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public NbtKey(String key, Type<T> type) {

this.key = key;
this.type = type;

* @deprecated Use {@link NbtCarrier#get(NbtKey)} instead
public T get(@NotNull NbtCompound nbt) {
return this.type.getter.apply(nbt, this.key);

* @deprecated Use {@link NbtCarrier#put(NbtKey, T)} instead
public void put(@NotNull NbtCompound nbt, T value) {
this.type.setter.accept(nbt, this.key, value);

* @deprecated Use {@link NbtCarrier#delete(NbtKey)} instead
public void delete(@NotNull NbtCompound nbt) {

* @deprecated Use {@link NbtCarrier#has(NbtKey)} instead
public boolean isIn(@NotNull NbtCompound nbt) {
return nbt.contains(this.key, this.type.nbtEquivalent);

* A {@link NbtKey} used for serializing a {@link NbtList} of
* the given type
* @param <T> The type of elements in the list
public static final class ListKey<T> extends NbtKey<NbtList> {

private final Type<T> elementType;

public ListKey(String key, Type<T> elementType) {

super(key, null);
this.elementType = elementType;

public NbtList get(@NotNull NbtCompound nbt) {
return nbt.getList(this.key, this.elementType.nbtEquivalent);

public void put(@NotNull NbtCompound nbt, NbtList value) {
nbt.put(this.key, value);

public boolean isIn(@NotNull NbtCompound nbt) {
return nbt.contains(this.key, NbtElement.LIST_TYPE);

* A container type holding serialization functions,
* used for creating {@link NbtKey} instances
public static final class Type<T> {
public static final Type<Byte> BYTE = new Type<>(NbtElement.BYTE_TYPE,
NbtCompound::getByte, NbtCompound::putByte);
public static final Type<Short> SHORT = new Type<>(NbtElement.SHORT_TYPE,
NbtCompound::getShort, NbtCompound::putShort);
public static final Type<Integer> INT = new Type<>(NbtElement.INT_TYPE,
NbtCompound::getInt, NbtCompound::putInt);
public static final Type<Long> LONG = new Type<>(NbtElement.LONG_TYPE,
NbtCompound::getLong, NbtCompound::putLong);
public static final Type<Float> FLOAT = new Type<>(NbtElement.FLOAT_TYPE,
NbtCompound::getFloat, NbtCompound::putFloat);
public static final Type<Double> DOUBLE = new
Type<>(NbtElement.DOUBLE_TYPE, NbtCompound::getDouble, NbtCompound::putDouble);
public static final Type<byte[]> BYTE_ARRAY = new
Type<>(NbtElement.BYTE_ARRAY_TYPE, NbtCompound::getByteArray,
public static final Type<String> STRING = new
Type<>(NbtElement.STRING_TYPE, NbtCompound::getString, NbtCompound::putString);
public static final Type<NbtCompound> COMPOUND = new
Type<>(NbtElement.COMPOUND_TYPE, NbtCompound::getCompound, NbtCompound::put);
public static final Type<int[]> INT_ARRAY = new
Type<>(NbtElement.INT_ARRAY_TYPE, NbtCompound::getIntArray,
public static final Type<long[]> LONG_ARRAY = new
Type<>(NbtElement.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE, NbtCompound::getLongArray,
public static final Type<ItemStack> ITEM_STACK = new
Type<>(NbtElement.COMPOUND_TYPE, Type::readItemStack, Type::writeItemStack);
public static final Type<Identifier> IDENTIFIER = new
Type<>(NbtElement.STRING_TYPE, Type::readIdentifier, Type::writeIdentifier);
public static final Type<Boolean> BOOLEAN = new
Type<>(NbtElement.BYTE_TYPE, NbtCompound::getBoolean, NbtCompound::putBoolean);

private final byte nbtEquivalent;

private final BiFunction<NbtCompound, String, T> getter;
private final TriConsumer<NbtCompound, String, T> setter;

private Type(byte nbtEquivalent, BiFunction<NbtCompound, String, T> getter,

TriConsumer<NbtCompound, String, T> setter) {
this.nbtEquivalent = nbtEquivalent;
this.getter = getter;
this.setter = setter;

* Creates a new type that applies the given functions on top of
* this type. This allows easily composing types by abstracting away
* the underlying NBT compound
* @param getter The getter function to convert from this type's value type
to the new one
* @param setter The setter function to convert from the new value type to
this type's one
* @param <R> The value type of the created type
* @return The new key
public <R> Type<R> then(Function<T, R> getter, Function<R, T> setter) {
return new Type<>(this.nbtEquivalent,
(compound, s) -> getter.apply(this.getter.apply(compound, s)),
(compound, s, r) -> this.setter.accept(compound, s,

* Creates a new {@link Type} that supports reading and writing data of
type {@code T}
* into {@link NbtCompound} instances. Use this if you want to store data
that is
* not supported by the default provided types
* @param nbtType The type of NBT element that is used to represent the
* see {@link NbtElement} for the relevant constants
* @param getter The function used for writing objects to an {@code
* @param setter The function used for reading objects from an {@code
* @param <T> The type of data the created key can serialize
* @return The created Type instance
public static <T> Type<T> of(byte nbtType, BiFunction<NbtCompound, String,
T> getter, TriConsumer<NbtCompound, String, T> setter) {
return new Type<>(nbtType, getter, setter);

* Creates a new type that serializes registry entries of the given
* registry using their ID in string form
* @param registry The registry of which to serialize entries
* @param <T> The type of registry entry to serialize
* @return The created type
public static <T> Type<T> ofRegistry(Registry<T> registry) {
return new Type<>(NbtElement.STRING_TYPE,
(compound, s) -> registry.get(new
(compound, s, t) -> compound.putString(s,

private static void writeItemStack(NbtCompound nbt, String key, ItemStack

stack) {
nbt.put(key, stack.writeNbt(new NbtCompound()));
private static ItemStack readItemStack(NbtCompound nbt, String key) {
return nbt.contains(key, NbtElement.COMPOUND_TYPE) ?
ItemStack.fromNbt(nbt.getCompound(key)) : ItemStack.EMPTY;

private static void writeIdentifier(NbtCompound nbt, String key, Identifier

identifier) {
nbt.putString(key, identifier.toString());

private static Identifier readIdentifier(NbtCompound nbt, String key) {

return nbt.contains(key, NbtElement.STRING_TYPE) ? new
Identifier(nbt.getString(key)) : null;

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