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Name: Shaheen E. Ahamed Strand ________________________________

Title: Bioethanol Production from Molasses Author: __________________________________

Source: IOPScience Date: _____________________________________

1. Identify the main idea of the article. Write one or two sentences that summarize each main idea.
Sugarcane molasses is a by-product of sugarcane products that can be used as bioethanol
production. Bioethanol produced through a fermentation process that can be done by various
micro-organisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is often used to make fvels.

2. Identify and define at least five terms that are either new to you or are related to biotechnology,
or biology topics.
1. Sugar Level Reduction
2. Hydrolysis and Fermentation
3. Microbial Growth during Hydrolysis
4. Ethanol Level
5. Yeast Percentage Consortium

3. What question does the article raise? Does the article present different viewpoints? If so,
compare and contrast each point of view?
It states that is it really more compatible and better than petrol in terms of quality. It only
focuses on the idea of fermentation.

4. What is your reaction to the article? Do you accept the findings? Why or why not?
I think sugarcane molasses is an effective raw material for production of ethanol. Yes because
ethanol is a major product used for fvel production.

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