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Hi! This is Hana Coleen R. Tuyay a BSM 4-A student and a registered midwife.

In my almost 4 years in Midwifery course I experienced a lot of things: handling

delivery cases, working in the lying in, rendering services to the community, having
an exposure in the OR area. And I can say that I am happy with those experiences,
not until I was assigned as a Junior Clinical Instructor of BSM 2 at BMC –DR.
Honestly, it never crossed in my mind to become a teacher nor even dreamed for it.
But in this opportunity that was given to me to become a Junior clinical instructor it
gives me an experience that I will never forget. Being called “Ma’am Hana “of my
students gives me butterfly feeling in my stomach. I never thought that I will be part
of their midwifery journey. As their JCI I am beyond grateful as I was given the
opportunity to share with them my skills and knowledge. Even though it would only
last for two weeks, still I am happy that I am their Junior Clinical Instructor.

In my two weeks of being a Junior Clinical Instructor I learned and

realized that even if we are just starting to build our own name, there would be a
room for us to help the other people with the ability and knowledge that we
have. They are just starting to hone their skills too so we are here to be their guiding
system, let us give them the confidence that they need in order to help them conquer
their fears and hesitations. Because somehow they will be thankful to us, because
we’ve been part of their journey as they reached their professional titles.

I hope that my students from BSM 2A has learned a lot form me……



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