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HOMILY GOOD-FRIDAY, CONCERNING The Dearu and Passron of our Saviour FESUS CHRIST. © Could not become vis Ceetel-belowen itt Chath being that pProvle tobicy be redeemed from the Devil, trom fin and Death, and from cberlafling damnation, bp Chrif, to fuffer this time te pats forth witbout any Meditation and vemembzance of that excel= lent Clork of our Redemption, torought as about this time, though the gueat merc and datity of our Saviour Thus Chit, for us wretded Sinners, and bis mortal Enemies. Forifa mortal mangdeed,done to the bebost of the Common-wealth, be ‘bad itt remembzance of us, toith thaiks for the benefit and profit ‘whic twe receive thereby: Yow mud Moe readily Could tue have in memo: ty thisercellent ad and benefit of Chritis death? wobercby be bath pure hated forus the undoubted pardon and foraivencfs of our fing, twbere: by bemadeat one the Father of Heaven With us, in fud wife, that be taketh us notv fo2 bis loving dildzen, and forthe true inberitors, with Chiff bis natural Son, of the &ingdom of Draven. And verily fo mud) moze doth Chrifts kinduefs appeatuntous, in thatit pleated bim to Deliver bimrtelé of all bis qavdly Yoros, which he was ally in with bis Father in Deaven, and to come Down into this vale of mi ecp, to be made Moptal man, andto be in the fate of a molt low fervant. ferving usfor out wealth and moat; us. 3 fay, wbich were bistwom cnemies, ‘Which badrenounced bis holy Law and Commandments,and followed thelufisand finful Beatucrs of our corrupt nature. and pet,z fay, did Chi put bimfele r f uy tent that obligation tobeccin we were in Danger to SDD, and paid our debt. Our debt waga great deal too Great for us to babe paid. Gnd without payment, GOO the Father could never be at one me ibe prcither, 249 tween SPD deferded turath, aud ourfin, and Colom 2 250 The Sermon of the Pafsion Heither was it pollible to be lofed from this Debt bp our oton ability. ‘Jt plealed him therefore to be the paper thereof, anv to difdarge us ite. 4 Who can now confider the arievous debt of fin, tubid) could none otherwife be paid, but bp the Death of an Innocent,and twill not bate fia in bis beat: JESOD hateth fin fo mud, that he twould allow neither mian 102 Angel for the redemption theceof, but onlp the death of bis on- ipand todd beloved Son : tho twill not ttandin fear thercot * tf tve (my Friends) consider this, that for our fins this molt innocent Lamb toas Driven to Drath, te Chall babe mud) moze cafe to bewail our felves that twe were the caufe of bis death, than to crp out of the malice and cruelty of the Tetos, Whidy purlued him to bis death. THe did the deeds foberefoze be was thus tricken and wounded, fey ‘were onlp the mint= fiers of our wickrdnefs. Ft is meet then twe Chontd ttep Lotw Doton into our bearts, and bewail our otwn twzetbednels andfinfulliving. Let us know for a cectainty, that if the mott orarty beloved Son of SDD was thus punityt and ftricken fo2 the fin which be bad not Done bimfel bow Auch moze ought be Loreto be Lvicken for our Daplpand manifold fins obich We commit againt GOD, ifwe cacnefily PE Us Not, and be not Corry for them 7 Boman can love fin, whid GOD hatethfo muds and bein bis favour. 320 man can fay that beloveth Cbatt truly, and pave bisgreat enemp (fin J mean, the author of bis death) familiar Andin friendihip with bint.. So much Dotwe love SOO and cipitt, ad for batefin, Ce ought therefore to take areat heed, that tue be not fa= pourers thereof, left tue be found enenties to GOD, and traifors to Cinift. Foz not only they which nailed Chri upon the Crofs, are bis Heb.6, tomentogsanderucitiers: but all thep Caith St. Paul) crucifie again the Son of SDD, as much asisin them, whodo commit diceand fin, Rom.é. tobidh bought him to bis death. Ie the wages of fin be Death, and death, rvetlafling: Curelpitis no {mall banat tobeinferdice thereof. 3f Roms. wwe libveatter the Heth, andafter the finfullutis thereof, St. Pau! threats Roms, Neth, pea almighty SDD in St. Paul theeatneth, that we Mall Lured Die. Cle cart none otberwile liveto GOO, but by dying to fin. 3 Chait bein us, then is fin dead in us: andif the Spirit of GOD be in ug, Which raifed ehritt from Death to life, fo hall the fame Spirit raife Roms. sto therefucvettion of rverlatting life. wutif fin rule andreign in ug, the is ©DO, tobich is the Fountain of all Gace and Ciertue, De= parted from us: then bath the Devil, and bis unavatious Cpirit, rute and dominioninus. Andfurely if in Cac miferadle fate we die, toe Grit bub hall not vife to life, but fall Doton todeath and damnation, and that not redeemed (without end. 02 Chzitt bath not fo reneemedus from fin, that fe aie J may fafely return thereto again : but be bath redeemed us, that we fractd vein WOULDForLake the motions theceot, and live to ighteoutncls, Peay ie tor be therefore twathed in our Baptifm from the altbinefsof fin, that we thouldlive aftectoard in the pnrenefs of life. Jn Baptifin toe pro- mifed to renounce the Devil and bis fuggellions,twe womifed to be Cag obedient childzen) altoaps following SOOS will andplealure. Chen if be be our Father inderd, tet us aive bint bis Due honour. TE tue be + ischildzen. let us het him our ob®dience, likeas Chit openly decla- Phitip.2. ved bis obedience to bis Father, which (ag St. Paul tpriteth) teas obedt- enteden to the vecp death, thedeath of the Crofs. and this be Did for usall that believein him. Foz bimfel be toasnot punttyed, for be twas pilte, * for Good-Friday. 25t DUCE and undefiled of all manner of fir.te foas wounded (faith Efiy ) lay «. Tox oNr wickedufs, and feipped fo2 our fins : Defi uftered the penalty of them bimfelf, to deliver ustrom Bungee 3 be bare (faith Elay) alt our foxes and infirmities upon bis own back. 420 pain DID be relute to {uiter unis otvn body, that be might Deliver us from pain evevlatiing. His pleafure it was thus todo for us, we DeferveD it not. CUberelore the moxe te fee our elves bound unto bim, the moze be ougheto be thankedot us, pea, and the moze bope map we take, that we thal re- Cetve all other good things of bis hand, in that we bave received the gift ot bis only Son, through bis liberality. S02 if ©DD faith St, Paul) kom. s. bath not Cpared bis own Son from pain and punityment, but delivered ‘tim for us all unto the death ; how Would be not give us all other things with dim < Twe want any thing, either for body o2 foul, toe John x. may lawfully and boldly approach to SOD as to our merciful Father, toask that we Defire, and tue thal obtain it. Fo2 fuch power is given tous, to be the childzen of GOD, fo many as belirve in Chpilts Game. 4n bis Mame whatforver weask, twe all baveit Granted us. . $02 L0 Math. rz. well pleated is the Father Mimighty GOD, with Chaitt bis fon, that fo: bis fake be favoureth ns, andimill By us noting, So eafant was this facrifice and oblation of bis fons death, ‘bich ye fo obrdi= tnily andinnocentip futirced, that we thould take it for the only and full amends forall the finsof the CHozld. Andfuch favour diD be puts Chate bp bis Death, of bis beaventy Father for us, that fo2 the merit thereof ( iftve be true Chaiftiansin decd, and not in ‘fwozd onlp ) we be now fullyin BODS qrace again. and clearly mithaged from our fir. Ao tongue Curelp is able to ecprefs the twoztbinefs o this fo precious a death. For in this lanverh the continual pardon of our daily offen= £¢g. in this telleth our juttification, in this twe be allowen, in thisis put: Ebated the everlatting health of all our fours. Pea, there is none other Aas qe rbing that can be named undec Deaven to fave our Louls, but this only Work of Chaifls precious offering of his Bony poe the Attar of the Crofs. Cortes there can be no work of any mortal man Che be never fo boty) that (hall be coupledin mecits with Chritts mot boly att. For no Doubt, all cur thoughtsanddecds twere of ito value, if thep tweve not allowed in the mevits of € brits death, Att out Tightroufnelsis fac un- pertett, if it be compared with Etnitts righteonfnels. For in bis ats and deeds, there Was no fpot of fin, 02 ofany unperfeitnefs. And foz One deeds this caute thep were the moze able to be the true antends of our VIGWEe® befall of ine oufnefs, there our aits and derds be Full of imperfettion and infitmi- peifection. figs, and therefore nothing Wwoztbp of themfcles to ftir SDD to any favour, much lefs to challenge that Glozy thatis due to Chrifts aitand Merit, Fo? notto us (faith David) not tons, butto thy Bameaive the pr 1 3 Glory, D Lord, Let us therefore (good Friends) twith all reverence alo- rife bis Jame, let usmacnifie and praife bin for ever. Forbe bath Dealt With us according to bis Great mercep, by bimfclf bath be purcha= fed our vedeinption. He thought it not enough to fpace bimfclE, and fo rp, ». fend bis Inael todo this Deed, but be would do it bimfelé, that be might Doit the better, and make it the Move pevfeit revemption. etwas ho= thing Mobed With the intolerable pains that be Culteced in the whole courte of bis long patlion, to repent vim thus to Do gmDdto his ene= Mics: but be opened bis heart for us, and beltowed bimfelf wholly foz the tanfomting of us. Let us thevefore now open our hearts aga a : i a Fie me 252 The Sermon of the Pafsion pim, and fudy in our lives tobe thankful 0 {uch azo, and eber= amore to be mindful of fo great a bencht s pea, Let us take up our Crofts with Chl, and follow bim. dis Pallion isnot any te ranfont AGs 17. and tobole amends fo2 out fin, but it is alfoa mott pertedt ¢ ample of all patience aud {ufferance, £02 ifit bebooed Chill thus tofutter,and toenter into the glory of bis. ‘Father ; Cby Could it not become us to- Dear patiently our (malt crofles of apfortity, and the troubles of this rea. — Whorld? Forfurely Cas faith St, Dever) Chill therefore {utfered, to i Tina. Weaveusanerampleto follow istieys. Andit toe fuffer with im, we Roms. all be {ure alfoto reign ‘with him in deaven. ot that the futferance Machs. of thistrantitogy tife thould bewortby of that glory to come, . but glad= Hib.1t, ty (honl we be contented to fuffer, to be like Cbritt in our life, that fo by our toorks we map glozifie our ‘Fatver tobicd isin Heaven. Andas it ispaintul and qeievous to beat the trots of Chritt in the gricisand Difpleatures of this life: fo tt baingeth forth the joptul Feu Bont, Jem1. — jnvall them that be erercided therewith. Let us not niuch bebold the paint as the reward that Chall allot that labour. says let us rather en- Deaboz ove Celives in our fufferance,to endute innocently and guilttets, rPewa. ag OUT Sartor Chrift viv. For ifne Cutfer fo2 our Deferdings.then path not patience bis pected work in Us buti€ undefervedly toe Lutter lots of gooosandlite, if we fuffer to be evil fyoken of forthe Love of Chritts The patence ISAS thankful afoxr GDDs for fo did Ebpitt Cutfer, He never did fin, ¥ Gz. neither Was any guile found in pismouth. Bea, tobem be tons, reviled with taunts be reviled not again,cjen be was toronstully dealt with, be theeatned not san revenged bis quarrel, but Delivered bis caute fobim that juvgcty rightly. ee Perfett pa- ec frit patience careth not fwbat, no2 bobo muci it fofferetb, 102 of tienoes ahom it Cuftereth twbetber of friendoz for; but ftuDieth to fuster inno- tently,and oitbout deferbing, Pea, ‘bein whom perfrét charity ts, ca Maths. eth C0 little forebenge, that be rather tludietb to Do godfor evil, to diets and fap well of them that cure Him, to pray fox them that puriue pine. according to therrample of our Saviour Chul, whois the moft The meek: efi ported crample and pattern ofall meeknefs and: {utfecance.tobich bang- Febis. Mg Upon the Crofs, in moft fervent, angutith bleeding in every part of bisblellen wody, being fet in the mMidtl of bis enemies and ceuicitiers + and be notiwithtanding the intolerable pains which they favo bum in, being of them morkedand Ceomed defpitefully toithout all favour and compatlion, bad yet towards them fuch compatlion in beact, that be Loker. prapedto bis Father of Deabert for them, and faiv, © Father, forgive them, for they wot not tobat they Bo. Célbat patience foas it alfo tobich be (oetwed, wher one ‘of big otun Apoltles and {ervants wich twas put in trutt of bint, care fo betray bim unto bis enemies fo the Mathrs, Death? De faid notbing toorte to bim, but, Friend, wherefore art thou come? Chus(ged copie thouto tue tall to mind the great eram= plesof charity tobic! ebpitt eDin bis Wallion, iftwe will fruitful {p remember bis Palfion. such charity and Love Gould toe beat one Maths. £0 amotber, if tue will be the true ferbants of Cyzitt. sor if we Love but them that Love an Lay twefl by us, twhat reat thing is it that we po, faith Chzitt : Do not the Paniins and open finners fo< Tle mutt toe moze ‘perfect in owe charity thant thus,even a5 out Father in Dea= pert is perfeit, twhich maketh the Light of bis Sun fo rife upon the good and the bao, and fendeth bis rain upon the kind endure: eC for Good-Friday: 253 alter this manner Chould te (het our charity indifferently, aswell to One aS fo another, as uel to friend ag for, Like obedient dildzen, after the ecamaple of our Father in beaven. £02 it € hrilt was obedient to bis Father even to the Death, audthat the mott ameful death Cas the Jews eltcemed it) the Death of the Crofs : tobhp Moutd we not be obedient to SOD in lower points of Charity and Patience ¢ Let us fogive ther Lectet 28, our Aeighbors hee {niall GDD fo2 Chrilts fake hath fozat- Macth.28. ‘VEILS ONE great. in ‘Gt isnot meet that toe ChoulD crave forgivenefs of our great offences at GOOS hands, and pet will not Eoraide the {mall tretpatles of our neighbozsagainftus. Gedo call fo mevcy in dain, if we will not thew Mercy to our neighbors. Foz it we Will not put wrath and difpleature forth of our beatts to out Chziftian brother no moze will SOD forgive the difpleaCure and wrath that our fing have defecved before him. For under this Condition Doth SOD forgive us, ifweforgiveother. It becometh not Cbaittian men tobe hard one to another, rez vet to think their neighbo: unworthy to be forgiven. Foz hotofocver unworthy he is, pet is Chit worthy to bade thee Do thus mud for bis fake, be bath ‘aeferoed it of thee, that thou (houldtt forgive thy neighbor. and GOD isalfo to be obeyed, whid commandeth usto forgive, if wwe will have any patt of the pardon whic our Saviour Chait purdated once of OOD the Father, by Chedding of bis precious bloud. othing be= Jacob. 5. cometh Cheills fervants fo much, as mercy andcompallion... Lets then be favourable one to another, and pea we one ge another, that foe may be healed from all frailties of our life, the tels to offend one + the otber ; and that tue map be of one mind andone fpirit, agvecin together in brotberlp lobe and concord, eben like the Dear dildzen of Ephet. 5. GOD. By thefemeans (hall we move SOD to be merciful unto our fins, pea, and we fhall be bereby the moze ready to receive ou Savior and Baker in his biclled Saccament, to our cveriatting comfort, awd pealth offoul. Chit delighteth to enter and dwell in that foul where love and dacity ruleth. andiwhere peace and concordisfeen. Foz thus writeth St. John, GOD is harity, he that abrdeth im charity, ; John 4. abideth in SDD, andSGOD in hint, And by this Lait ber Wethall s Jona 2 ‘know that we be of GDD, iftwe love our beethren. Pea, and by this hall toc know, that we be delivered from death tolite, if we love one another, But be which batetd bis brother (faith the fame Apoftte) Jorn 2. abideth in Death, even inthe danger of edeclatting Death, and is moze ovet the child of Damnation and of the devil, curfed of GOD and pated (folong as be fo remaineth) of SDD andall bis beaventy com- pany. £02 as peace and charity make us the blelled dilaeen of al- mighty GOD ; fo doth hatred and envy make us the curfed dildzen of the Devil. ODD give us all grace to follow Chritts eramples im Rom.8. pratt and in cavity, in patience and fufferance, that we now map ave bin our quell fo enfer and diel within us, toe may be in full furety, having Cucha pledge of our falvation. FE te bave him and pis favor, tve may be Cure tue bave.the favor of SOD by bis means, Fo2 be litteth on the right band of ODO bis Father, as our zotto2 and Attomey, pleading and fuing for ug in all our needs and neceflitics. Wiberefore. if we want any gift of dodip wifoom. ‘we mapask it of SOO for Chritts fake, and ioe (halt baveit. Let us confer andera- mine our felves, in what tant wor Geconereninig this vectue of. nary an : 254. Gen. 5. Gen.2. oe eT The Second Sermon and patience, Sf tue fee that our hearts be nothing inclined thereunto, in forgiving them that bave offended againt us, then Let us knowledge out Want, and Withto GOD to have it. Wut it tue want it, and Ceci out felves no Defive thereunto, verily we be in a Dangerous Cale before SDD, and have need to make mud) eacnef paper to GOD, that we map bavefudan beart hanged, to thegraftinginofa new. Foz un, lefs we forgive other, we thali never be forgiven of SOD, Ho, not all the prayers and god Works ofotber, can pacific SOD unto us, unlels ‘we be at peace, anDat one with our neighbour. 3202 all our Deeds and geod tworks Can Move GOD to forgive us our debts to him, ercept toe forgive to other. he {etter yimoze bp mercy.than by factifice, aercp mo- ded our Sadiour Chill to Cutter for his enemies: it becomethy us then tofollow biserample. soz it (hall little abailusto habe in meditation the fruttsand pice of bis paflion, to magnitie them, and to Delight 02 truftin Hert, except foe hade in mind bis examples in pallion to follow them. 3f tue thus therefoze confider Chpitts death, and till flick there- to with fatt Faith for the mecit and delerding thereof, and will alfo frame our {elves in Cuch wile to beltotw our felves,and all that twe Dave by charity, to the beboof of our neighbour,as Chzitt Cpent himfelf whot- Ap for our profit, then Do we trulp remember Chrils death; and being thus followers of Clritts fteps, we Chall be fure to follow bim thither bere be fitteth not with the Sather and the holy Gholt: Co whom be all Honour and glozy. Amen, The Second Homity CONCERNING The De aru and Passzon of our Saviour CHRIST, at te snap the better conceive thearent mercy and godnefs of our Saviour Chiff, in fuffering death S univerfallpfoz all men. it bevoveth us to defcend into the bottom of our confcience,anddeeply tocon= diver the fivlland principal caufe wherefore be twas comprlied fo to Do. Chen our great Grandfather Adam had broken ©DDS commandment, in eat= "i ing the Apple forbidden bim in Paradife, at the Motion and Cuaggettion of bis wife, be purdated thereby, not only tobimfelf, butalfo to bis pofterity for ever. the jutt wath and indig= nation of GOD, who according to bis former Centence pronounced at the giding of the commandment, condemned both bin. and all bis, to everlatting death, both of bodpandfoul. sFozit was {aid unto birt, Thou thalt eat freelp of every tree in the Garden: but as touding the tree of knowledg of gadandill, thou tale in no wife cat ofit: soz in tobat bout foever thou eatelt thereof, thou (halt Die the Death. ais a BBB + of the Pafsion. ab the L620 had Cpoken, fo it came to pats, Adam tonk upon bint td eat theceof, anrdin fo Doing be Died te Veath, that is to fap, be became imoztal, be loft the favo2 of SDD, He was caft ont of Waradife, ve twas no longer a Citizen of Heaven: buta Fire-beand of bell, anda Wwonds * Gabetothe Devil. Co this doth our Saviour bear witnels in the Go- {pel, calling us lott Sberp, whic) bave gone aflcay, andtwandzedfrom thetrue Sbepberdot our fouls. To thisalfo voth St. Paul bear wit: nefs, faping, Chat by the offence ot only Adam, death fame upon all ncn fo condemnation, So that now neither be, o2 any of bissbadany Tight 02 inteceft at allin the Lingdom of Heaven, but twere become plain Reprobates and Caft-atways, being perpetually Danmned to the evrrlatting pains of bell-fite. Jn this ‘Oo Gteat mifery and toretded: nefs, if mankind could have recovered bimfelf again, and obtained forgivenefs at CODS hands, then bad bis cafe been Lometobat toleva- bie, becaufe be might bave attempted Come way boww to Deliver bimfelé from eternal death. But thece was no wap left unto him, be could Do nothing that inp pACiEC em Des monty be was altogether unpro- fitablein that bebalf, here was not one that Did good, no not one. And hot then could he work bis ot falvations Should pe.go about to pacific ODDS heavp difpleature by offering up burnt facritices; according asit was ozdained in the old Law? by offering up the blood of Oren, the blood of Calves, the blood of Goats, the blood of Lambs, and fo forth ¢ © thefe things twere of no force no2 frenath to take awa fing, they could not put away the angec of 6DD, they could not cool the beat of bis math, no2 yet baing mankind into favour again, thep ‘ere but only figures and thadows of things to come,and nothing elfe. Read the Epillle tothe Hebrews, there Mall pou snd this matter large: ipdifcutten, there hall pou Learn in mott plain words, that the bleooy facrifice of the old Latu twas unpertet, and not able to delidec mar from the {lateof Damnation by anv means : fotbat mankind in teull= ing thereunto, (ould trutt to a broken faft, and in the end deceive dinfelé. cAlbat ould hetben Do? Should he go about to ferve and’ keep the Lato cf SOO divided into two Cables,and fo purdate to pis {elt eternal lifes Endeed, if Acam and bis polterity had been able to fa: tistie and fulal the Law pre fritly,in loving SOD above all things,and their neighbour as themfelves : then Mhoutd they pave eafily quendyea the Lords wath, and efcaped the terrible frutence of eternal Death pro= nounced againtt them by the mouth of Amighty GOD. Fo itis writ- ten. Do thus. and thou thalt live ; that is to fap, fulal mp Command: ments keep thy fel upright and pecfet in them accozding to mp TUIL, then Walt thou tive, and not dic, Hece iseternal life promifed With this condition, and fo that thep keepanDdoblerve theLaw. But {uch tas the frailty of mankind after bis fall, fucy toas bis weaknels andimbecility.that be could not walk uprightly in SDDS command: ments, though be would never fo fain: but daily and hourly fell frome disbounden duty,offending the Low bis SOD divers the great Ancreale of bis condemnation, infomurh that the Wropbhet David crieth out on this wife. all have gone aftray, all ate become unmofitable,there Asnonethat Doth gud; nonotone. Im this cafe tobat posit could be 255 Luke 1}. Rom.5. Heb, 9 d Hibs tos 4 Lake jo,” Phil. §, pave by the Law + soneat all. 02 ag St. James faith.we that thall Jemez. obfervethe whole Law, andyet faileth in one point, is become guilty ofall. And inthe Sok of Deuteronomy Hi is ‘written, eureeD Oe be a a Deut. 371 Roth. 116 Ely 55+ aCor, 5, John x. Matth.15- Rom. 5- “So iva now of bimfelf be was mo! The Second Sermon. (fatty GOD) which abideth not in all things that ave toritten in the OOK of the Latw, to do them. “a ro ee Behold, the Lat bringeth a curfe with it,and maketh it guilty, not becaute it is of it {elf naught oz unholy, (GOD fopdid we thoutd fo think) but becaufe the frailty of our fintul flelh is fucb, that toe can never full it, according to the perfeition that the Lozd requiveth. Could Adam then (think pou) hope o2 trult to be faded by the Laws Mo, hecouldnot., But the moze helookedon the Law, the more be fa dis ofon Damnation Let before He epes, agit were ina clear glats. ft twzetched and miferable, Deltitute of all bone, and never able to pacifie GODS heavy difplealure, noz Re cfeape the tecvible judgment of GDOD, whereunto he and alt is potterity were fallen, by Difobeying the flrait Commandment of the Lordtbrir GOD. But O the abundant rides of ODOS great metcy! Othe unfpeakable qoodnels of bis beaventp cifdom! Taber all pope of righteoutnefs twas palt om our pact, when we bad nothing int out Celoes, twhereby woe might quend) his burning wath, and Work the falbation of our otvn fouls and rife out of the mifcrable eflate wherein wwe lap: Then, eden then did Chaift the Son of GDD, by the appointment of his Father, come Dotwn from Heaven, to be wounded for out Lakes, to be reputed with the Wicked, to be condemned unto Death. to take upon bim the reward of our fing, andto give bis ‘Boop to be bzoken on the Crofs for our offences. He (Laith the 1202 phet Efy, meaning Cbd) bath bom our inarmities,and bath carried Out fovows, the chattifement of our peace twas upon bint, and bp bis fiipes twe were made bole. St. Poul liketwite faith, SDD made him afactitice foz out fing, which knew not fin, that toe Chould be made the righteoufnels of GOD bp him. And St. Pecer moft agrecably Miting in this bebalf, faith, Chal bath once died and {uttered for out fing, the julk for tbeunjutl, &c. Co thelr might be added an in- finite numbet of other places to the fame effect : but thefe fet Hall be fuficient foe thistime. Ts e How chen (as it was laid at £ e beginning) Jet us ponder and weigh the caute of bisdDeath, that thereby we may be the moze moved to glo= tifie bim in our whole life. CAbic if pou will have compeehended brief= ip in one two2d, it tas notbing elfe on our part. but only the trang- arcfion and fin of mankind. chen the angel came to Warn Jofeph that be (ould not frartotake Mory to bis tite: Did he not therefore will the Childs name to be called Jefus. becanfe be Could fave bis Ropletom their fing? Then John the Waptitt preached Chit, and etued bimto the people With bis finger: Did he not Plainly fay unto them, Bebold the Lamb of GOD which taketh) atvay the fins of the Wold? Then the Cloman of Cansan pefought Chait to help ber Daunadter which was pollelt with a Devil: did be not openly confrls that be vas fent to fave the lof deep of the boule of Sftacl, by giving bis lite for thei fing? It wasfin then. O man, even thy On that caied Chait the only Son of SDD to be crucified in the Hele, and tofutfer the mot pile and dandevous Death of the Crofts, IE thow padtt ent thy felf upright, if thou pant obferbed the Commarnd- ments, if thou badtt not prefumed to tranfgrels the will of EDD inthy act Father Adam, then Chzitt, being in form of GOD, nevded Not fo babe takert upon bint the ape of a fervant ; being leita in . raven, of the Pafsion, © 257 Heabein, he needed not to Become mogtal on Earth; beirig the tre bread of the Cout, be necded not to bunart being the Dealthtut water of life, be necded not thirit: being life it {elf pe necded rot to bave uttered DeatY. But to thele and many other Luch extremities. tas he deidert by thy fin, which was fo manifold and great, that ©OD contd be on= ip pleafedin bim, andnone other. Cant thou think of this, O fine ful aan, and not tremble within thp felf<° Cant thou bear it quietl uy without remozfe of Confcience, andforow of beatt> Did Chak fut- fer bis patlion for thee, and wilt thou thew no compatlion towards Him? While Chil was pet banging on the crols, and pielding up Math. 27 the Shot. the Scripture witnelleth tpat the veil of the Cemple did rent in twain andthe Earth Did quake.that the ones clave afunder,that the Graves did opert, and the dead bodies vifes and (Wall the beart of mat be nothing moved to remember how grieboulp and cruelly he was panne ot the Jets for our fins? Sbatl man eto himfelf to be more card Hearted than flones. to have lefs compatlion than Dead bodies > Ealltomind, O finful creature, and fet before thine epes Cheitt ccuct- fied. Chink thou feelk bis Body ttretched out in length upon the Crofs, ‘bis bead crowned With Harp thozns, and his hands and bis feet pierced With nails, dis heart opened with a long fpeac, his Heth tent and toi (with cathins, bis brows fweating Water and Bld. Think thou dearelt him row crying im an intolerable agony to bis Father, and faving, BYSOD, my GOD, why batt thou forfaken mes Coulott thou bevold this wotul fight, o2 Dear this mourntul dolce, without fears, Confivering that be fulfered all this, not fo2 any defect of bis own, but only for the griedoufuels of thy finse O that mankind Gould put the everlatting Son of GDD to {uch pains, O that toe Chould be the occafion of his death, and the only caufe of bis con= Demnation. Way we mot juttly cry, wo tworth the time that eder toe finned? O my Brethzen, tet this mage of Chpifk crucified, be al- {ways priuted in our Hearts, let it Mirus up to the batredof fin, and provoke out minds to the carnett love of Alinightp SDD, For Dody, is not fin, think pou, a grievous thing in bis fabr, feeing forthe tranfarelling of 6DDS puccint in cating of one Apple. be condentned all the Cox to perpetual death, and tould not be pacitied, but only Dit) he blood of bis own Son? Crue, pea, mofk true is that faving of David: Chott, O Loyd, bateftall them that work iniquity neither Wall Pal s- the Wickedand evil man Dwell with thee. By the mouth of bis holy Wr0- phet Eloy becticd mainly ontagaing Ouners,andlaith,Coo beumnto pou Ey 5. that Draw iniquity with cordsof banity, ¢ fin asit were with cart-ropes. Didnot ye givea pan token hotu greatly be bated and abborred fin, Sober be dpotwneDall the cctortd, fade only eight perfons, wher Ye De- Genz. flroped Sodom and Gomorha With fire and baimione, when in thace Days Gen- 19- Apate de billed with pelkilence theeefcore and ten thoufand for Davids Pine 26 offence; tuber be Downed Pharaoh andall bis boll in the ed Ceastwhen panic ry. befurnedD Nebuchodonolor the Hing, into the foam of a beute Beall, 2 king. ay, creeping upon ail four,toben be fuffeved Achitophel and Judas tobang a@sr. * themfeloes upon the remorfe of fin, tobich twas fo terrible to their eyes e A thoufandfuc eramplesare to be found in Scriptute, ifa man would flandtofeck them out. Sut what need oe? Chis one example wobidy ‘oe babe now in band, ts of moze force, and ought moze to move Ug, thartall the cell, Chitt being the Son of SOD, and pecieit she im: 258 Prov.24. Rom. 6, Heb, 6. John 3. The Second Sertion bimfelE, who never committed fin, tas compelled to come down front caver to give bis body to be baud and broken on the Crofs for our’ NS. Gas not thisa manifelt token of SDDS great tozath an dit« pleafure towards fin, that be coutd be pacified by no other means, but only by the fweet and previous blood of bis Dear Sone D fin, fin, that eber thou thoutdtt dzive Chritt tofuch extremity! Ceo Worth the time that ever thou camel into the cosiD, _, Dut what benteth it notw to be= Wail? Siniscome, and fo come that it cannot be avoined. There is no man tibing, no not the jutlett man on the arch buc be falleth fever fimesa Day, as Solomon faith, And out Saviour Cinitl, although be bath delivered usfom fin, pet not fo that tue hall be free from Comt= mitting Ons butfLo that it (all not be imputed to our condemnation. be bath taken upon birt the jut reward of fin which was death,and by Death bathobsrthzotwn Death ; that we believing in bim.miabt live fox eberand notdie, Ought not this to engender extreme hatved of fin it us to confidee that it Did biolently. asit were, pluck GDD out of bea: ben,to make bim feel the bozro23 and pains of Death: © that we tooulD fometimes confiver this in the midtt of, OUT pomps and plealures: if would bridle the outcagioufnets of the would abate and allwage out carnal affeitions, it ould retrain our Aethlp appetites, that we Choutd not run at random, as we commonly do. Co commit fn twil- fully and defperately, without fear of ©DD,is nothing elfe but to cru- Cite Cheiltancty, as toe ave etpeety fausht inthe €pifite to the Hebrews, CAdIc thing ifit were Deeply printed inall mens bearts, then Gould not fin reign every twbere fo mud) asit doth, to the Great grief and top- ment of Chrilt note fitting in deaden. ws : : Let us thecefoze remember, andaltays beat in mind Cheilt ceucifi: eb, that thereby we may beintwardty moved both to abo: fin ougble, and alfo toith an carnett and zealous peavt to lobe SDD. For thisis Another fruit which the memorial of Chzitts death ought to Work in us, an catuct and unfrigned Love totvards SDD. 0 GOD lovid the Gord “faith St. John) that he gave bis only begotten Son, that fwbolorvrr believeth in him, toutd not peri, but babe life ever lating. 3 GOD declared fo Butat love totvards us bis filly rea tures: bowcan we of right but lobe bim again? Clas not thisa ture Ledge ot bis Lobe, to give us bis own Son from Draven? De might ave Gide tisan Anorel if be tooutd, og fome other Creature, and vet thoutd bis Love babe bren far above our Defects. Bow be abe us not anduacl, but bis Son. and what Son? Dis only Son, bis natural Son, bis tuelbeloved Son, even that Son thom be bad mate Low and Butler of all things. tiag hot this a fingulat token of great loves “Sut to whont DID Ye give bims be gade bim to the whole orld, thatistofay, to Adam, andall that (ould come after him. © Lozd. what had Adam, oz any other man deferved at GDD bands, that be thoutd give usbis oon Son: Ge ave all miferable perfons, finfut pecfons, damnable pertons, jufily diven out of ara Dife,judlp excluded from Heaven. ju ily condentned to Dell fite: And pet (fee a wonderful token of SDDS love) be fave us bis only begotten ‘Sonus fay.that were his erteeant and Deadly enemies, that we BP ver= tue of bis bled thed upon the crofs, might be clean purged from one fins, and made tighteousagainin disfight. clbo can chute but mar= vel, tolear that ODD thoutd (eto Luch untyeakable love ONDE i al @ of the Pafsion. ay that Mete bis deadly enemies: Indeed, O mortal man, thou oughtelt of right to marvel at it, and to acknowledg therein GODS great eodnefs and mercy towards mankind, tubid is fo wonderEul,that no c(h, be it never fo woglolp wife, map well conceive it, o2 erpzefs it, Foras St, Paul teltifieth, GOD greatly commendeth and fetteth out Rom. 5. bis love towards us, tn that be Lent bis Son Chaitt to die fo2 us, wher ‘We were pet inners, and open enemics of Dis Mame. IE we hadin any manner of wife Defer bed it at bis bands, then had it been no mar= velat all, but there toas no Defect on our part wherefore be Could Do it. Therefore thou finful Creature, when thou bearelt that COD gave is Sou to die for the Hnsof the CHozld, think not he did it foz any Defect 0 sonels tet was in thee, for thou watt then the Bondiave of the Devil: But fall Down upon thy knees, and cry with the zophet Da- Pal. &. vid, O Lod, twhatisman, thatthou artfo mindful of vim + o2 the fon of man, that thou fo Eegacoetl bim? andfecing he bath fo greatly loved ‘bee, endeavour thy felf tolove him again, with all chy beart, With all thy foul, and with all thy flrenath, that therein thou maitt ap= peat not tobe untaorthy of bislobe. J report me to thine of comfci= mice, tobether thou would not think thy love ill beltowed upon bin, that could not find in bis heart tolove thee again > If this be true, (as it is mofl true) then think Dow greatip it beboveth thee in duty tolove GOD which bath fo greatly toved thre: hat be bath not Cpaved bis own only Son from focruel and (ameful a Death for thy fake. And bi= therto concerning thecaute of Ciitts Drath and Patlion, twhiddasit {was on our part moll bowible and grievous fin, fo on the other Moe it ‘was the fee gift of GDD, proceeding of bis meee and tender love to- 4 wards mankind, tvithout any merit o2 defect of our pact. The Loyd for bis mercies fake grant that twe never forget this great benefit of our faivation in Cheilt Fefu, but that we always thew our elves thankful foz it, aborting all kind of wickrdnels and fin, and applying our minds wholly to the Lerviceof GOD, and the diligent keeping of bis F commandments. Roto it remaineth that Mew unto you, bow toapply chritts deatb : andpalfion to our comtozt,as a medicine toour wounds fo that it map work the fante effet in us wherefore it wasgiven, namely. the dealt andfalvation of our fouls. sFor asit profiteth aman nothing to babe falve, unlefs it be tell applied to the pact infected : So the death of Chit (hall Landusin no force, untefs we apply itto our Celves in Luch fozt as SDD hathappointed. almighty DO cominonlyp worketh bp . Means, andinthis thing be bath alfo ozdained a certain mean, tobere= + by we may take fruitand profit toour fouls bealth, Gibat mean isthats forfooth itis Faith, otan unconflant o2 wa- 3 ‘veting Faith. buta Lure,ftedfatt arounded,and unfrigned Faith. ODD i fent bis Son into the World faith St. John) Co that end-Chat whos Johnz. foever believeth in bim (ould not perith, but bavelife everiatting.adark thefe woxds that wboforver believethin bim. ere isthe mean twhere- 2 by we mutt apply the fruits of Cheifts Death unto our deadly wound, 4 ‘eve is the mean twhereby we mutt obtain eternal life, namelp Faith. For (a5 St. Pau! teadech in bis Epitile to the Komans ) Clit the heart Rom. ro. man believeth unto vighteoufnels, and with the mouth confellionis made unto falvation, Paul being Demanded of the Keeper of the Pilon: A@s 16. ‘bat be Could do to be Laved> made thisanfwer ; Believe in ti aa Us 260 John 2. Rom. 10 Gen. 15. Rom. 7. John 3. James Math. 14. Numb. 216 John. The Second Sermon Telus fo Halt thou and thine boule both be faved. After the Evangelist Had Defcribed and {et forth unto usatlarae, the life andthe Death otthe LOD Telus, inthe end be concludeth with thele words: Chele things avevozitten, that te map beliede Felus Chzitt to be the Son of ODD, and though Faith obtain eternallife. Co conclude with the words of St. Paul, wubich ate thele: Lhzittis the end of the Law unto falvation, fozeverp onethat Doth believe. Sy thisthen, ypoumay tell perceive, that the ontp mean and inttcument of albation required of our parts, is Faith ; thatis to fay, afure truft and confidence inthe mercies of GOD : whereby we perlwade our felves, that GOD both bath, anv will forgive our fins, that be bath accepted us again into bis favour, that be path releafed us from the bonds of Damnation, and received us again into the number of bis clei people, not for our mecits o2 deferts, Dut only and folely for the mevits of Chritts Death and yallion, who became man foz our fakes, and humbled bimfelf to fultain the reproach ofthe Crofs, that we thereby might be faved, and made inberitors ot the Kingdom of beaven. This Faith is required at our hands. and ths iftwe keep fledfalily at our beatts, theveisno doubt, but we talk obtain falvation at SDDS hands, asdiD Abraham, }faac, anD Jacob; of thom the Scripture faith, that they believed, and it was imputed unto them for righteoulnels. Clas it imputed unto them only ¢ and “Chall it rot be imputedunto us allo : Pes, iftue babe the fame Faith as they bad, it (hall beas truly imputed unto us foe vighteoutnels, as it Wag unto thet. soz it is one saith that mutt Cave both us and them, event afure and ttedfatt Faith in Chritt Telus, tbo, as pe have Heard, came into the Clozld for this end. that whoLorver believe in Dim, Chould not perith, but babe lifeeverlatting. But here we mus take beed that we Do ot halt with DD through an uncontlant and {wavering Faith, but that it be trong and fteofatt to our lives end. De that wabereth (faith St. James ) is like atwabe of the Sea, neither let that man think that be (hall obtain any thing at 6DDS hands, Peter coming to Chait upon the Cater, becanfe he fainted in Faith, fas in Danger of Drowning. Bo twe if we begin to waver oz Doubt, it is to be feared lett twe thall fink ag Peer DID > notinto the Cater, but into the bottomlefs pit of bell fice. Cherefore J fay unto pou, that tne mut appzebend the aerits of Chrilts Death and yallion by Faith, and that with a trong and fedfatt Faith, notbing Poubting but that Chzitt by bis own oblation, and once offering of bimfelf upon the Crofs, bath taken away our fins, and bath reftored us again into SDOS favour. fo fully and petealy, that no otbec fareliet for Gin, hall Hereafter be “requifite oz needful in all the ox. Thus bade pou heard in fet tuords, the mean wheveby woe mull ap- plpthe fruits and mevits of Chzifis death unto us, fotbat it may work the falrvation of our fouls: namely, a Lure, ftedfatt,perteé and groun= ‘Ded Faith. Fozag all they wobich bebeld ttedfaltlp the Braten Serpent, ‘were healed and delivered at the bey fight thereof, front their cozpozal Difeafes and bodily fings : ever fo all they which bebold Cbzitt cru= CifieD With a trucandlively Faith, Chall undoubtedly be Delivered from the avievous toounds of the foul, be they never fo Deadly o2 manpint number, Therefore ( dearly Beloved ) if we chance at any fime though frailty ofthe Heth, tofall into fin (asit cannot be chofen, but yy

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