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16r HOMILY Repaiting and keeping clean, and comely adorning of Churches. Fa © isacommoncuttome uted ofaitmen, when thep intend to babe their friends oz neighbours to come to their houtesta eat 02 Dyink with them,o2 to have anp fa- lenin aflemblp to treat and talk of ang matter,thep wili have their boules, which thep keep in continual reparations,ta be cleanand fine, leit thep ould be count- eb fluttith oz little to regard thelr friends | and neisbbours, Pow much moe then ought the Poute of God, which we com: monty catl the Church, to be (uicientiy Tepaiced in all places,and to be Honourably adoynen and garnityed,and bad wept cleartand {weet, to the comfozt of the people that thall refozt eceunto, ‘It appeareth inthe holy Scripture, how Gons Poute , which was Called his holy Lempic, andiwas the Bother Church of all Jeep, fell fometimes nto Decay, and wag oftentimes prophaned and defiled, though the negligence and ungediinels of fucb ag had the charge there- of. But when godlpKines and Governozs were in place, then com: Mandment was giden forthwith, thatthe Church and Cemple of Gon Should be repairen,and the Devotion of the people to be gathered Coz the Leparatian of thefame. Ue reap in the fourth Wook of the Kings, 4 Kings 12, Dol that King Joas, being a godly {Ouince, gave commandment to the Pret, to convert certain Offerings of the people towards the repara: Ton andamendment of Sods € empie. Like commandment gave that moft godly Jing Jofias, concerning 4 Kings 24, the reparation and re-edification of Sons Cempic,which in histimehe found infoxe decay. * Ithath pleated Aimighty Hon, that thele Pitta: ties touching there-chifping and repairing of fs holy Lemple, mould be twzitten at large, tothe end we Mould be taught thereby: Firit, that God is well pleated that his people thoutd have a convenient place to re(ogt unto, andts come together , to pate and magnific Gong holy Mame, Ano Cecondly, be is dighip pleated with ail thote, which niigent- ip and zealoufly go about to amend and reftore {uch places ag are ap- Pointed foz the Congregation of Gods people to relozt unto, aus —Anberein they Humbiy-and jopntiprender thanks to God Foz His bene, fits, and with one beart and voice praife his Holy Mame.Thiraiy, Gon + Svas (ope Difpleaten with bis people, becauwle thep huifved, necked, any ‘ 5 tritneiett > 162 - The Sermon for Repairing telammen up their oton oules, and fulfered Govs Doute to be in rite ine and decay, ta Ipe uncomelp and fulfomely. Tberefoxe Sod was faze grieved with thentand plagued them, as appeareth in the Jophet Agetr. = Aggeys, Thus faith the Logo t ¥a tt time foz you ta Dwell in pour deled Doutes,and the Lords Poute not regarded > Pe have owed much,and Gathered in butiitele, pour meat and pour cloaths have neither filleo pol, nozmade poutwarm, and hethathad biswages, put (Cin a bot. fomiefs purle. “By thele plagues which Gon laidupon his peaple for uegierting of bis temple, ft map eviventip appear that God will have Histemplehis Church, the place where bis Congregation fall refoge to magnifie bim,well edified, well repaired,and well maintained. Some either regarding godlinels,no the place ‘of godly excrete, twill fay, che temple fn-the 010 Law wag commanded to be ‘built and repaired by God Himlelé, becaute tt gav great promnifes anneccd unto ft, and bee caute it twaga figure, a Saccament, oa figification of Chritt, and al- foo€ big Church. Cathis map be catily anfwered: Fill, that our Churches are not Dettitute of promites, Coyatmuch as our Sadtour Chpitt ait, eMAbere tivo o2 thee ace gathered together in my ame, thece am ¥ (nthe mint among them. & great number therefore coming te Church together inthe name of CHitt, have there, that fs to fay in the ‘Cyarch, their Gor and Sablour Fetus Chet peetent among the Cons Bregation of his faithful people, by bis grace, bp Df favour and gonly aititance,nccopding to his matt alfuced and comfortable promiles. €C1bp then ought not Chrittian people to build them temples and Churches, 3 habing ag great promiles of the pretence of Gov, ag ever had Solomon j foz the material temple which be did ‘puild? Ae touching the other point, that Solomons temple wag a figure of Chit: we know that now Inthe time o€ the clear light of Chzitt ‘FJelug the Son of Gov, all ha: Dowd, figures, and figuifications ave utterly gone, all Dain ond Un: profitable Ceremonies, both Fewit and Heathenith,cully avolithes.ano therefoze our Churches are not fet up Coz figures anv fignificattons of Pefliag and Chet ta comre,but fo2 other govlp andneceffary purpoles, that fs tofay, Chat like as everp man hath his own Poul to abive ir, torefreth bimll€ in, to rect in,with uch like commiondities: So Amish. ty God will have his Poule and Ptace whether the whale Jari) anp shy Congregation thati retort, which ig cailen the Churchand Eemple ok Gov, fo2 that the Church, which ts the company of Gods people, doth there affemble and cometogether to ferve hin. ot meaning hereby, that the Loyb,whom thea caven of heavens is not able to bold oconte puile, Doth Dwell in the Church of Limeand Stone, made with mans hands, aswholly and only contained there within, and no where clle, fo} (0 Ge never Dweltin Solomons Temple. Woykower, the Church og Temple fs counted and catted Holp,pet not of it felf,out becanle Gos people relozting thereunto ace Holp,and crereite thenvfelves tn holy and Deabenly things. Andtatheintent ye map underftand further, why Churches were built among Chpéttian peopie, this was the greatelt cone Aoeration 5 that Hod might have his place, and that Hod might have Dis time, Duly to be honoured and (erven cf the Twhale multitupe tthe Parish. _Firtk, there to hear and learn thebleted lord and CHiN of theeverlatting Gov. Secondly, that there the biefies Sacraments, which our Loy and Saviour Cheitt Fetus Hath oydatned and appoint: ed, Mhorla be duly, reverentip, ano Decently minifired- Cbiraly,that 2 there apa) and keeping clean Churches. 163 there the tohole multitude of Song people in the arith, hould with ‘one voice and Heart call upon the Mame of Gov, magnifie anv ppaile the Name of God. render earnest anv hearty thanks to our deaveniy Father C02 his Heap of benefits daily and plenti€ullp powzed upon us, hot foagetting to beftot our Aims upon Gods poo}, to the intent God may blefsusthe more richly. hus pe map well perceive ano Uunderftand toherefoze Churches were buflt and fetup among Cheitian People,and Dedicated and appointed to thele sodIy ules, and whollp ere emmpted from all filthy, pophane, and woztdly ules, CeUberefoze all they that have little mind oz Devotion ta tepaie anv build Gons Cemple 5 areta becounted people of much ungodlinels, turning again good hyder in Chritts Church, delpiting the true honour of Gov, with ebit examples, offending and hindering their neighbours atheriwife well and Hobltlp vitpotey. he worl thinkerh it but a trifle to (ee theic Church fn Tuine and Decay. Wut twhofo doth not lap to theic helping hands,they in aAgaintGov and his holyCongregation. Fo tit pad not been Huta nege lect and Mightly regacdthe te-editping and butlving up again of bie Temple, Gov would not have been fo much gvieved,anv Co foon babe plaguen bis people, hecaule they butloed and decked thelr of Poules Sorgeoudy, ana delpiten the boule of Sod their Loyd. Fishin ano Shame to fee fo many Churches,to ruinous, and fo foully decayed, almote ineberp conner. Ffamans private Doute wherein he dwelleth, be dee Caped, be twill never ceate Hilt tbe reftozed up again, Pea, {€ his barn where be keepeth bis Coun be out of reparations, what diligence uleth eto make it in perfes Rateagain? IE his ttable for bis hoyle, pea,the fle £02 bis Swine, be not able to hold out water and wind, how careful is be to Do cof thereon? Gnd (hall toe be fo mindful of our common bale Doutes,deputen to fo nile employment, and be forgettul towarns the Houle af Gav, ibercin be treated the wong of our eternal falvatt. On, wuberein be minittced the Sacraments and Apypttertes of our Ree Demption? The fountain of sur regeneration ig there pyefented unto us, the partaking ofthe Body and Blood of our Savtour Chit, fs there offered unto us t And {hall we not etteem the place where fo hea- benlp thingsare handled? TAperefore,if pe have any reverence tothe 1 ferbice of God, ff ye have any common honefty,if pe have anp contcfence ‘ in keeping ofneceflary and godly ogdinances, keep pour Chucches in Good repatr,wwherebp pe Mall nat only pleateSov,and deterve his mant- told bleffings, but alto deferve the good repoyt of all godly people. The fecond paint which appectatneth to the maintenance of Goss Poute,istohave it welladomed, and comely and clean kept. Tbich > things map be the moze eafity reformed, when the Church ts well repatr« 2D, Foz like as men are well refremen and comfogted, when thep fro their boules having all things fr good opder, anv all coznerg clean anu fweet: fo-when Sods haule,the Church, ls well adoyned, with places con- Dentent ta fit in,twith the Pulpir Cop thepPzeacher, with the Loos Cable £o2 the WDinittration of bis haip Supper,with the Font to Chyitten tn, € alto ts kept clean,comelp,and fweetlp.the people are moze Defitous,and the moze comforted ta retort thither, anv to tarry there the whole time Appolnted them. TAL ith what carneftnels,with what vehement zeal Die OUZ Saviour Chk v2tve the oupers ¢ (ellers out of the temple of Gov, Match. 24, and hurled dotun the tables of the changers of mony, and the (eats of the Dove lellers,and could not abive any man to carry a vested sen if Sa "464 TheSermon for Repairing,&e. thetemple? He tolu them that they hav made bis Fathers boule aver ofthiehes partly through thet fuperttition,bppocritie.tatte wopthip, fatte Domine, and {nfatiable covetautnels, and partly though contempt, a- bufing that place with walking and taiking, with wozldip matters with- out all feat of Sop, and ucteverence ta that place. Cltbat Dens of thieves the Churches of England have been mane bp the tafpbemous: buping and felling the mot precious bodp and blood of Chzitt tn the BD als, as the wold was made to believe, at biriges,at months minds, at Crentalls, in Adbeps and Chantrics , belive other hoyitiie abules (Gods holy name be Hleffen fo2 ever Which we now fee and underttand. Ui thete abominations, they that Cupply the room of Chyttt,bave clean» Fen and purged the Churches ‘of England of,taking away all {uch fullom- refs and filthinets,as though blind Devotion axD fgnozance hath crept Into the Church thele many hundzed pears, ‘Therefore, D pe goon Chulstian people,pe dearly oetowen tn Cpt Jelus, pe that Sloppy not ft Aonldly and Dain Religion, fi phantattical adozning and decking, but rejopce inbeart to (ee the ploy of Sodteuly tet forth , ano the Chur- ches veftozed to thete ancient and godly ule, cenver pour hearty thanks tothe goonnets of Almighty God, who hath in our Dayes titres up the carts not only of bis godly Wyeachers and Piniters, but allo of bis Uthful anv moft Cozlttian Pagitiratesand Sobvernours,to being fuch godly things to pats. Guo Eatmuch as pour Churches ace feoured and fwept from the fine ful and fuperititios filthinets wherewith thep were defiled and disfigu rep: Dope pouc parts, Good people, to keep pour Churches comely Cleat {uffer them tiot to be Defited tnith rain and weather, with Dung sf Doves, aud Dwis, Stares, ano Choughs, and other filthinels, ag ‘Fis foul anvtamentabie to behold in many places of this Country, Fe fs the Poule of prayer,not the boule of tatking,ot walking of batol- Ing, of minttreltie, of hatoks, anu Dogs. Wroboke not the oifpleature and plagues of Gov, Coy delpifing anvabuiing His holy poule, as the wicked Jews did, But pave Gov in your heat, be obenient to bis blefien Spill, bind pour felves every man and worthan,to pour power,toward the reparations and clean beeping o€ the Church,to the intent that ye map be partakers of Gods manitoly bleflings,and that pe map be the better encouraged to tefort to pour Joarith Church, there to learn pout Duty towards God and pour Meighbout, thereto ‘be prefent and partakers of Whpltts holp Sacraments, there to renver thanks to pour heabenip ‘Father £02 the maniColy benekits which ye daily: poureth upon pou,there fo pray together, and to callupon Sods help ame, which be bleffeo WD without end. Amen. AN Good Works. And firft of Fafting. DE life which we live tn this ward(gooB Chrittian people) is of the free benefit of God lent us, pet not to ule tt at our pleafure, after our ofon fedhip will + but to trabe ober the famein thofe CHopks whith are befeeming them thatare be- tome new Creatures in Chit. Chere twozhs the Gpoftle calleth Good tanks, faping , Tle are Gods Workmanthip, Ephet a: created in Chit Fetus to good works , Which God hath ogvained that we thould falkinthem. Gnd pet bis meaning fs . not byt hele woyds, to induce us, to ‘Dove any affiance, 02 to put anp confidence in our wozks, ae by the merit and delerbing of them to pur+ chate to our (elves and others temiffion of fin, aud {o confequentip ex Hecianing lite, fox that were meer biatphemp ‘again Gove mercy, and Breat hecogation tothe biood-thending of ote Saviotle Fetus Chit. For it ig of the free grace and mercy of Cod, bp the mediation of the loon of his Son Telus Chrict,without merit ogdeferving on our pact, that our fing are forgiven us,that we are reconciles and proughtagain into his favour, and are made heirs of bis heavenly Mingdom. Grace ‘Aug. deidte Cait) &. Avguftine) brionging to Sad, obo doth call us,and then bath °F, He good works, wholoever recetveth grace. Good works then bing cinpitibr. Not Forth mace 5 but are bout Coyth by grace. Che wheel ( faith e) Queft.28, turneth round, not tothe end thatit map be mave round ; but becaute it is fir made round, therefore it turneth round, So,n0 mandoth good Wwoyke, tarecetve Brace bp bis good works = but becaule be hath fiett received grace, therefoze confequentip he Doth goad works. Gna in another place Pe faith, Cood works Fo not befoxe in Him Which Mall Aug. de fide afterward be juftifien, but good works Lo follow after when A Manis & cperibu, firtt judifien, &, Paul therefore teacheth,that we mutt do good WOES cap.4. for Dibers re(peets + itil, to thew our (elves obedient chilpen unto our peabenlp Father,who hath oydained them, that we fhoutd walk in thet. Secondip,tog that thep ace good declarations and teftimanies of our jumification, Thirdly, that otbers feeing our good works, may the e rather bp them be ftirced up and crcited to gioyific our Father which is InDeaven, Letus not therefore be Nack to Do goow works , feeing f€ is the Will of Godthat we Mouln waik in them, alluring our elves that at the ag dap, everp man hall receive of God fo7 bis labour Done tirtrue faith, agreater reward than bis wozks have Deferved. And be- tarife Cometwbat chatl now be fpoken of one particu ar cood work, whole zZ Cart 166 Levies. and 23. ‘Zach.8, The Firft part of the Sermon ‘Commendation {g both in theLaw and in the Gofpel : thus much is fata” inthe beginning Generallp of ali good works. Firit, to remove out of ‘the way of the finple and tntearned, this Dangerous flumbling block, that any man thoulv go about te purcbate oz bup beapen with bis works. Secondiy,to take away Cfo much as map be) from gnbious minds, and flandecous tongues, all jut occafion of fanderous {peaking,as though Good works were rejected. Chis good work which now wait be treaten of, is Fatting, which is found in the Scriptures to be of two fopts. ‘The one outward, pertaining to the bony, the other inward,tn the beart and mind shis outward Falt,{s an abttinence fom meat, Dyink,and all natural foad,yea,from all Deltcfous pleatures and Delectations woalaly. TAhen this ourmard Fat pectaineth to one particular man, oz to afew, And not the whole number of the people, Foz cantes which hereafter Hall be declared, then tt fs calien a pribate Fatks Wut when the whole Multitude of men, women and childen, ina Cownih{p 0 City, pea, theougha whale Country,do fatt,tt tgtallen a publick fat. Such was that att which the whole multitude of the chitdzen of Ilrael were com- manued to keep the tenth Day of the feventh month, becaule Aimightp God appointed that vay to bea cleanfing Dap, a Dap of atonement, a time ofreconciltation,a vay wherein the peopte tere Cleanted from thetc fing. Che ower and manner How it wag Done, is weitten in the evi. ano geil, Chapters of Levicicus, Chat vay the people Did lament, mourn, Joep, zd hetwail thei foymer fing.And Swhofoeber upon that Dap DiDnot Humble bis (oul, bewaiting bis fins, as is (aid, abftaining from all bo- Dilp food, until the evening, that;foul (faith the Amighty Sodrhouts ‘be Deftroped From among His people. Cle Do not read that Mofes pyained, bp oer of Law, any daies of publick fat thoughout the Inhole pear, moze than that one dap, The Fews notwithtanding hav moze times of gommon faring, which tue Prophet Zachary recitety to be the fat of the Fourth, the fart of the fifth, the fait of the febenth, ano the fat ofthe tenth month. Wut for that {t appeareth not in the Law twhen thep were intituted, ttis to be judged, that thole otber times of fatting, moze than the fatt of the feventh month, were oydained among the Jews by the appointment of thet Sovernours,rather of devotion, than by an expels commandment given from God. Cipon the ozvi- nance of this general fat, good men took occafion to appointta them: felves private fatis, at {uch times as they piv either eacnettly lament and betoail theit dntul tives, 02 0(0 avDict themfclues to moze fervent paper, that it might pleafe Gon to turn Dis wrath from them, where either thep were admontthed and ‘fought to the confiveration thereof By themeaching v€ the Prophets, 02 athertwite tober thep fat pretent Danger to hang over theit beads, This Coxrowfuinels of heart, jopned With fatting,thep uttered fometimes by thelr outward bebabiout and ge. ftuce of body, putting on fackcloth,fp2tukling thembeives with athes and Due, ann fitting o2 ping upon the earth. Foz when goovmen feelin them(etves the beasp burden of fin, (ee Damnation to betherewardof it, and behold with the epe of thefe mind the boxrour of bell, they tremble thep quake, and ace {ntardip touched Wwith fogrotefulnets of heart fox their offences,anv cannot but accute themileldes and open this thee rice unto Ginighty Goo, and call unto him foz mercy. This being done ferfoutly, thetc mind is fo occupien, partly Wwith Cogrote anv heavinets , pactlp with an carnett delice to be Deltuered from this Danger of} bette Damnation. eo "oo of Fafting, fli “ad £ 167 Damnation, that all defice of meat ano Dyink is laibapact, aud toath- fomnefe of all woztdIp things and pleatices cometh in place, fo that nothing then Iiecth them moze,than to weep,to lament, to moutn,and bath with woyds and behaviour of body, to thew themfelbes toearp of : this life. Thus din David fatt, when he made intercesion to Gimignty God fo the Chitvs life begotten in adultery of Barhfheba, Uriati's tale} Hing Achab fafted after thig fozt,when ft bepenteD Him of murnertny of Naboth, betwatling bis own fintul Doings, Such twas the Ninivites fart; brought to repentance bp Jonas preaching. ‘When fourty thoutand of the . Hraclites were flain tn battel agatntt theBenjamites, the ‘Scripture faith, GUL the Chitnyen of ifrae!, and the whole multitude of the people went to Bethel, and ate there weeping befoze the Lod,ann fatten allthat pap LU night, Sov{d Daniel, Helter, Nehemias, AHO many others’ in the Judges so. Div Ceftament fat. But é€ anp man will tay, (tis true, Ca they fatten {ndeed,but we are not now undet.the poke of theLaw, Weate fet at Ifber. tp bp the freedom of the Galpels therefore thole rites and-cuttoms ofthe OlD iat bind notug,ercept it can be tyctved by the Scriptures ofthe new Teftament, 02 by examples out of the fame, that fatting not under the Golpel, isa restraint of meat, Dyink, andall bodily food and pleatures from the bobp, a befoze. Fir, that twe ought to fatt,is a truth meze ma. uifet, than that it houtn here need tobe proved, the Scriptures which teach the fame, are ebfoent. - che voubt therefoze' ts, whetberaben Wwe fat, tue ought to withhotn from our bodies all meat anv Daink Dee 4 ting the time of our fat, 02 no? Chat we ought fatodo, map be well gathered upon a quettion moved by the Pharilees to ‘Chit, and by bis Anfver again to the Came. CAbp (Cap thep) Do Johns vifciples fat often, Luke ‘ and eae Wwelikewife? but thp difciples eat and dzink,and Fatt not at alkGn this fmooth quettion,tbep couch up fubtilip this argument 02 tea: fon: CAholo fatter} not,that man fp not dé Gov. #02 farting and Prayer Ace works bath commended and commanded of Gon in the Scriptureg, and all Good men, fom Mofes tll this time, as tell the Prophets ag others, haveerercifed themlelbesin thele works, Jobn alto and bis Dict pies at this vay do fart oft, and pap MUCH, AUD {ads we the Pha. Ufces tn Itke manners But thpDitetples tar notat all, which (€ thou tilt Denp,twe can eafilp wove it, Foz wholoeber cateth and Drinketh,fattety Not. Chp Dilciples eat and dink, therefore thep Eat not, Di this we Conclude (fap they) necettarity, that neither art thot, NO} pet thy Diet. Ples, of Gov. Chrltt maketh antwer, taping, Can pe make that the Children of the tweoding ali Eatt, while the beivegtaom is with them 2 3 Thedates tall come when the brivegroom Mall be taken from them 3n thole dates tail thep Fatt. Dur Saviour Chrift,tike a geod Water, Defendeth the tunecency of his Ditciplesagaink the malice of thearra: Bant Pbaritees, and proveth that his Dilciples ave not gutity of trang. Breffing anp jot of Govs Law, although as then they fatted,and in bis anfwer reppoveth the Iharitees of Superttition and Jonozance. Su. + pecttition, becaute thepputa Religion tn thett Doings, anv alcriben bo: ‘ nels to the outward work wrought, not tegarbing-to what end fatting fg odained. DE tgnopance, fox tbat thep coutn not pitcern betineen time and time, Chep knew not that there ts a time of tejopcing and mirth 5 anda timeagain of famentation and mourning,which both be teacheth iu bis antwer, ag thal be toucheo moe largely beveatter, ben te talk Aw Mew what time fs miok fit to fatt in, ‘But Za i a ——— EE == a a "168 The Firft part of the Sermon But here,beloved,let us note, that our Saviour Chitin making bis anfince to their quetton, Denten not, ‘put contested that bis Difciples fa- fied not,and therefore ageeeth to the Pbaritees in this,ag unto a mant- fet truth, that whofe eateth and Diinketh, fatteth not. Fasting thene- ‘ Len bp Chritts atientis atwithotding of meat, Dyink, aNd all natural ia food from the ‘boop, fo the Determined time of falking. And that it was TCouneit,one o€ the four fietk general Councils. S he Fathers alembien Shecesto the number of 630. contivering with themteives bow accepta. bie a thing fading is to wo, ‘when it is ufed accogding to ‘pis mods Ae Bain , having betoye theic eves ‘af the great abules of the fame crept dato the Church at thofe days, though the negligence of them whicb of Aout babe taught the people the right ule thereof, and bp bain glofies, Debifed of mer to retoym the faio ‘abules, and to reftoe this fo goon Rnd govly a work, tothe true ule thereof, Decreed in that Council, that ebery perfonas well in bis private as publick fatt,hout continue all the Dap without meat and Dunk, till after the Evening prayer. ano holoever DH cat 03 Dank Vetoxe the Evening maper was, ended, ‘Hout be accounted and reputed not to confiver the purity of pis fatt. Chis Car fo epidentiy otw fatting was uleo in the rimte tive Chute, ne bp words t cannot be moze plainly erpyesied. Farting thers by the veccee of thele fic bundzed and thictp Fathers , Brounding theft Determination in this matter upon the (acred Sevip. ~ fureg, and ions continued ulage oppractice, both of the Pzopbets and pther ponlp pectorw, befoye the coming of Chit, and of the poe = 13-7 les and other Devout ment inthe Mew Cetament, fg a withholding of meat, Dink, and ailnatucal Coed Com the body, for the Determined Hine of tating, Thus much ts fpeken Hitherto, to make plain unto pou what fatinigis. sow hereatter tall be tpeined the true aww right ie of fafting. > Gosd works acenot atl of onetogt, For Conve ave of themfelves, and of theit own paopet nature altuates good: as to lobe Gov above aif things, to love thy Setgbbour as thp felf, to ponour thy Father and Mother, ta honoue the Higher Powers,te pive to every jnan that which és bis Due, and fuch like. DOtber works there be, which confidered in themietves, without fucther velpedt, ace of theit ew nature meeclp in- Different, that is, neither go0D Noy evil, buttake thet Denomination of the ute oz end thereunto they (erbe. Mich works having a good end, avecalled Sood wozks,and are fo fdeeds but pet that cometh not of themieives, but of the good end tohereunto thep ate referred. On the other fe,{E the eno that thep Cerve unto,be ebil,tt cannot then othertuite ‘be,but that they mutt needs be ‘evil al(o, OE this (ort of works,,is fafting, & which of it (eit isa thing meerlp invifferent: but it is made better og ; Awonle by the end that tt terbeth unto. ‘Foz when it retpecteth a good end, ft isa good orks buttheend being ebtl,the work it fet€ is alfa ebil,|r0 ‘ Fatt then with thts pecfwation of mind, that out fafting, and out good oyks.can make we pected and jut men,and finally, bying us ta beaver, fs & Dewllity perlwation, and that fatt {9 fo fat off from pleating of God, thatiretulerh bis mercy, and is altogether Decogatozy to the + merits of Chpitts veath,and his precious Blood(Hevding. Chis doth Lukes’. thepavable of the Pbharifee and the uolican teach. - Cwwo men claith a CHAE) went up together into the Cemple to prap,the one a Baul, ° the Peet \ bites 1 of Fafting. the other a Publican : the bacilee ood and prayed thus tnith Hieittelé, Athank thee, D God, that Tam notas other men ate, ertoztioners, unjulk, adulterers, aidas this Publican ts, F fast twice fn the Week, J gibe tithes of all that Vpollets. Che sSublican fteod afar of, and Wouln not Litt up bis eyes to Heaven, but imate his beeatt, anv Catv, God bemerciful to meafinner. Inthe perfon of this barilee, our PaviourCt letter out to the epe,and to the pene of the ogi, a peer jud,anb righteous man,(uch a one as is not (poten with thote at men commonly ate infeed withsertoztion, baberp, polling ‘andpilling thete neighbour, robbers and tpotlers of Commontweals, ctaftp, and (ubtile in chopping anv changing, ufing fall weights, and Deteftable perjury in thete buping and felling, Eoynicatoys, adulterers, and bictoug iibers. The Pharifee was no {uch man, neither faulty tt anp fuch {tke notoztous crime. Sut where other trantgrefied bp teabing things undone, which pet the Law required: this man ‘DID moze thar. wag requifite bp the Law, Fore fatten theice in the week, and gave tithes vf all that be bad, Ceibat could the CAogld then juttly blame tn this mane pea,tohat outward thing moze couln be Deficed to bein bim,; to make bim a moze perfect and a moze jut man? Culp, nothing by Mang juBsMentsand pet our Sablour Cinitt peterceth the poor jub- Tican without fatling, before bins with bis fat: Che caule bp be doth fo, ig manifett. 02 the Publican habing no good Works at all to tru unto, pielnedup bimlelf unto God, contesting big fing, and hoped cete tainly to be faved by Sods free mercy only, Che Pdarilee glopiew; and truded fo much to bis works, that he thought bimlele ture enongy Without mercy, and that be Gould come to Deaven bp bis fading, and other deeds. Cothis endferveth that parable. Foz tt is {pokenta them that trutic in themleives, thatthep were righteous, and defpiten others, soto becaule the jHarilee Ditecteth bis works to an ebii env, fecking bp them judlfication, which indeed ig the ploper works Gon infthout our merits, bis fating twice i the week , and all bis otber works, though thep were never fo manp,and feemen to the wort never fo goon and holy, petin verp Deed befoxe Gon they atealtogetbet ebit any abominable, She mark allo that the ppoctites theot at with thei faft, {8, to appear Joly thr the epe of the toozld, and fo to tein commen: Bationand praife of men. “But our Saviour Chat faith of them,they Math ave their reward, that is,tbep bave praife and commendation of men, but of Goo they Gave none atall, Feptobatfoever tendeth to an evtt nD, is itlelf, bp thatedilend, made edil alfo. Qgain, (o long age Heep ungodline( ou tracts, and fuffer wicked thoughts to tarry there, though tue fatt ag oft as Din either ©. Paul 02 Jobn Baptift, and keep it ap fitidip ag DID the Ninivites = pet Mall ft be not only unprofi- table toug, but alto a thing that greatly difpleateth Aimighty Sov. ‘Fo2 he laith, that hie foul abborreth and hateth (uch fattings, pea, thep 1aLi: are aburther unto him, and he tp weary of bearing: them. ann therefoze de inveigheth mot tharply againtt them, faping by the mouth ofthe Pre. phet Ifaiah, Behold, when pou fatt, pour luft vemaineth fill, for pepona | jefe Diotence to pour Debtors. Lo, ye fatt to Grife and debate, and taiGl 2. finite with the fit of Wickednels. Bow pe Mali not fat thus, that pou tap make pour boiceta be beard above.€ bink pe this fat pleateth me, that aman thould chatten bimtelé fox adap? ould that be called a fatting, oy Xap that plealeth the Low? How dearly beloved s ee “vn 170 Joel 22. Cor 9 Gs 13, AAs 14, The Firft part of the Sermon that Aimiebtp God alloweth not our fatt £02 the toorks Cake, but chieAy refpeceth our heart, how itis affcated, and thenefteemeth our Catt either Good o2 evil, by the endthat ttlerveth fox: it is our part to rent our bearts, and not our garments,as we are abvertifed bp the Japhet Joel, that fs, our Cozcow and mourning mut be {nward in heart, and not in Outward thew only, pea, {tis requilite that firt befoze all things, we fleanfe our hearts from fin, and then direct our fatto (uch an ennag Ged will allow to be gaov. : ae here be thee ends whereunte tC our fat be directed; it is then a Wwozk profitable to us, and accepted of God. , The firlt fs, to chattile the Heth, that it be not tos wanton, but tamed aud hoought in fubjecion tothe (pirit. Chis refpec had Saint Paul in ‘His Eatt, when he ato, J chattife mp body, and bytng ft into {ubjecion, left by any means it cometh to pals , that when J have preached to o- thers, J mp (elf be found a caftaway. Che fecqnd, that the Cpirit map be moze earneft anv fervent to prayer, Lo this end fated the Pyophets and eachers that were at Antioch,be- foe they Cent foyth Paul and Barnabas to peach the Golpel. Che fame tivo Apottles fatted Coz the like purpofe,when thep commended to Goo, bp their carnett papers, the Congregations that were at Antioch, Pifi- dia, Iconium,and Lyftra,ag wwe vead tn the Ads of the Apotties. The thivd, that ouc fatt be a tettimony and witnels with ys before God, of our humble fubmition te his dish Wajetty, when we contels Gnd acknowledge our fing unto him, and ace tnwardlp touched with fozrowfulnels of Heart, bewailing the fame in the affliction of our bo- pies. Thete are the thee ends, opright ules of fating. Che Girl bee Yangeth mot properly to pylvate Cafts: the other twa are common, ag Wweillte publick fats, as to private andthus much {oy theule of fatt- ing. oz have mercy upon us, and giveus grace, that while we live in this miferable wopln,we map through thy beip being foxth this, ant fuch other fruits of the fpirit, commended and commanded in thp balp Ingyd, to the Hlozp of thy ame, and to our comforts, that after the race of this twetched life, we may ive everlatingly with thee in thp beavenip Ringuom, not for the merits and woxthinels of our works, ut fo2 thy mecetes take, and the merits of thy Dear Son, Fetus Chit, to whom with thee and the aly Ghotk, be ait laud, honour, and glagp,foz ever andebet. Amen, The Second Part of the Homily of Fafting. IQ the Eopmer DormllpCbetoved) was heed, that a mong the people of the Jews, fatting as it was com: manded them from God by Mofes, was to abstain the whole Day, from mogning tilt night, from meat, Dank, and ail manner o£ food, that nouritheth the BHody,and that tohota tatted ought before the ebening, ‘On the dap appotnted to fatting, was accounted a. Mong thers a beaker of pis tat. CE bich oyder,though tt (eem ftrange to fome in thele our Daies, becaute tt hath not been fo generally uled tir - Sbfs Bealm of many pears patts pet that it was fo among Song People : of Fafting, People (Jmean the Jews) whom betoze the coming of our Sabiour Chute, Goo did souchiate to. chute unto Dbimteify a pecutiac people a- hove ail other nations of the earth, and that our Saviour Chet to un. Derftoodit, and the Apokies after Cinitts atcention ain fouteit, wag there (ufficentiy proven by the tetimontes ann eramples of the porp Scriptures, ag well cf the new € etament, ag of the ol, Che true ule of fatting wag there aifo MHewed. Fn this fecond ‘part of this Domitp Wall be hetwen, that no Conttitution o2 Lat made by man, foz things: Which of thetic own Proper nature be meer indifferent, can bin: the corte Deration of the Maintaining of Fither-towng bozvering: upon the Seag, and foz the increate of, Fither-men,o€ whom do (pring Warriners toca Upon the Sea,to the Eurnithing of the Mabp ofthe Bealm,wherebp Not only Commodities of other Countries. map be tranfpogted,but alfa ‘map be aneceffarp defence ta efit the fuvafion of the abberfarp. Fo} the better Underfanding of this queftion, itis heceffacp that we Make a difference bettneen the policies of Dulnces, mane fon the opoering of theic Commontweais, tn Povifion of things ferving to the mort fure Defence o€ thete Subjcots ang Countries , and between Cccletiattical Policies, in pretcribing uch works, by which, ag bp feconpary meang, Sods wath ma p be pacified, and his mete purchalev. Potitive lag Mave by jzinces, fo Conferbation of their Policy, not cepugnant untae Gods Law, ought of all Cheitian Subjects with reverence of the Bae Biftcate to be obeyed, not Only fo2 feat of punithment, but alto (asthe Apottie fafth) fozcontcience fake, Contcience, Fap,not of the thing Which of its own nature ts fnoitferent > butof our obentence, which the Law of Gov we owe unto the Wasittrate, as unto Gove Wink fer. By which pofitive Laws, though we Subjects forcertain times Andbapesappointen, be reftrainen from fome kinds of meats ann Dutnk, tubich Gon by bis bolp ctoyn Hath lett free to be taken anvuten of all men with thank(giving inait places, and at all times : bet foz Dolinets in one kind of Meat and dink moe than another, to ‘makeone Day more oly than. ‘Another, but are Stounded meecly upon policy, alt Subdjeos ave bound tn Contcience ta keep them by Song Commany- Ment, who bp the Apostie willeth all without erception,ta fubmit them. {elves unto the authoaity of the Dinber Powers, And tn this point Concerning uv Duties thich be bere Dwelling in England, endironed with the Sea, ag we be, we have Steat occafion in reafon to take the Commodities of the water, which Almighty Sov by His-divine P2rovi. Dence hath laid fo nigh unto Us, Wbereby the incceate of ‘Sfauals upon the land map the better be {pared and cherithed,ta the fooner reducing of Dicuals to a moze moderate Puce, to the better fuftenance of the Poo, Gnd doubtiels he feemeth to be too dainty an Engtithman, whe conf: Dering the great Commodities which may entue, will not foxbear fore piece 171 172 Aas 156 The Firt Part of the Sermon -plece of big iicentious appetite upon the ozbinrance ot bis 19aince with the Confent of the wile ofthe Realm. CUbat good Engiith peact would not With that the old ancient glozy Mould return to the Realm, wherein it Hath with seat commendations excelicd before our Days, fn the fueni- ture of the Mabp ofthe Lame? TALhat will moze Daunt the bearts of the Goucrlarieg,than to (ee us well Fenced and armed on the Sea,as wee repogted to bean the Land? FE the prince vequetted our obedience ta foyhepr one day from fet more thantwe do, and te be contented with in ‘meal in the fame day, thould not suc own commodity thereby per- ade ug to fubjecion ? But now that too meals be permitted on that Dap to he wled, which fometime our Cidersin very Great numbers inthe alm DID ule with one only {pace meal, and that in fey onip = ‘helt ¢ think it fo great a bucthenthatis prefertbed ? "_ Furthermoge, confiver the pecay ol the Cowns nigh the Seas,whiey OULD be maf ready by the number sf the people there torepuile thee: emp, aud we which Dwell further of upon the tand,baving them as our fuchler to Defend ug,thauld be the mone infatety. JE they be our neish- OLS, WHY HhowiD we not with them to profper > ‘JE they be our Defence ag wiabelt at hand to repel the enemp, to keep out the rage of the Seag jwbich elfe Mpqutn beak dr uport out fairpattuces,why tout we not che: HD them ? either do we urge that in the Ecclefiatticat policy pretcrts ¥ iB afoym of Facing, to humble sur felvesin the Gight of Aimighty God, that that over whic) was uly among the Jews, and praci(ed By Chyltts Apotties atter His alcenfton, ts of uch foye and neceslity, that that oulp gugbt to be uted among Chritians, and yone other, for fhat were ta bind Gods people unto the poke and burthen of Mofes fis olicp, pea, tt were the very wap to bing us tobich are fet at Tiberty bp efreedont of Chpitis Galpel, into the bondage of the Lat again, Which Gov Copia thatany man fhould attempt 02 purpofe, ‘But to thig endit Cxpeth, to thet how far the opder of fatting nolo uleD in the ¢ urch atthis Dap, piffeveth from that which then was ulev. Garg uch ought not, neither map tt be fo tped to that oz any other oper now made,o2 pereatter to be made aud deviled bp the authority of man, but that it map lawtullp, fo2 suit caules, alter, change, oxmitigate thole Eeciehatial ecrpeg AND aUers, pea, recede whaliy from thems and 2eak them, when they tend either to fuperttition, o2 to impiety, when thep Dyaw the people from Sov, cather than work any edification tir them, This authority Cota plinleié ufed, and leftit to bis Churcp. Ae uled tt, F (apstor the opder oz Decvee mave by the€lvers foz wathing oft times, which was diligently obferven of the Jewss pet tending to fuperftition, our Saviour Chritt altered and changed the fame in his Church, into a profitable Sacrament, the Sacrament of our vegencea- tion oj new bitth. This authortty to mitigate laws and Decrees Ct. C{eltattical, the Apotties puactiled, tohen thep, weiting from Jervfalem Untolthe Congregation that was. atAntioch,fignified unto them that they Would not lap any further bucthen upon thet, but thele neceflartes that is, that they tould abftain tram things offeren unto tools, from Blood, from that which is frangled, and from foznication,notivithtand+ ing that Mofes Law requires manp other obferbances. Chis authorty to change the ovders,necrees,and conttitutions of theChurch,was after the Gpoftles time ufed of the ‘Fathers avout the manner of falling, ag tt appeareth nthe Tripartite Dittory, where itis Haran tings, Centias rating

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