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Miles 1st Speaker

To open this debate, I would like to say that I will stand by every statement that is
about to be said in this court, with that said i would just like to mention to everyone
that, to some, marriage may be a trivial matter, to some it is the pursuit of happiness
and something to aspire to. Telling someone "you cannot get married" is seen as a
direct interference with their personal life however to counteract that, and i would
like to define the concept of marriage. Marriage is plural in both content and
meaning, Indeed that society has shown constant adaptivity in our current era
compared to the past, but this current society has many controversial topics in our
modern world and understanding, one of the most controversial is same-sex
marriage & relationship specifically, therefor we are required to be cautious of how
we act towards that issue and/or controversy, with many pending controversies that
are just waiting to be discussed, society is not just ready to accept same-sex
marriage, no matter how many laws are made to legalize same-sex marriage, it still
won't change overnight, society hasn't yet ripen enough for it to accept such a
controversy, maybe in time people will start to accept it, but while we are not there
yet, we shouldn't be debating about such a matter

i would like to mention some quotes, which shows my best arguments than i ever
'change the way you look at things and not the things you look at change' - Wayne

and 'not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until
it is faced.'
-James Baldwin

furthermore, I believe that we have a long way to go as a society before we consider

deciding one of the greatest legislative changes of the 21st century. Right now we
may not need to even debate about such a topic.

Keziah 2nd speaker

To solidify our first speakers statement, I would like to define, again, the term of
marriage. Marriage, a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man
and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that
prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring.
It was created for 3 primary purposes: companionship, procreation, and redemption.

Same sex marriage can be term of insult especially in a Filipino culture and Christian
beliefs. Same sex marriage are not really talking about love in addition to that its also
about pride, passion, and having the validation because of their success in union. The
same sex couple in the Philippines want to have that validation because of their
American counterpart. But in this case, given that Philippines is a religious country,
we are not ready to be liberated and accept the same sex marriages.
In addition, marriage are meant to be done by a male and female couple to create a
family, and how could a gay couple create a family when they had both genders?
When gay couples continue to grow more it will possibly decrease our population. I
know you will say adoption is possible, yes it is possible but it's risky due to the fact
that bullying is a factor highly popular in today's era. Many children can be
abandoned for these events already happened in other countries. (Article 276) of the
Philippines constitution or neglecting a child and has a penalty of 10,000 pesos to

I rest my claim and our 3rd speaker will further the reason of our stand.

Third Speaker

Due to the culture and religious status of our country same sex marriage may not be
accepted or welcomed by the majority of the citizens. It may be inadequate to
suddenly imposed it to the people especially to the older traditional Filipino

 More than 86% of the population is Roman Catholic

 6 % belong to various nationalized Christian cults.
 2 % belong to well over 100 Protestant denominations.

In addition to the Christian majority, there is a vigorous 4 percent Muslim minority,

concentrated on the southern islands of Mindanao, Sulu, and Palawan. Scattered in
isolated mountainous regions, the remaining 2% follow non-Western, indigenous
beliefs and practices.

It is difficult to judge and assess the right time to make a change, and I do not believe
one must wait until the last moment to do so, but I do not believe we have reached
that hypothetical breaking point with the issue at hand, hence the court's rather
neutral position, advanced the theory that a relationship between two same-sex
"partners" is a type of "family relationship" that is protected under Article 8 of the

This theory simply demonstrates that the Court was unwilling to take a more
decisive path, which in this case would have elevated same-sex marriage to the same
legal status as traditional marriage.
 Given the apparent laissez-faire social attitude that most developed countries
have adopted, why wouldn't they go all the way with the ruling?

The answer to these questions coincidentally leads to my next point: we as a society

are not yet ready. Such a decision would be far too advanced for our current level of
comprehension and tolerance. Before being passed, every law should pass the
following common-sense test: is its intended audience prepared for its
consequences, and does the law reflect and incorporate the mentality of its intended
audience? Making same-sex marriage a human right, in my opinion, would fail this
test. The reason is simple: we require more time.
Another major issue with same-sex marriage is how it will affect children, because
legalizing it sends a message to children that it is normal or appropriate to be in a
homosexual relationship. It also sends them into a state of deep confusion about
how reproduction works. Especially because children in general are extremely
curious about everything considering the fact that they will also adopt its ethics and
morals from the household in which they lived in until they reach adulthood.

And it also states in the EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 209 - THE FAMILY CODE OF

Article 1. Marriage is a special contract of permanent union between a

man and a woman. And it also state that It is the foundation of the family.



In Art. 68.- The husband and wife are obliged to live together, observe
mutual love, respect and fidelity, and render mutual help and support.

Because if Art. 68 is properly pursued in a household, the child or children of

that family will grow to be a responsible and open adult.

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