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Ilagan, Catherine Keira C.

October 26, 2020

Grade 10 St. Thomas Ms. Mitch Marzan

Achieving Goals

Life goals help us complete goals or certain actions along our roadways in life. Goals are a part
of everyone's life. They can be big or small. There can be an unlimited amount of them. Making
them however you want is your choice. Everyone has their own opinions in their goals. Some
people have a very tough experience on their ways to their goals and some of them are lucky to
achieve their goals in their life and sadly some others don’t which is very alarming and makes
me scared because we never know our future or will I ever achieve my goals in my life? Or I am
one of those people who will someday going to say to myself that maybe this is not meant for
me. But I just realized that quote is not right, I believe every opportunities or chances that
comes to our life is meant for us and it is up to us how we are going to make that goal come
true. Maybe some of us have a very tough experience to the point that we want to give up but I
know that every efforts , sacrifices and hard works they will do will pays off in the right time.

When I was in my grade 9 student days I already plan that when I became a collage student I
want to have a small job so that I can learn how to make my own money and at least practice
myself to become an independent woman. Then after 10 years I want to finish my studies and
do some trainings to my dream job so in that way after 20 years I already fulfil one of my
biggest dream and that is to become a news anchor. This time I already expect to myself that I
will have a tough journey in fulfilling my dreams so I’m doing my best and I will put a lot of hard
work just to achieve my goal, I will give my best to fulfil my dreams and I will never stop
believing and aiming that someday I will fulfil my dreams even if it has a lot struggles.

And for those who failed in achieving their goals in their life, I do believe that what you get in
achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. I know
that even if you fail in achieving your dreams in your life there is always a lesson and a reason
why that happens and I wish that they will never forget the lesson and what they become in
that journey they experience in their life. In this lesson I realized that failure in life is always
there, it is very impossible to live without failing something, but the most important of every
failure that we encounter in our lives is that it has a lessons that will make us shine and be the
better versions of ourselves. And just never stop dreaming and aiming for something because I
believe that if we put a hard work, sacrifices and determination in what we do one day we will
be looking at our feet and we are already at our own destination.

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