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Meetings and Forums - Barangay leaders arrange regular community meetings and
forums to discuss community problems, address issues, and convey essential
information. These gatherings give residents a chance to express themselves, submit
ideas, and actively engage in community decision-making processes.
Healthy Fitness Programs - Fitness courses are popular activities in urban
neighborhoods because they allow residents to keep active and live a healthy lifestyle.
These programs, which are available to people of all ages and fitness levels, are
frequently offered at community centers, parks, or barangay halls.
Clean-up Drives - Community clean-up drives are held on a regular basis to maintain
cleanliness and improve the environment. Residents work together to clean up rubbish
and beautify public spaces such as parks and plazas. These efforts foster a sense of
civic responsibility and inspire citizens to be proud of their community.
Medical Missions - Health-related activities are common in Manila communities, with
medical and dental missions taking place on a regular basis. These missions provide
communities with restricted access to healthcare facilities with free medical check-ups,
consultations, and basic healthcare services. They want to enhance community health
and well-being.
Sports Tournaments - Residents of Manila, particularly the youth, take part in sports
events organized by barangays or community organizations. Basketball, volleyball,
football, badminton, and other popular sports may be included in these competitions.
They encourage residents' physical health, teamwork, and pleasant competition.

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