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Data-Driven Approaches to Hospital Capacity Planning

and Management
Safiye Turgay1a*, Ömer Faruk Özçelik2b
Department of Industrial Engineering, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey

*Corresponding author

Keywords: Healthcare System; Data Driven; Capacity Planning; Data Management;


Abstract: Data-driven approaches to hospital capacity planning and management involve using
historical and real-time data to identify patterns and trends in patient demand, resource utilization,
and other key metrics. This information provides to develop predictive models to forecast patient
demand, optimize staffing levels, and improve patient outcomes. Electronic health record systems
and Internet of Things devices can also be used to monitor hospital operations in real-time and
identify areas of inefficiency. Hospital capacity planning and management are critical to ensuring
that healthcare facilities have enough resources to meet the needs of their patients. Data-driven
approaches can be helpful in addressing these challenges by providing insights into patient demand,
resource utilization, and other key metrics. This article discusses the various data-driven approaches
to hospital capacity planning and management and their potential benefits. It also highlights the
importance of having the right infrastructure and expertise effectively collect, analyse, and act on
this data.

1. Introduction

Hospital capacity planning and management are critical components of providing quality
healthcare. Hospitals must ensure they have enough resources, such as beds, staff, and equipment,
to meet the needs of their patients. However, achieving this can be a challenging task, as patient
demand can be unpredictable, and resources are often limited. Data-driven approaches provide
insights into patient demand, resource utilization, and other key metrics. Predictive analytics and
real-time data monitoring represents the forecast patient demand, identify bottlenecks, and optimize
staffing levels.
Hospitals face significant challenges in capacity planning and management, including predicting
patient demand, optimizing resource utilization, and improving patient outcomes. Traditional
approaches to these challenges often rely on intuition and experience rather than data-driven
insights, leading to suboptimal outcomes and higher costs. However, the increasing availability of
data and advances in analytics provide new opportunities for hospitals to address these challenges
through data-driven approaches.
This article discusses the use of data-driven approaches to address the challenges of hospital
capacity planning and management. Predictive analytics shows the forecast patient demand, while
real-time data shows to monitor operations and identify areas of inefficiency. These approaches can
help optimize staffing levels and improve patient outcomes. However, effective implementation
requires the right infrastructure and expertise to collect, analyse, and act on data. Overall, data-
driven approaches have the potential to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the quality of
care provided to patients.
This study organized into five sections. A literature review of the data driven based hospital
capacity management in section 2. Section 3 presents the models and Section 4 covers the

2. Literature Survey

The use of data-driven approaches for hospital capacity planning and management has been a
topic of increasing interest in the healthcare literature:
1- Predictive analytics can improve capacity planning: Predictive analytics is a powerful tool
for forecasting patient demand and optimizing resource utilization. Several studies have
shown that predictive models can help hospitals anticipate patient volumes and allocate
resources more effectively (Lee et al., 2019; Luo et al., 2020) [1, 2].
2- Data quality is essential for effective implementation: It provides effectively implement
data-driven approaches; hospitals need to ensure that they have high-quality data that is
accurate, complete, and up-to-date. Data quality was a critical factor in the success of a
hospital's capacity planning and management initiatives (Zeng et al. 2021; Fung et al 2008)
[3, 4].
3- Real-time data can enhance operational efficiency: Real-time data illustrates to monitor
patient flow, track resource utilization, and identify areas of inefficiency. By using this
information to make real-time adjustments, hospitals can improve operational efficiency and
reduce wait times (Almeida et al. 2019) [5].
4- Data-driven approaches can improve patient outcomes: Data-driven approaches define high
risk for adverse outcomes and intervene early to prevent complications [18].
5- Machine learning can improve patient outcomes: Machine-learning algorithms preferred to
identify patients while data-driven approaches offer many benefits, their successful
implementation requires the right infrastructure and expertise. Hospitals need to have the
necessary data collection and analysis tools, as well as staff with the skills to use them
effectively (Wu et al., 2020; Arora et al. 2019) [6, 7].
6- Interdisciplinary collaboration is important: Effective implementation of data-driven
approaches requires collaboration between different stakeholders, including healthcare
providers, IT professionals, and data analysts. Interdisciplinary collaboration was essential
for the successful implementation of a data-driven capacity planning initiative (Mitchell &
McClelland III, 2019) [8].
Several studies have explored the hospital capacity planning and management. These studies
have highlighted the benefits of using predictive analytics, real-time data, and other data-driven
approaches to improve resource utilization and patient outcomes (Fossets 2019; Fleischman et al.
2015; Elnahal et al.2019) [9, 10, 11]. One approach that has received significant attention is
predictive analytics that used predictive analytics to forecast daily patient volumes and bed demand
for a hospital in Taiwan. The authors found that their model accurately predicted patient volumes
and bed demand, enabling the hospital to better allocate resources and improve patient flow (Hu et
al. 2006) [12]. Other studies have focused on using data-driven approaches to improve patient
outcomes (Diaz et al.2017) [13]. For example, a study by Mohanty et al. (2021) indicated the
machine learning algorithms to identify patients at high risk for readmission and develop targeted
interventions to reduce readmissions [14]. For example, a study by Davis et al. (2022) referred the
machine learning algorithms to predict patient admission rates and lengths of stay in a hospital [15].
The authors found that these models were highly accurate and displayed to improve capacity
planning and resource allocation. Brailsford et al. (2017) focused on a simulation model to evaluate
different capacity planning strategies for using resources in hospital [16]. The authors found that
using predictive analytics to forecast patient demand and adjust staffing levels could improve
patient flow and reduce wait times. In addition, a study by Seetharam et al. (2020) explored the use
of machine learning algorithms to predict cardio patients [17]. Numerous studies have highlighted
the potential benefits of data-driven approaches to hospital capacity planning and management [18].
Habehh et al reviewed the machine learning algorithms in healthcare applications [19]. For
example, a study by Filippiadise et al. (2020) found that predictive analytics help hospitals
anticipate patient demand and optimize resource allocation [20]. Several studies have also explored
the use of Real-time data monitoring is another approach that has been explored in the literature.
For example, a study published in BMC Health Services Research found that using real-time data to
monitor hospital operations can help identify inefficiencies and improve resource utilization (Mao
et al., 2021) [21]. Another study used machine-learning algorithms to predict patient length of stay
and readmission risk (Sah et al. 2019) [22]. Lee et al. 2019 describes the use of data analytics and
process redesign to improve operating room efficiency at a hospital [23]. This study shows the use
of real-time data to monitor emergency department operations and identify areas of inefficiency.
Another study by Seung et al. (2018) used simulation modelling to optimize hospital capacity
planning [24]. The study demonstrated that data-driven approaches identify the optimal number of
beds and staff required to meet patient demand in emergency department. Numerous studies have
investigated the use of data-driven approaches for hospital capacity planning and management.
Some of the researchers studied on big data analysis in health care systems such as Kariku et al.
2017; Batko and Slezak, 2022; Ramesh and Santhi, 2020) [25, 26, 27]. Rismanchian et al. (2023)
used a data-driven approach to predict patient volumes for an emergency department, using
historical data and machine learning techniques [28]. The study found that the predictive model had
a high degree of accuracy and improved resource allocation. In a study by Michailidis et al. (2022),
machine learning used to predict the likelihood of patient readmissions [29]. The study found that
the predictive model had a high degree of accuracy and o identified patients who were at high risk
for readmission, enabling early intervention to prevent complications.
Overall, the literature suggests that data-driven approaches have the potential to improve hospital
capacity planning and management. However, the effectiveness of these approaches depends on the
availability and quality of data, as well as the ability of hospitals to effectively analyze and act on
this data.

3. Model and Method

There are several different models and methods used in data-driven approaches to hospital
capacity planning and management. Some common approaches include:
1. Predictive modelling: Predictive models use historical data on patient volumes, admission
rates, and other factors to identify patterns and trends. This information can be used to
forecast patient demand and allocate resources accordingly [30, 31, 32].
2. Machine learning algorithms: Machine-learning algorithms identifies patients who are at
high risk for adverse outcomes, such as hospital readmission or complications. This
information intervenes early and prevent these outcomes, ultimately improving patient
outcomes and reducing costs [30].
3. Simulation modelling: Simulation models tests different scenarios and identify potential
outcomes before making changes in the real world. For example, simulation modelling tests
different staffing levels or resource allocations to identify the most efficient and effective
approach (Mckay & Degenholtz) [33].

Overall, these models and methods provides in combination to develop comprehensive data-
driven approaches to hospital capacity planning and management. By leveraging advanced analytics
and real-time data, hospitals can optimize resource utilization, improve patient outcomes, and
reduce costs. In Figure 1, the system parameters of the Healthcare Service System presented in the
form of input, output and activities.

Fig. 1. Health Care Service System’s Capacity Management Parameters

3.1. Predictive Models

In this section covers the Data Driven Predictive Modelling Healthcare, Data Driven Machine
Learning Healthcare and Data Driven Simulation Modelling Healthcare.

3.1.1. Data Driven Predictive Modelling Healthcare

Data-driven predictive modelling is a powerful tool in healthcare that can help predict patient
outcomes and identify risk factors. Predictive modelling uses machine-learning algorithms to
analyse large datasets and identify patterns that uses to make predictions about future events or
outcomes (in Fig.2).
In healthcare, predictive modelling represents in a variety of ways, such as:
1. Identifying patients at risk of developing a particular disease: By analysing patient data such
as age, medical history, and lifestyle factors, predictive modelling algorithms can identify
patients who are at a higher risk of developing a particular disease. This takes proactive
measures to prevent the disease or detect it early.
2. Predicting the effectiveness of a particular treatment: It predicts the effectiveness of a
particular treatment for a patient based on their unique characteristics and medical history.
This develops personalized treatment plans that are more likely to be effective.
3. Forecasting patient outcomes: Predictive modelling forecasts patient outcomes based on a
wide range of factors, such as medical history, test results, and treatment plans. It provides
make more informed decisions about treatment and care.
4. Resource allocation: Predictive modelling shows to allocate healthcare resources more
efficiently. For example, predictive modelling choices to predict patient demand for specific
services, such as hospital beds or medical equipment, allowing providers to allocate
resources more effectively.
Overall, data-driven predictive modelling is a powerful tool in healthcare for more informed
decisions about patient care, identify patients at risk of developing certain conditions, and develop
personalized treatment plans that are more likely to be effective.

Fig. 2. Data Driven Predictive Modelling in Healthcare

3.1.2. Data Driven Machine Learning Healthcare

Data-driven machine learning is transforming healthcare by enabling the analysis of vast
amounts of patient data to improve diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes. Machine learning
algorithms can help identify patterns in data that may not be immediately apparent to human
analysts, leading to more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatments.
One of the key benefits of data-driven machine learning in healthcare is the ability to leverage
electronic health records (EHRs) to analyse patient data. EHRs contain a wealth of information,
including patient demographics, medical history, test results, and treatment plans. Machine learning
algorithms train on this data to identify patterns that can predict patient outcomes, identify risk
factors, and inform treatment decisions.
Some specific applications of data-driven machine learning in healthcare include:
1. Predictive modelling: Machine-learning algorithms predicts patient outcomes based on a
wide range of factors, including demographic information, medical history, and treatment
plans. For example, predictive models can help identify patients who are at risk of
developing certain diseases or who may be more likely to experience adverse outcomes
from a particular treatment.
2. Disease diagnosis: Machine-learning algorithms analyses patient data to identify patterns
that may indicate the presence of a particular disease or condition. For example, machine-
learning algorithms can analyse medical images to help diagnose cancer or other diseases.
3. Personalized treatment: Machine-learning algorithms develop personalized treatment plans
based on a patient's unique characteristics and medical history. For example, machine-
learning algorithms analyse genetic data to identify which medications may be most
effective for a particular patient.
Furthermore, data-driven machine learning is revolutionizing healthcare by enabling more
diagnoses that are accurate, personalized treatment plans, and improved patient outcomes (in

Fig.3 Healthcare Machine Learning Model

3.1.3. Data Driven Simulation Modelling Healthcare

Data-driven simulation modelling in healthcare is a process of using computer-based simulations
to model and analyse healthcare systems and processes. It involves using mathematical models and
algorithms to simulate various scenarios and predict their outcomes, based on data collected from
different sources, such as electronic health records (EHRs), medical devices, and other healthcare
applications (in Fig.4).
Simulation modelling commonly adopted in healthcare in several ways, such as:
1. Testing new healthcare systems and technologies: Simulation modelling provides to test new
healthcare systems and technologies before they implements in real-world scenarios. This allows
healthcare providers to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of new systems and technologies,
identify potential issues, and make necessary adjustments.
2. Process optimization: Simulation modelling optimizes healthcare processes, such as patient
flow through hospitals, by modelling various scenarios and identifying bottlenecks and
inefficiencies. This helps healthcare providers improve patient care, reduce waiting times, and
increase patient satisfaction.
3. Capacity planning: Simulation modelling can help healthcare providers plan for future
capacity needs by predicting patient demand for services and resources, such as hospital beds, staff,
and equipment. This enables providers to allocate resources effectively, reduce waste, and improve
patient outcomes.
4. Disaster planning: Simulation modelling uses to plan for and respond to disasters, such as
natural disasters or disease outbreaks. By modelling different scenarios and predicting their
outcomes, healthcare providers can develop effective response plans and improve disaster
In addition, data-driven simulation modelling is a powerful tool that can help healthcare
providers optimize healthcare processes, evaluate the effectiveness and safety of new healthcare
systems and technologies, plan for future capacity needs, and respond to disasters. By using
simulations to model various scenarios and predict their outcomes, healthcare providers use
decisions that are more informed, improve patient care, and deliver better outcomes for patients.

Fig.4 Healthcare Simulation Model

4. Conclusion

The use of data-driven approaches to hospital capacity planning and management has shown
promising results in improving operational efficiency and patient outcomes. Some specific
examples of results include:
 Improved patient flow: Real-time data analytics can enable hospitals to monitor patient flow
in real-time and identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
 Optimal resource utilization: Predictive modelling and simulation modelling can help
hospitals optimize resource utilization by identifying the most efficient staffing levels,
resource allocations, and patient flow processes.
 Reduced hospital readmissions: Machine learning algorithms shows by intervening early and
providing targeted care, hospitals can reduce the likelihood of readmission and improve
patient outcomes.
 Improved staff productivity: By identifying inefficiencies and areas for improvement, data-
driven approaches can help improve staff productivity and reduce burnout.
 Reduced costs: By optimizing resource utilization and improving patient outcomes, data-
driven approaches can help hospitals reduce costs associated with inefficient processes and
poor patient outcomes.
Moreover, the results of data-driven approaches to hospital capacity planning and management
have been promising, with many hospitals reporting improved operational efficiency, reduced costs,
and improved patient outcomes.
In conclusion, data-driven approaches to hospital capacity planning and management have the
potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry. By leveraging advanced analytics, real-time data,
and machine learning algorithms, hospitals can optimize resource utilization, improve patient
outcomes, reduce costs, and enhance overall efficiency. The use of predictive modelling, real-time
data analytics, machine learning algorithms, and simulation modelling can all play a role in
developing comprehensive data-driven approaches. While there are some challenges associated
with implementing these approaches, such as the need for robust data infrastructure and skilled
analytics professionals, the benefits are significant. Hospitals that adopt data-driven approaches to
capacity planning and management better positioned to meet the demands of an increasingly
complex healthcare landscape. As healthcare continues to evolve, it is likely that data-driven
approaches will become increasingly important. By embracing these approaches, hospitals can
improve patient care and outcomes, reduce costs, and enhance the overall patient experience.

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