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We are currently experiencing a challenging situation which is the virus called Covid 19 this virus gave
different struggles in each and every one of us we are not able to live normal like how we used to be
this virus also affects the education of the students as a student ,how will you handle this kind of
situation? are you going to give up? how will you manage the challenges that are coming to your life?
Are you willing to face the trials in our current situation?

Being student is difficult, especially to those students who are having a hard time to cope up with the
lessons. As a student our life got more harder since we are taking the online classes which we will be
needing a smart phone and of course a stable internet connection which not all the students have these.
It is more difficult to those students already gave up their study and started working due to this difficult
situation however, me as a student I will not give up no matter how hard life is, I do have a lot of
problems to pursue. trials are part of my life, I thought to be strong to face those, there may be times
that I feel like giving up nevertheless I keep on realizing that I have my dreams to chase of those trials
will not come to my life if I cannot handle it. To inspire other students I ,must start it to my self and
motivate my self as well, I must be I must show them that that my motivations to them are worth it
because they can see that I am not giving up. To those students who are having a difficult time, I am
motivating you to no matter how hard life is, you must be pessimistic and continue achieving what you
want to you will fail multiple times and that is fine because you cannot reach your dreams without
failing, those failures that you have you should take them as your inspirations to go and continue
dreaming. You may fail today however tomorrow is another day to start and try again, let the yesterday
or past be the lesson of your present. You should push harder than yesterday if you want a different
tomorrow. Our current situation may discourage you but you should always look on the bright side and
believe that we could surpass these difficulties.

Therefore, we students have to be strong enough specially now we are experiencing this kind of difficult
situation. we should take our failures as our inspirations, we all must learn from our pasts to start a new
beginning. We must continue fighting for our better future.

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