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Personal Plan

Target Why do I need to hit this What strategies are you

target? gonna put in place to meet
the target?

To improve my portfolio of I need to hit this target so I I need to make sure that all
work at college. can finish college with the my deadlines are met, I
best grade possible. need to make sure that I am
writing reflective diaries and
I need to make sure that all
my work is to the highest

To complete my final year at I need to hit this target to To do this I will need to
college. make sure that I get a place make sure that I am in
at university and to finish at college every day, work hard
Priestley with a grade that I in all my lessons and
can be proud of. complete all my work that
needs to be done either in
college or at home. .

Apply for university courses. I need to hit this target to I need to make sure that I do
make sure that I pick the research to pick the right
right course that is suitable university course that I want
for my future career. to study.
I will use the UCAS app to
find the right photography

To finish university with a I need to hit this target to I need to make sure that I do
degree in Photography. make sure that I can get a all my research, finish my
job within Photography. assignments and make sure
that I have handed them in
on time. During my degree, I
could find work experience
at a photography company
where I can get more
experience and knowledge
to help me alongside my

To complete work I need to hit this target to I need to make sure that I do
experience within a make sure that I can get all research to find different
Photography company. the experience that I need places that I can gain work
for when I get a job within experience within
photography. photography.

To practise and build skills I need to hit this target to I need to do my research to
make sure that I have built find out all the necessary
all the skills and practised skills I need to have built
the skills I will need to get a and practised so I can get a
job within photography. job within photography.

Update My CV After my degree and work I will update My Cv so it

experience, I need to update contains all the information
my CV so I can send it to that is needed and any new
companies in the aim of information.
getting a job with all my up
to date information on.

To get an entry level job in I need to hit this target I need to go in at the bottom
Photography. because I need to start at and try and work my way up.
the bottom to gain more I need to do everything that
experience and then work the company needs me to
my way up over time. do.
I need to make sure that I
work hard and stay focused
and concentrated.

To have a successful job in I need to hit this target I need to go in at the bottom
Photography. because I would like a job and try hard to work my way
within photography. I need up.
to have enough experience
within the photography I need to take all of the
industry before applying for opportunities that I am given
a job within photography. as they will provide me with
the experience, knowledge
and skills.

To become management in I need to hit this target I need to go in at the bottom

a job doing Photography. because I could earn more and try hard to work my way
money but I need to be able up.
to cope with the pressure I need to take all of the
and stress that this might opportunities that I am given
involve. as they will provide me with
the experience, knowledge
and skills.

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