 01my work was much behind schedule to change the situation by
the third week I adjust my working hours to adapt to the new working. Another challenge
was training new employee in 2020, my team got a new member. During the pandemic I
had to develop a different training. Working from home also had some benefits. From
personal life for the first two weeks starting the third week. I change my routine and got
up the same time as before to do my indoor workout for one hour before breakfast every
day. Another big benefit of working from home was that I had more time to spend with
my family.

Change as a Permanent Reality

“There is the popular adage which states that nothing is permanent in this world
and in this life except for change. Sometimes we tend to move towards where the
majority are directed and we even tend to decide according to the impulse of the
significant others. However, it is a natural course among humans to be swayed by what
is approved by the community. The existence of laws, mores, norms and morals are but
guidelines set by the majority.

But do you realize that you can actually be a driver of change. This time we
continue to adapt to changes which adds spice and life to everyday life. Change affects
us all and we each deal with change differently. This is only constant in life the only
thing we can be sure will happen. Change us the only reality in nature, we’ve all made
changes in our lives, both good and bad, expected and unexpected.

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