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Gabrielle Unsworth

20th December 2023

Recipient’s Name
Company name
City, Postcode
Phone Number

RE: Job Title, Reference, Date


As an ambitious and hard-working student, I know that I can step into the [job title] role and
make a positive impact on [company]'s goals. My record of academic achievement and peer-
group contribution supports a high level of dedication.

I believe being genuine, along with being professional and driven, is an essential
combination. Additionally, my abilities extend to ability to learn and grow and [Soft Skill 2]
with proficiency in [Soft Skill 3].

For further details of my qualifications, background, and contributions, please take a moment
to review my enclosed resume. I believe that I can successfully be the [Job Title] you are
looking for.
I am very interested in meeting with you to discuss further.

Your Sincerely

Gabrielle Unsworth

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