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Ellie Kirker

Mrs. Stiffler
Drawing 1 2nd Hour

Still Life

For drawing 1, Mrs. Stiffler had us draw a still life. In this drawing, we had 5 different
objects, like a spray bottle, a Christmas bulb, a small jar, and two vases. The first thing we did
was place the tick marks, which were a rough estimate of how tall everything was. Next, we
cited the objects, and adjusted the tick marks accordingly. Then we blocked out the basic shapes
of the objects. Finally, I started the shading and proper shapes of the drawing. I made sure to add
highlights where they were needed. After completing the objects, we finished the drawing by
adding a horizon line and shading the background.
A strength that I thought I had was my citing. I think that I did a good job in making sure
my objects were proportional. Another strength of mine was my hierarchy. I did a great job of
making sure that objects closer to me appeared bigger and closer on the page. My weakness was
shading. I struggled to make sure that the objects were blended smoothly and neatly. I really
enjoyed doing this project because I have never drawn a still life before, especially while the
objects were right in front of me. I enjoyed learning how to cite objects. It was a very fun
drawing to do/

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