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Land scape yard

Motaz alghashm
Dr:mohammed faye
Components of the home garden

First: The construction group:

· Roads and corridors: - Roads and corridors

Roads are the corridors that connect the garden and connect the parts of the garden to
each other, and they are one of the basic requirements that are not without a garden,
no matter how small in size, and the origin in the construction of the road is as straight
and direct as possible so that it can be easily reached at the shortest distance to the
intended road, but there are many
• Fountains:

• It is used to humidify the

atmosphere, coordinate and
beautify gardens and vary greatly
in terms of the shape and intensity
of the water rush, the number of
exit holes and the angles of exit,
and thus the shape and height of
the impulsive water. Accordingly,
the fountains are vertical, axial,
conical, or pyramidal and may be
simple or multiple.
• The workshops:

• The throne forms an important center in

the garden and a complete modi cation in
the design of the garden may be built on it
to be a meeting place for its corridors and
a center for lighting. The throne is also in a
supervising location on the most important
parts of the park and its facilities. The
workshops are either round or square,
hexagonal, symmetrical, etc., or are
asymmetrical natural, depending on the
design of the garden itself, and the
workshops seem especially important in
Kuwait due to the high temperature and
dif culty of sitting in the garden under
direct sunlight.
• · Lighting: ________________

• Lighting the garden with arti cial lights prolongs

the period of enjoyment, and the lighting is
either xed as the entrance to the garden and
places of sitting in it or is not xed by placing
lights ornamental ropes on trees, shrubs and their
ower basins on occasions.
• It is also preferable to hide the source of lighting
as much as possible from the eye, so the lamps
are placed between the branches of trees or
behind the shrubs and rocks, and the power of
the lamp should not exceed 150 watts. If there is
a lot of that, several lamps must be placed
instead of one lamp. Lamps are also used in
aquariums and ponds to light swimming pools,
fountains, ponds or arti cial lakes. In this case,
the electricity network must be specially
designed to prevent water leakage to it.

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