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Your peers or the people you manage might initially be hesitant to provide feedback because they’re not sure how to
deliver it — or worry they’ll hurt your feelings.
To ease their concerns:

Show that you’re receptive

Let others know that your goal is to improve personally and
professionally, and that their feedback will help you do so.

Acknowledge possible discomfort

Reassure them that although delivering feedback can be
uncomfortable, you’ll receive it with professionalism.

Be clear about what you’re seeking

Take the lead and open the conversation with specific
questions to invite constructive feedback.

Share your plan

Once you’ve received their feedback, let them know how
you’ll use it to change your behavior.

Source: “How to Encourage Your Team to Give You Honest Feedback,” by Deborah Grayson Riegel. Harvard Business Review, October 28, 2022.

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