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The Second Part of the Ho mt ¥ FOR AT z ROGATION WEEK. “S54 v; the foxmer part of this homily (good cbaiiai, Zz, Weople) I bave Declared to pout contemplation, a2} the great goodnefs of almighty GOD, inthe Crea tion of this Toga, mith all the furniture thereof, ee foz the ule and comfozt of man, twberebp twe, By might rather be moved to acknowledg our duty again to bis Baieltp. and J trutt it bath mought not only beliefin pou, but algo it hath moved po . to render pour thanks fecvetlp in pour hearts to alinighty SOD for his toving kindnels. wut pet peradventure fome will fay, that thep cau agree to this, thatall thatis good pertain- ing to thefoul, o2 tubatforver ts created with us in bodp, thould come from GOD, as from the Author of all qoovnefs and fam none otber. ‘But of Cuch things as be without them both, Tmean fuch gwd things ‘whic te call goods of fortune, as ridves,authority, promotion,and bo= nouts fomeimen may think, that they fhould come of our indutry anddiligence, of ouclabourandtravel, rather than fupernaturally. Row then confider, ged people, ifany Author there be of fuch things Concurrent of mans labour and endeavou, were it meet to afcribe them to any other than to 6DD? ag the Panims, Philofopbers, anv Ports DD rer, Which took Fortune and made her a Goddels to be bo= noured, for fucd things: GOD forbin (Good Chpiftian People) that this Imadination (ould carnclllp be received of us that be wortbipers of the true SDD, whofe works and proceedings. be ecprellrd manic fefllp in bis Hod. Thele de the opinionsand fapings of Infidels. not: 293 oftrue Chriftians. For they indeed (as Job maketh mention) believe Job23. andfap, that ©DD hath his relioence and retting place in the Clouds, and confidereth nothing of our matters. Epicures they be that ima= gine that be tuatketh about the coatis ofthe Yeaben, and bath no te peét of thefe inferior things, but that all thefe things Gould poceedei= ther by chance 02 at adventure, oz elfe by difpofition of Fortune. and. SOV to have nolivoke in them. Chat other thing isthisto fap.than as. the Fool fupnofeth in his beart,there is no SOD?cel bom twe Chall none otherwife remove, than with ODDS own twords by the mouth of David. ‘Heat my people faith be) for Tam thy GOD, thy wey GOD, hr. 14. all the Beals of the Cloodare mine. Sheep and Oren that wander in Pel. Or themountains. J babe the knotwleng of all the Fowwls of the Bit, the beauty of the Field is my Handy work, mine is the Whole civcuit of the Word. andalt the plenty thatis init. And again the w2ophet Jeremy, Jer.23: SChinkelk chou that Raut a GOD of theplace nigh me (faith the Los, ay and ill Se Sa i 294, Phil. ifs Prov. 10, a King, 2. Jerem.9. 1 Cot. 4s James Sap. 10. The Second Partof che Sermon and tlotd GOD fav off Cana man hide himfclf in fo fecret a corner, that J (hall not fee bim: Do not ¥ fulal and replenity bot peatirt and Earth,{aith the Loo ceLbich of thefe ttoo Hhould be mol believed: Fortune abort they paint to be blind of both eves,eoer unflable andun= tontiant in ber Cibecl, in twhole hands they fa thefe things bes Dz OOD, in whofe andand power thefe things be indeed, tho for bis truth and conftancp toas pet never reproved: sfo2 bis fight tooxeth tho- rowHraden and Earth, and feeth all things pefently with bis epes. Mothing isto dark o2 Hidden from bis knowledg, Tot the prdp thoughts of mens minds. Cruth itis,that SOD isalt viches,all powers all autbority, all beath. wealth, andprofperity, of the tobicy we Mould dave no pact without bis liberal Diftcibution, and ercept it came from Dim above. David firft teftisietd of rides and polletions : TE thou Binet godiuck,thep tall gatber,andif thou openelt thy band,the hall be futt ofgamodnets: butif thou turnelt thy face they Chall be troubled. And So- lomon faith, at is the blefling of the Lo2d that maketh rid) men. Co this agveeth that poly Ccloman Ann, twbere thefaithin berfong: It is the Lozdthat maketh the poor, and maketh the rich, it is ‘be that promo= tethand. pullesp coer De Cantaife a needp man from bis mifery, and from the bung il, be can lift upa poog perfonaae to Nt with Princes, and have the feat of glory s forall the coatts of the Earth be bis. ow ifanyman will ask, That (hall itabail us to know that eberpy geod gift, as of nature and fortune (fo called) and every perfelt gift, as of Grace, concerning thefoutl, tobe of ©DD, and that itis bis gittonty + Forfenrh for many caufesit is conbenient for us to koto it. 02 fo Chall {we know (if we confels Khe truth) who ought julily to be thanked foz thet. Ou naide Chall be thecebp abated, perceiving nought to come of out felves but finand vice : tf any goodnels be in us, to refer all laud and praife fo2 the fame to almighty ©DD. at (hall make us toadvance our feltves befoze our neighbour, to Defpite him for that be bath feover gilts, fering GOD giveth bis gifts where he will. It Mall make us y the confideration of our gi 8, not to ertol our felves befoze our neighbozs. Jt (hall make the wife man not to alory of bis wifdom, nog the {trong man in bis firenath, nog the rich to glozp in bis tides,but inthe living SDD, whieh is the author of all thefes Lett if we thoulo do fo, tue might be rebuked with the tuords of St. Pav!, tobat ball thou, that thou batt not received > anDif thou batt receivedit, toby aloriett thou in thy Cele, as though thou badftinot received it ¢ To confels that all good things cometh from Almighty GDD, is a great point of ifoom, my Friends: so2 fo confelling, we know whither to reEozt for to babe them, if tue foant, ag St. James bindeth us, Caping, Iany Man Wanteth the gift of wifdom, let dim ask it of GOD that aives it, andit Hhallbe given bim. Asthe wife manin the toant of ud a like Gift, made his recourfe to GOD forit, as be teltisiethin bis Book : Aftre J knew CLaith be) that otberwite J could not be cate, ercept GOD gqrantedit, (ard this was as be there writeth, bigh toifdom to ‘know tobofe gift it was) Imabde hatte tothe Lord, and earnefily be= fought bint, even from the roots of mp beatt, to bapeit. F would to ODO (my Friends) that in out wants and necefflties, toe world go to GOD, as St, James bivdeth, andas the Cifeman teacbeth us that DeTtD. TI would te belieded fleofattly that GOD onlp gives them ‘FE toe DID, we (ould not feck our want and necellity of the Dall : aw for Rogation Week. and bis minifters fo oft ag twe do, as Daily experience Declaretbit. For if tor {tand in necellity of cozpozal Health, whither go the common people but to charms, twitdcratts, and other deluifions of the Devil ¢ ‘BEwe knewrhat SDD were the Author of this git, toe would only ufe big means appointed, and bide his leiture, til be thouahe it good fo? us to Dave it given: SF the serdant and ‘oortotp occupier Bneto that ODD is the giver of rides, he would content himfelf with fo mud ag by jutt means approvedof ©DD, ye could get to dis living, and would be no rider than truth would fuffer bim. be would never. protce his gain and ask his qodsat the Devils hand. GOD fo2- 1D pe will fay, that any man Chould take bisrides of the Devil. Ge- rily fo many as incteale themfelves by ufurp, bp ertoztion, by per= uc, by tlealth, by Deceits, and craft, they bade theit goodsof the De- isgift. Andall thev that give themfelbes to fuch means, and bave Lenouncedthe true means that SOD hath appointed, have foxfakent Dim. andare become wortbipers of the Drdil, to have their iucces and advantages. They be Luch as knecl Down to the Devil at his binding, and worhip him: Fo2 be promifeth them for fo Doing, that he till pie them the orld, andthe goods therein. Chey carmot otherivife tter Lerve the Devilsthan to Do dis pleafure and commandment:and Dig motion and twill it is, tobave us foafake the truth, and betake us to falthond, to lies and petjuries. Chey therefore wbicy belicde per- feélp in theit beart that GOD ig to be honoured. and requelted foz the Gift of all things necellarp, would ute none other means to relieve their necellities but truth and verity, and would Lerve ©DD to have com: tency of all things necellary. Hhe man in his need toould not relieve is twant by ftealth. Che woman twould not relieve her neceflity and poberty by giving ber body to other in Adultery forgain. TEGDD be the duthoz indeed of life. health, riches, anv welfare, lectus make our recourfe to him, as the Autho2,and we thall have it,faith Saint James. Peaitis bighwifdom by the life man therefore to knot tobofe aift itis, for many other skills it is wifdom to know and believe that all eodnelsand graces be of ODD, as the Author. caibich thing well ton- ered, mutt needs makeus think that tue hall make account fo that Which SDD siveth us to pollefs, and therefore (hatl make us to he moze Diligent Well to {pendthem to SDDS alow, andto the profit of our neighbour, that we may make a good account at thelatt, and Ve praifed for guditetwards, that we map 9 f Done God ferbant and faithful, thou batt been faithful in little, x will make thee rulecober much, go into thy waters: ue ‘Belides, to be= lieve cevtainly GDD to be the Autho2 of all the gifts that we have, halt make sto be in Mence and patience when they be taken again front us. FO a5 OOD of his mercy doth grant us them to ute: fo other ‘obiles be Doth jufily take then again from us, fo probe our patience, tocrercife our Faith, and by the means of the taking atvay of a few, to beftotw the moze warily thofe that remain, to teach us to ufe thent fhe more to bis alozp, after be giveth them tous again. Many there be that with mouth car fay that tbe beliebe that SDD is the Author ofebery good gift that thep babe: but in the tite of temptation thep Go back from this belief. They fay it in tword, but Denpit in Deed. Consider the cuttom of the World, andfee whether it be not true. Be= gold the cid) man that is inducd with fubtiantt, ifby MERCY ie ge 295 eat theLe tozds of our Aung : Tell Matth 24. & 296 Sup. 17. Jeb te 2 King. 16. The Second Part of the Sermon goods be taken from bin, hots fureth and fretteth be + Hote murntus reth-he and delpaireth: be that bath the gift of qudteputation, if bis name be any thing toudbed by the Detvattoz, bow unquiet is hes how bufic to revenge bis Delpite? Ifa man bath the sift of wifdom, and. fortune to betaken of fome evil willer fora Fool, and is fo repogted; pom mud Doth itarieve bim to be fo elteemed? Chink pe tbat thele cliebe Conftantly that GOD is the Author of thele gitts: IE they be= lieve it verily, toby Moutd ther not patiently Luffer GOD to take away Pisgilts.again, whic begave them freely, and lent for atime: Wut pewill fay, 9 could be content to tefign to SOD fuch gifts, if be took them again from me: But now ave they taken from me by edit thantes and falle (haetus, by naughty Cireties, bow thoutd F take. this thing patiently? Co this may be anfwered, that Almighty OOD is of bis nature invifible, and cometh to no man vifible after the man= nerof man, to take away bis Gifts that belent. But in this point whatlorver SDD doth, be bringeth it about by bis inflruments 022 Dained thereto. be hath good Angels, be hath emt Anacls, be bath Goodmen, and ve bath edil men, be bath Hail and Bain, He bath eAindand Chundev, be bath Heat and Cold. Innumerable inflru= ments bath be. andinellengers, bp whom again be asketh {ud gifts as be committeth to our teutt, ag the CUife man contelleth, Che Creature imu needs wait to Cerve bis waker, to be fierce againt unjutt men to their punityment. Fozas the fame Gutbo? faith,be armeth the Creature, torcvenge bis enemics,and other whiles to the probation of our Faiths Cirreth be up Luc) fozms, And therefore by tobat mean andinirument forver GOD takes from us bis gifts, te mutt patiently take SDDS judginent in Worth, and acknotwledg bim to be the Taker and iver; as Jobfaith: Che Lordaave, andthe Lozdtook, when pet bisenemies Move bis Cattle away, and then the Devil lew bis dildzen, and at= fitted bis body with avirvous ficknefs, Such meeknefs toas in that poly King and Pzophet David.toben be was reviled of Shimei in the pre= fence of all bis bolt, be took it patiently, and reviled notagain, but asconfelling GOD to be the Authoz of his innocency and good names and offecing it to be at bis pleafure: Let bim alone (faith be to one of bis Ceypants that toould ave revenged {uch defpite) fox GOD bathe comunanded him to curfe David, and peradventure OOD intendety thereby to render me forme goodturn for this curfe of hint to Day. And though the minifier other whites doth evil in bis att, proceeding of malice, pet forafmuch ag ©DD turneth bis evil ait to a proof of our patience, we (ould rather Cubmit our felves in patience, than to Have indignation at GOODS rod. twbich peradventure woben be bath conttited us to our nurture, be twill cath it into the five. agit Deferdeth. Letusinlike manner truly acknowledg all our gifts and peeroga= tives, to be fo GODS gifts, that we thail be ready to refign thenr upat bis will and pleafure again, Let us theougbout our whole lives confefs all good things to come of SDD, of twhat name oz nature Tor- ‘per they be, not of thefe comuptible things only, whereof pave now Iai fpoken, but much moze of all {piritual graces bebobeable fo2 our foul, without whofe gooduefs no man is called to Faith. 02 aid therein, as F Chall bercafter in the nert pact of this Domily Detlace topou. In the mean Caton forget not tobat bath alceady been {poe Ken to pou, forget not to be comfortable in pour judginents ie ite ru for Rogation Week. fritth of bis Dotrine, and forget not to prattife the fante in the tohole flate of pourlife, tubereby pe (hall obtain the blelling peomifcd by our Saviour chritt: wlelled be thep whic hear the Mozd0f GOD, and fulalit in lite. COvich blelling He grant to us all, toho reigneth over all, one DD in Crinity, the Father, the Son, and the poly Shot ; Eo whom be all Yonour and glozp foz ever, Amen. The Third Part of the Ho mit x FOR ROGATION WEEK. xe Promiled to pou to declare that all Cpivitual gifts aud graces come {pecially from OOD. Let us cons Ader the truth of this matter, and beat what is te- flified frit of the gift of Faith, the irl entry into the Chaittian lite, without the twbid noman can to be. GODS gift, faping, Faith is the gift of 5 potuer.that pe be. kept theough faith to falvation. At is of the gooduefs of GOD that we falter not in our hope unto vim. Stisderily SODS work in us, the charity wherewith we love our brex then. Jt after our fall we repent, itis by bim that toe cern ‘whic reacheth forth hismmerciful bandtoraifeusup. If any twill we babe to vile, it is be that preventeth our wilLand difpofeth us thereto. Ie after contrition we feel our contciences at peace With ODD through cemif= fion of our fin, and fo be reconciled again to bis favour, and hope to be bis hhildzen and inheritors of everlatting life: who worketh thefe great miraclesin us? our wortbinels, our Deferdinas andendeavours, oT Wits, aud devtue: May verily, St.Pao! will not Luffer fleth and clay to prefumeto fucb arrogancy, and therefore faith, All is of GOD whids Vath reconciled ustobimtel£ by IelusChzilt, For SDD wasin chalk oben be reconciled the orld unto himfelf, GOD the Father of all mercy, wrought this high benefit unto us, not by bisown perfor ; but bya mean.bynolelsa mean than bisonty beloved Son,tabom be fpae red not from anp paitt and travel that might Do us good. Foz upon Hine ‘be put ourfing, andupon bin bemade ourranfom, bim he made the mean betwirt us and bimfelE, tobofe mediation twas fo acceptable to SOO the Father, through pis abfolute and pertcit obedience, that be took bis at fo? a full fatistaition of all our difobedience and rebellion, ‘whofe righteoufnels be tok to tweigh againt our fins, tohofe redem= peat De would babe fand againtl our Damnation. In this point, what ate tor to mute within ourfeldes good Friends: J think nolefs than that whic) St. Paul {aid in the remembance of this wonderful geod= 297 SQ GOD. Andagain, St.Perer faith, Itis of SDDS ; per. 1. nelsof SDD, Thanks be to Amighty SOD, through Chzikt aetus out Rom. 90 0D; S pleafe SDD... For St. Paul confelleth it plainly Ephet 2. ee ee >= 298 Ephet. r. Matth.3+ Ephef. 1. John ts Ephel 4. Phal. go. Phil.tc3. 1 Cor. 14. 1 Cor. 2. The Third Parcofthe Sermon Loyd: for it is Ye for whofe Lake twereceived his high gift of grace. Foe as bp bint (bring the coeclatting tifbom) hetwzougbe all the Gosldand that ig contained therein : So by him onlyandwholp, would be babe all things teltozed againin Deaven andin Earth. Sy thisour beavenly gardiator therefoze Do We knot the favour and meccy of DD the Father ; by vim know we bis will and: pleafure towards us.for be is the baightnefs of bis Fathers alozy, anda vecp Clear image and patterit of Hs {ublance. Itis he whom the Father in Heaven Delighteth to ave ‘2 his tuelbelobed Son, tobom be autborised to be our Teacher, whore ‘Hedargedus to bear, faving, Brat bum. Ft is be bp pot, the £a- fhec of Deaven Doth blefs us with all Cpiritual and beaventy aifts, for fobole fake and favour Ctzitetb St. John) we have received grace and favour, Co this our Sabiour and Bediator, bath GDD the Father Given the power of Heaven and arth, and the whole jurifdicion and authority topiteibute bis goods andaiftsconimitted to him-fo2 fotwai- feth the Apollte, To every one of us isgrace given, according to the mealute of Clits giving. andtherenpon to ecutt Hi authority com= mitted, after that be bad brought Sin and the Devil to captivity to be tio moze hurtful to bis members, be afcended up to bis Father again, and from thence fent Liberal gifts to bis twelbeloved fervants, and bath Aill the power to the Tozlds end to Didribute his Fathers gifts conti- nuallpin bis Church, to the eflabliyment and comtfoat thereof. and by bim bath almighty SOO decreedto Dillotee the Clozld. to call alt Before him, to judg both the quick and the Dead,and finally bp dim thatl be conden the wicked to eternal fire in Hell, and give the good eternal life, and fet them alluredly in prefence with bim in Headen fo2 evet= moze. Thus pe fee howallis of bis Son Chritt our Logdand Saviout. Remember 4 fay once again ‘yout duty of thanks: let them be never to Want, Hill injoin pour felf to continue in thansigiving, pe can offer to SDD no better facrisice: sor be faith bimfelf, at is the facvifice of praife and thanks that tall bonour me. Cbich thing twas tell perceived of that boly Prophet David, ‘oben be fo ecarnetily fpake tobimfeif thus, D mp foul blefs thou the Lozd, and all that is within me blefs bis holy Dame, fay once again, D my foul blefs thou the Lord, and never foraet bis manifoldretwacds.OOD give tis grace (good Prople) to know thee things, andto feel them in our bearts. Chis nowledg and fecling isnot in our {elf, by our felE it is not joflibte to conte by it, @ gveat pity it torce that we Could lofe ‘fo profitable knotw- 1cdg. Let us therefore meekly cal upon that bountiful ene the poly Shoit, twbich pocecdeth from our Father of asercp, ard trom out gBe= Diatoz Chutt, that be would allitt us, and infpive us twith bis prelence, thatin im toe map be able to beat the goodnels of SOD declared unto usto ourfalvation. sForwithout bislively and fecret in{pitation, cart tue not once fo muchas fpeak the Mame ok our Bediator, as St. Paul plainly tellitieth ; S20 man can once name our Lord Telus ChaitLbut txt the Holy Sholt. ‘auch Lefs Chould we be able to believe and knot thefe Great mpfterics that be opened to us by Chil, S.Paul {aith,thatno mart Can know whatis of SDD, but the Spirit of for us (faith be) fue have ceccibed not the Cpicit of the world. but the fpicit twbichis of GOD, for this purpole: that in that boly Spirit wemigbt know the things that be given us by Chit. Che Mite man faith, that in the potver anid bertite of the oly Sbotl,vettethall witoor and all abilite io not

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